95 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penyebarluasan Informasi Badan Pengelola (Bapel) Jamkesda terhadap Keluarga Miskin di Kabupaten Sinjai

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    This study aimed to determine (1) the effect of information dissemination Regional Health Insurance Management Board to poor families in Sinjai., (2) the relationship between the use of communication media and the message content Jamkesda program in influencing the behavior of poor families in the district Sinjai. The research was conducted in Sinjai, by taking the focus of research in the sub Sinjai Middle East and Sub Sinjai using quantitative methods with a sample of 98 respondents Poor Families. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and regression analysis. The results showed that the effect of the dissemination of information to the Management Board Jamkesda poor knowledge level change through the use of the radio medium is found to be 38.7%. 27.6% change in attitude and behavior change of 29.6%. Meanwhile, through the Media Communication Group known effect on changes in knowledge level of 32.5%, Change of 36.7% on the attitude and behavior change of 39.8%. On the Use of Interpersonal Communication media influence on changing poor knowledge of 28.7%, 35.7% Changes in attitude and behavior change of 30.6%. While the contents of the message influence the terms of participation in the knowledge level of 28.7%, on attitudes and behavior of 25.5% at 27.6%. Message service packs affect the knowledge by 32.6%, amounting to 34.7% in the attitudes and behaviors of 37.8%. Messages on the service system affects the level of knowledge of 22.4%, 24.5% Change of attitudes and behaviors by 23.4%. In the message referral system affects the level of knowledge was 16.3%, 15.3% attitude and behavior of 11.2%. While it is known that there is relationship communication media USAge and message content in affecting change in the level of knowledge, attitudes and behavior of poor households of 61.9%. This suggests that the effect of the dissemination of information to the Management Board Jamkesda poor families is very significant, so that the level of knowledge, attitudes and behavior of poor families to the program to take advantage of the higher Jamkesda Jamkesda program as an investment for the health of the family

    Upaya Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Seni Tari Jepin Lembut Melalui Metode Kooperatif Jigsaw Di SMP

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    The background of this research is the lack of the student's interest in learning art dance, it can be seen from the first observation through the questionnaire about hobby, only 15 students who like to dance. On the other hand, based on the writers's observation during teaching process, most students did not enthusiastically take part. The purpose of this research is to increase the students' learning interest on dance art Jepin Lembut through jigsaw cooperative method on the first year student of SMPN 1 Paloh. Base on the result in cycle I and II, the writer concluded that the learning process through jigsaw cooperative method could increase the students' interest on dance art Jepin Lembut at class 7 of SMPN 1 Paloh
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