3,274 research outputs found

    Full two-electron calculations of antiproton collisions with molecular hydrogen

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    Total cross sections for single ionization and excitation of molecular hydrogen by antiproton impact are presented over a wide range of impact energy from 1 keV to 6.5 MeV. A nonpertubative time-dependent close-coupling method is applied to fully treat the correlated dynamics of the electrons. Good agreement is obtained between the present calculations and experimental measurements of single-ionization cross sections at high energies, whereas some discrepancies with the experiment are found around the maximum. The importance of the molecular geometry and a full two-electron description is demonstrated. The present findings provide benchmark results which might be useful for the development of molecular models.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Technologies for 3D Heterogeneous Integration

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    3D-Integration is a promising technology towards higher interconnect densities and shorter wiring lengths between multiple chip stacks, thus achieving a very high performance level combined with low power consumption. This technology also offers the possibility to build up systems with high complexity just by combining devices of different technologies. For ultra thin silicon is the base of this integration technology, the fundamental processing steps will be described, as well as appropriate handling concepts. Three main concepts for 3D integration have been developed at IZM. The approach with the greatest flexibility called Inter Chip Via - Solid Liquid Interdiffusion (ICV-SLID) is introduced. This is a chip-to-wafer stacking technology which combines the advantages of the Inter Chip Via (ICV) process and the solid-liquid-interdiffusion technique (SLID) of copper and tin. The fully modular ICV-SLID concept allows the formation of multiple device stacks. A test chip was designed and the total process sequence of the ICV-SLID technology for the realization of a three-layer chip-to-wafer stack was demonstrated. The proposed wafer-level 3D integration concept has the potential for low cost fabrication of multi-layer high-performance 3D-SoCs and is well suited as a replacement for embedded technologies based on monolithic integration. To address yield issues a wafer-level chip-scale handling is presented as well, to select known-good dies and work on them with wafer-level process sequences before joining them to integrated stacks.Comment: Submitted on behalf of EDA Publishing Association (http://irevues.inist.fr/handle/2042/16838

    Brunner and Luther on Scriptural Authority

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    In its struggle with Roman Catholicism the Reformation made its appeal from tradition and an authoritatively interpreting Church to the Scriptures. This basic approach of the Reformers is obvious and universally recognized. Some writers, nonetheless, have failed to note the complete cleavage between Romanism and the Reformers at this point. Emil Brunner sees clearly that whatever the token deference of Rome to the authority of Scripture may be, in point of fact Rome forsakes Scripture and rests her authority in the interpretive and teaching office of the Church. Rome operates with die massgebende Autoritaet der kirchlichen Schriftauslegung

    Stopping power of antiprotons in H, H2, and He targets

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    The stopping power of antiprotons in atomic and molecular hydrogen as well as helium was calculated in an impact-energy range from 1 keV to 6.4 MeV. In the case of H2 and He the targets were described with a single-active electron model centered on the target. The collision process was treated with the close-coupling formulation of the impact-parameter method. An extensive comparison of the present results with theoretical and experimental literature data was performed in order to evaluate which of the partly disagreeing theoretical and experimental data are most reliable. Furthermore, the size of the corrections to the first-order stopping number, the average energy transferred to the target electrons, and the relative importance of the excitation and the ionization process for the energy loss of the projectile was determined. Finally, the stopping power of the H, H2, and He targets were directly compared revealing specific similarities and differences of the three targets.Comment: v1: 12 pages, 8 figures, and 1 table v2: 15 pages, 9 figures, and 2 tables; extended discussion on IPM in Method; influence of double ionization on stopping power discussed in Result

    Presence of an expressed 13-tubulin gene (TUBB) in the HLA class I region may provide the genetic basis for HLA-linked microtubule dysfunction

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    An expressed beta-tubulin gene (TUBB) has previously been localized to chromosome region 6pter-p21 in man. By using a panel of deletion mutant cell lines and radiation-reduced hybrids containing fragments of chromosome 6, the TUBB locus could be mapped to the HLA class I region at 6p21.3. A long range restriction map including TUBB and several HLA class I genes was then generated by rotating field gel electrophoresis. The results show that TUBB maps to a segment 170-370 kb telomeric of HLA-C. This location suggests that a mutation at the TUBB locus could be the cause for certain forms of HLAlinked microtubule dysfunction, including immotile cilia syndrome

    Thermally isolated Luttinger liquids with noisy Hamiltonians

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    We study the dynamics of a quantum-coherent thermally isolated Luttinger liquid with noisy Luttinger parameter. To characterize the fluctuations of the absorbed energy in generic noise-driven systems, we first identify two types of energy moments, which can help tease apart the effects of classical (sample-to-sample) and quantum sources of fluctuations. One type of moment captures the total fluctuations due to both sources, while the other one captures the effect of the classical source only. We then demonstrate that in the Luttinger liquid case, the two types of moments agree in the thermodynamic limit, indicating that the classical source dominates. In contrast to equilibrium thermodynamics, in this driven system the relative fluctuations of energy do not decay with the system size. Additionally, we study the deviations of equal-time correlation functions from their ground-state value, and find a simple scaling behavior.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Collisions of antiprotons with hydrogen molecular ions

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    Time-dependent close-coupling calculations of the ionization and excitation cross section for antiproton collisions with molecular hydrogen ions are performed in an impact-energy range from 0.5 keV to 10 MeV. The Born-Oppenheimer and Franck-Condon approximations as well as the impact parameter method are applied in order to describe the target molecule and the collision process. It is shown that three perpendicular orientations of the molecular axis with respect to the trajectory are sufficient to accurately reproduce the ionization cross section calculated by [Sakimoto, Phys. Rev. A 71, 062704 (2005)] reducing the numerical effort drastically. The independent-event model is employed to approximate the cross section for double ionization and H+ production in antiproton collisions with H2.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    Verringerung von Arbeitslosigkeit durch Lockerung des Kündigungsschutzes : Die entscheidende Einflussgröße

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    Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird von einem ökonomischen Standpunkt aus theoretischer Sicht untersucht, ob durch eine Lockerung des Kündigungsschutzes in Zeiten hoher Arbeitslosigkeit die Beschäftigung gesteigert werden kann, wenn die Antizipation eines hohen Kündigungsschutzes durch die Arbeitgeber ex ante zu einem geringen Beschäftigungsniveau führt, da Entlassungen ex post zu teuer werden bzw. nur schwer möglich sind. Eine Diskussion der kritischen Modellannahmen zeigt, dass die Lockerung des Kündigungsschutzes nur unter bestimmten Umständen einen Beitrag zu mehr Beschäftigung leisten kann. Eine notwendige Bedingung hierfür ist die gleichzeitige Stimulierung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Dynamik durch geeignete Maßnahmen. Die Interpretation der Modellergebnisse in einem größeren Kontext führt zu Einsichten in das allgemeinere Problem von Sozialreformen. -- This paper theoretically analyses from an economic point of view whether relaxing dismissal protection may lead to more occupation when unemployment is high, if ex ante anticipation of draconic dismissal protection by employers causes low occupation because actual dismissals will be too expensive or rather hardly feasible ex post. Discussing the critical assumptions underlying the model shows that relaxing dismissal protection can make contribution to decrease unemployment under certain circumstances only. A necessary condition therefor is to simultaneously stimulate macroeconomic dynamics by appropriate actions. Interpretation of the results, within the setting proposed, in a broader context provides insights into the more general problem of social reforms.Dismissal Protection,Unemployment,Social Reforms