8 research outputs found

    Oxygen-related defects in low phosphorous content GaAs1-yPy grown by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy

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    Effect of loach consumption on the reproduction of giant water bug Kirkaldyia deyrolli: dietary selection, reproductive performance, and nutritional evaluation

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    Rice fields provide major habitats for lentic aquatic insects including the giant water bug Kirkaldyia (=Lethocerus) deyrolli (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae) in Japan. Previous researchers have emphasized that conserving populations of the frogs, Hyla japonicus and Rana nigromaculata, is very important for preserving K. deyrolli because these frogs were found to be a major component of the diet of K. deyrolli adults. However, these previous studies were carried out in rice fields with no loaches, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, which were probably been inhabited by loaches in the past. A series of field surveys and laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the dietary preference of K. deyrolli adults for loaches, frogs, and aquatic insects; the reproductive effects of consuming these foods; and their protein content. In the rice fields, K. deyrolli adults ate loaches when they were available. When the three prey species (frog: R. nigromaculata, loach: M. anguillicaudatus, and dragonfly: Orthetrum albistylum speciosum) were supplied in laboratory conditions, K. deyrolli adults ate more loaches than frogs or dragonflies. In addition, K. deyrolli adults provided with loaches or frogs laid more egg masses within the limited breeding season than when provided with dragonflies. The edible parts of the loach bodies were the largest of the three prey types. It is possible that K. deyrolli adults have been forced to eat frogs due to reductions in the population density of loaches because modern rice cultivation obstructs loach migration routes and reduces their spawning grounds