205 research outputs found

    Empirical research on ethics: the influence of social roles on decisions and on their ethical justification

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    "Two questionnaire studies try to answer the question if different social roles lead to different decisions and justifications concerning ethical problems. In study I participants were asked to decide either on an economic or a medical problem while going into a related social role, in study II role expectations were asked for. The decision had to be justified by weighing the importance of four classical ethical positions: hedonism, intuitionism, utilitarianism, and deontology. The results show that decisions and their justifications are dependent on social roles and partly on the context. The effect which is interpreted as stemming from social standardization is greater for role behavior. The differences between role behavior and expectation indicate a misunderstanding crucial for group decisions." (author's abstract

    Quantitative Rekonstruktionen (Retrognosen) als Instrument der Theorienbildung in der Sozialpsychologie

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    "In der Sozialpsychologie werden immer neue Effekte berichtet, ohne dass sie in übergreifende Theoriekonzepte eingebettet werden. Dieses Verhalten führt letztlich zu Theorienarmut. Hier soll nun eine Methode, die quantitative Rekonstruktion, vorgestellt werden, mit deren Hilfe Dateninformationen besser ausgeschöpft und so vergleichbare Effekte in einen theoretischen Zusammenhang gestellt werden können. Theorie und Durchführung der quantitativen Rekonstruktion werden am Beispiel der kognitiven Dissonanztheorie gezeigt. Dabei wird ein Informationsintegrationsmodell entworfen und gezeigt, dass die Dissonanztheorie durch die Ergebnisse der quantitativen Rekonstruktion ganz neu bewertet werden kann."[Autorenreferat]"In social psychology, more and more effects are reported without embedding these effects into a widespread theoretical concept. In the end, this behavior leads to a poverty of theories. In this article a new method is introduced, quantitative reconstruction. With its help, data information can be utilized to the full potential and by doing so comparable effects could be connected to one theoretical context. Theory and realisation of quantitative reconstruction are demonstrated by the example of the theory of dissonance. A model of information integration is constructed and it is shown that the theory of dissonance can be reinterpreted because of the results of quantitative reconstruction."[author´s abstract

    Zur simulierten Rechtfertigung wirtschaftlicher und medizinischer Entscheidungen in Ethikkommissionen: eine empirische Analyse des Einflusses verschiedener Rollen

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    "Die Studie versucht die Frage zu beantworten, ob verschiedene soziale Rollen zu unterschiedlichen Entscheidungen und Rechtfertigungen bezüglich ethischer Probleme führen. Versuchspersonen (N = 682) wurden gebeten, entweder zu einem wirtschaftlichen (Soll die Produktion ins Ausland verlegt und dadurch Arbeitsplätze gestrichen werden?) oder zu einem medizinischen Problem (Sollen Gene manipuliert werden, um den Ausbruch von Erbkrankheiten zu verhindern?) eine Entscheidung zu treffen, wobei sie sich in eine beziehungsreiche soziale Rolle hineinversetzen sollten (z.B. Externer Berater, Forscher, Politiker). Danach sollte die getroffene Entscheidung anhand einer Wichtigkeitseinschätzung von vier klassischen, ethischen Positionen gerechtfertigt werden: Hedonismus, Intuitionismus, Utilitarismus und Deontologie. Es hat sich herausgestellt, dass die Wichtigkeitseinschätzungen der ethischen Grundpositionen mit dem Kontext (Medizin, Wirtschaft) kaum variieren. Vor allem wird der Utilitarismus, dann die Deontologie zur Rechtfertigung herangezogen. Rollenunterschiede sind vorwiegend in der Medizin beim Intuitionismus und in der Wirtschaft beim Hedonismus zu beobachten. Die generelle Abhängigkeit der Wichtigkeitseinschätzung von der Rolle ist bei geringeren Effekten trotzdem bedeutsam, d.h. es gibt eine signifikante Wechselwirkung zwischen Ethik und Rolle. Bei der individuellen Rechtfertigung der Entscheidungen nehmen im Bereich der Wirtschaft die drei ethischen Grundpositionen Intuitionismus, Utilitarismus und Deontologie einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die individuelle Variation der Entscheidung. In der Medizin sind es vor allem Hedonismus und Deontologie. Abhängig von der Rolle können interindividuelle Varianzen die Entscheidungen vorhersagen, allerdings nur bei weniger normierten Rollenbedingungen. Der Einbezug der Rolle ist hilfreich, wenn die Unterschiede in den Rechtfertigungen beachtet werden. Andersherum bedeutet dies, dass darüber nachgedacht werden muss, wie Diskussionen angeleitet werden können, will man den Einfluss sozialer Normierung gering halten und stattdessen ergebnisoffen und ethisch ausgewogen diskutieren."[Autorenreferat

    Magnetization dynamics in optically excited nanostructured nickel films

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    In this work, Laser-induced magnetization dynamics of nanostructured nickel films is investigated. The influence of the nanosize is discussed considering the time-scale of hundreds of femtoseconds as well as the GHz regime. While no nanosize effect is observed on the short time-scale, the excited magnetic mode in the GHz regime can be identified by comparison with micromagnetic simulations. The thickness dependence reveals insight on the dipole interaction between single nickel structures. Also, transient reflectivity changes are discussed

    Vergleich von Lisinopril und Captopril zur Behandlung der schweren Herzinsuffizienz (NYHA III-IV) bei Hochrisikopatienten. Vorläufige Studienergebnisse (=Comparison of lisinopril and captopril in treatment of severe heart failure (NYHA III-IV) in high risk patients. Preliminary results of the trial)

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    We present preliminary data of a study comparing captopril, a short acting, with lisinopril, a long acting ACE-inhibitor in 8 of 12 projected patients with severe chronic heart failure (NYHA III-IV) and one additional risk factor (e.g. diabetes mellitus, renal failure). The 8 patients were treated in a cross over design for 12 weeks with either drug. While lisinopril improved NYHA-class in all patients, captopril reached this goal in only 3. Renal function was stable in all patients. Captopril influenced hormones (renin, aldosterone, norepinephrine, epinephrine) and microalbuminuria less than lisinopril. The number of adverse reactions was smaller in lisinopril treated patients. These preliminary data demonstrate at least an equal efficacy of lisinopril compared to captopril in high risk patients with severe chronic heart failure

    WldS Reduces Paraquat-Induced Cytotoxicity via SIRT1 in Non-Neuronal Cells by Attenuating the Depletion of NAD

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    WldS is a fusion protein with NAD synthesis activity, and has been reported to protect axonal and synaptic compartments of neurons from various mechanical, genetic and chemical insults. However, whether WldS can protect non-neuronal cells against toxic chemicals is largely unknown. Here we found that WldS significantly reduced the cytotoxicity of bipyridylium herbicides paraquat and diquat in mouse embryonic fibroblasts, but had no effect on the cytotoxicity induced by chromium (VI), hydrogen peroxide, etoposide, tunicamycin or brefeldin A. WldS also slowed down the death of mice induced by intraperitoneal injection of paraquat. Further studies demonstrated that WldS markedly attenuated mitochondrial injury including disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential, structural damage and decline of ATP induced by paraquat. Disruption of the NAD synthesis activity of WldS by an H112A or F116S point mutation resulted in loss of its protective function against paraquat-induced cell death. Furthermore, WldS delayed the decrease of intracellular NAD levels induced by paraquat. Similarly, treatment with NAD or its precursor nicotinamide mononucleotide attenuated paraquat-induced cytotoxicity and decline of ATP and NAD levels. In addition, we showed that SIRT1 was required for both exogenous NAD and WldS-mediated cellular protection against paraquat. These findings suggest that NAD and SIRT1 mediate the protective function of WldS against the cytotoxicity induced by paraquat, which provides new clues for the mechanisms underlying the protective function of WldS in both neuronal and non-neuronal cells, and implies that attenuation of NAD depletion may be effective to alleviate paraquat poisoning

    Effect of Activated Carbon Amendment on Bacterial Community Structure and Functions in a PAH Impacted Urban Soil

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    ABSTRACT: We collected urban soil samples impacted by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from a sorbent-based remediation field trial to address concerns about unwanted side-effects of 2 % powdered (PAC) or granular (GAC) activated carbon amendment on soil microbiology and pollutant biodegradation. After three years, total microbial cell counts and respiration rates were highest in the GAC amended soil. The predominant bacterial community structure derived from denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) shifted more strongly with time than in response to AC amendment. DGGE band sequencing revealed the presence of taxa with closest affiliations either to known PAH degraders, e.g. Rhodococcus jostii RHA-1, or taxa known to harbor PAH degraders, e.g. Rhodococcus erythropolis, in all soils. Quantification by real-time polymerase chain reaction yielded similar dioxygenases gene copy numbers in unamended, PAC-, or GACamended soil. PAH availability assessments in batch tests showed th