22 research outputs found

    Macroscopic motions in prominences I, the prominence of 26th March, 1971

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    Macroscopic velocity fields have been studied in a solar prominence. The spectra and monochromatic images were analysed, and the existence of a contracting motion, possibly due to a pinch effect, is discussed. A helical shape of the prominence is proposed. The paper in full will be published in Solar PhysicsAsociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Macroscopic motions in prominences I, the prominence of 26th March, 1971

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    Macroscopic velocity fields have been studied in a solar prominence. The spectra and monochromatic images were analysed, and the existence of a contracting motion, possibly due to a pinch effect, is discussed. A helical shape of the prominence is proposed. The paper in full will be published in Solar PhysicsAsociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Macroscopic motions in prominences I, the prominence of 26th March, 1971

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    Macroscopic velocity fields have been studied in a solar prominence. The spectra and monochromatic images were analysed, and the existence of a contracting motion, possibly due to a pinch effect, is discussed. A helical shape of the prominence is proposed. The paper in full will be published in Solar PhysicsAsociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Fulguración cromosférica del 27 de febrero de 1969

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    It was studied this flare and the associated phenomena, entailing it to the active region in which was localized. Previous hypothesis were verified.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    The loop prominence of May 13, 1971 and its associated effects

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    A study is presented about the formation of a loop prominence system (LPS) on May 13, 1971. The development of the phenomenon in found the follow the model of Jefferies and Orrall, and was associated with small radio bursts and several kind SID. From the spectral analysis a temperature of 13200 K has been deduced and a density of hydrogen atoms n(H) = 10¹⁰ cm⁻⁸ estimated. The existence of inclined emissions probably produced by rotatory motions is discussed. From the radio-data analysis it was inferred that an impulsive and a thermal component were present, the length of the emitting plasma cloud was found to be about 56000 Km. The LPS appeared, in accordance to previous results, in a región producing proton fiares. The paper in full will be published in Solar Physics.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    The loop prominence of May 13, 1971 and its associated effects

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    A study is presented about the formation of a loop prominence system (LPS) on May 13, 1971. The development of the phenomenon in found the follow the model of Jefferies and Orrall, and was associated with small radio bursts and several kind SID. From the spectral analysis a temperature of 13200 K has been deduced and a density of hydrogen atoms n(H) = 10¹⁰ cm⁻⁸ estimated. The existence of inclined emissions probably produced by rotatory motions is discussed. From the radio-data analysis it was inferred that an impulsive and a thermal component were present, the length of the emitting plasma cloud was found to be about 56000 Km. The LPS appeared, in accordance to previous results, in a región producing proton fiares. The paper in full will be published in Solar Physics.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    The loop prominence of May 13, 1971 and its associated effects

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    A study is presented about the formation of a loop prominence system (LPS) on May 13, 1971. The development of the phenomenon in found the follow the model of Jefferies and Orrall, and was associated with small radio bursts and several kind SID. From the spectral analysis a temperature of 13200 K has been deduced and a density of hydrogen atoms n(H) = 10¹⁰ cm⁻⁸ estimated. The existence of inclined emissions probably produced by rotatory motions is discussed. From the radio-data analysis it was inferred that an impulsive and a thermal component were present, the length of the emitting plasma cloud was found to be about 56000 Km. The LPS appeared, in accordance to previous results, in a región producing proton fiares. The paper in full will be published in Solar Physics.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Algunas características espectrales de la región H/K del Ca II en "Solar Flares"

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    This work shows the different spectral behavior in the H and K region of some characteristic active solar zones, in particular the spectrum, of the limb event of 12 march 1969, which shows a great excitation of the continuum and the metallicities. A tentative classification of the excited lines is also made comparing their intensity with the near continuum.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Estudio de la radiación de He I en una protuberancia

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    El objetivo final es el cálculo de poblaciones e intensidades emergentes a diferentes profundidades para transiciones ópticamente gruesas en un modelo multi-componente de protuberancia quiescente. Se presenta el método de cálculo y se da cuenta del estado actual.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Algunas características espectrales de la región H/K del Ca II en "Solar Flares"

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    This work shows the different spectral behavior in the H and K region of some characteristic active solar zones, in particular the spectrum, of the limb event of 12 march 1969, which shows a great excitation of the continuum and the metallicities. A tentative classification of the excited lines is also made comparing their intensity with the near continuum.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí