471 research outputs found

    Possible magnetic field variability during the 6.7 GHz methanol maser flares of G09.62+0.20

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    (Abridged) Recently, the magnetic field induced Zeeman splitting was measured for the strongest known 6.7 GHz methanol maser, which arises in the massive star forming region G09.62+0.20. This maser is one of a handful of periodically flaring methanol masers. The 100-m Effelsberg telescope was used to monitor the 6.7 GHz methanol masers of G09.62+0.20. With the exception of a two week period during the peak of the maser flare, we measure a constant magnetic field of B_||~11+-2 mG in the two strongest maser components of G09.62+0.20 that are separated by over 200 AU. In the two week period that coincides exactly with the peak of the maser flare of the strongest maser feature, we measure a sharp decrease and possible reversal of the Zeeman splitting. The exact cause of both maser and polarization variability is still unclear, but it could be related to either background amplification of polarized emission or the presence of a massive protostar with a close-by companion. Alternatively, the polarization variability could be caused by non-Zeeman effects related to the radiative transfer of polarized maser emission.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The Du Toitskloof Tunnel project : the construction of the (south) soft ground tunnel, Western Cape, South Africa

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    The four kilometre twin-bore Du Toitskloof Tunnel is situated in the Klein Drakenstein mountain range, approximately 60 kilometres from Cape Town, near the town of Paarl. The tunnel will form part of the new National road system, upgraded to a freeway standard, linking Johannesburg and Cape Town. The subject of this report is the construction of the Du Toitskloof tunnel, with emphasis on the excavation and construction of the soft ground tunnel, by means of artificial ground freezing for ground support and stabilisation. The soft ground section of the tunnel being situated at the Western portal, and forming approximately 168 metres of the four kilometre main tunnel. The objectives of the report are: 1. to investigate the general history of tunnelling through the ages. 2. to investigate the general aspects and conditions surrounding the Du Toitskloof Tunnel project. 3. to investigate the pertinent geological investigations and conditions which prevail within the tunnel project. 4. to investigate the formation of the main tunnel within the Soft Ground tunnel contract. 5. to investigate the application of the system of artificialground freezing, inserting ground stabilisation, within the decomposed-weathered granite zone of the main soft ground tunnel project. 6. to investigate the methods of testing and monitoring the freezing process being applied to the soft ground for implementing temporary support. 7. to investigate the application of a reinforced Shotcrete lining against the frozen ground of the Du Toitskloof Soft Ground tunnel. 8. to investigate the possible alternatives for the excavation of the Soft Ground section of the Du Toitskloof tunnel

    Effect van nestbezoek en onderzoek op weidevogels

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    In Nederland wordt veel energie gestoken in het zoeken en beschermen van weidevogellegsels tegen agrarische activiteiten om zo de gestage achteruitgang van weidevogels te stoppen. Jaarlijks betreft dit zo’n 150.000 nesten. Er is echter discussie ontstaan over het positieve effect van dit soort beschermingsmaatregelen omdat het controleren van nesten tot een verhoging van de verliezen zou kunnen leiden; het zogenaamde bezoekeffect. Om dit vast te kunnen stellen is allereerst gezocht naar een berekeningswijze waarmee een eventueel bezoekeffect kan worden aangetoond. Hiervoor zijn in totaal drie verschillende modellen ontwikkeld en getest. De verschillende modellen zijn uitgetest met een gesimuleerde dataset waarin de waarden voor de dagelijkse overlevingskans en het bezoekeffect bekend zijn. De beste schattingen van het bezoekeffect en de dagelijkse overlevingskans worden behaald met een model waarin tevens de broedduur en de eerste eilegdatum zijn gemodelleerd

    Why and how teachers use nature of science in teaching quantum physics:Research on the use of an ecological teaching intervention in upper secondary schools

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    Students at upper secondary and college level in many countries are introduced to quantum physics (QP) in a mostly mathless course. Research shows that addressing epistemological and philosophical aspects would be beneficial for novice students’ conceptual understanding. However, physics teachers seldom address these nature of science (NOS) aspects in their lessons. We take the view that teachers only implement these aspects if this serves their goals. This study explores whether experienced Dutch high school teachers, who are not trained for NOS teaching, address NOS in their QP lessons when provided with NOS-infused teaching resources. We based our framework on literature about pedagogic content knowledge and on the principles of the practicality of educational innovations. Teacher interviews (N=10) supported by classroom observations provided insights into how and why teachers use specific elements from the resources. Our research reveals teachers’ perspectives on teaching QP in secondary schools and why they think NOS aspects can be helpful to reach their teaching goals. Our findings support the view that conceptual QP is valuable for all students because an informed NOS view is vital for everybody in today’s society. Additionally, we expect that an ecological intervention that supports teachers and at the same time recognizes their professionality and environment has potential implications for other fields of science education and could have a significant positive impact in classrooms

    Secondary school students’ views of nature of science in quantum physics

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    Epistemological and philosophical issues have always been relevant for the foundations of physics, but usually do not find their way into secondary physics classrooms. As an exception to this, the strangeness of quantum physics (QP) naturally evokes philosophical questions, and learners might have to change their ideas about the nature of science (NOS). In this exploratory mixed-method study, we examined possible connections between upper secondary school students’ QP content knowledge and their ideas about relevant aspects of NOS in the context of QP. We administered a QP concept test to 240 Dutch secondary students (age 17–19) after they attended classes on QP without a focus on NOS. Next, we selected 24 students with a range of test scores for individual semi-structured interviews about their understanding of wave-particle duality and their views on five aspects of NOS. Contrary to NOS studies in other contexts, the interviews showed that all 24 students had well-informed NOS views in the context of QP. We contend that NOS in QP might be more easily accessible than in many other contexts. Our results suggest that QP can have an additional role in the physics curriculum by enhancing students’ understanding of NOS

    Development and Evaluation of an Adaptive Digital Module on Enzyme Kinetics

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    An adaptive module on basic enzyme kinetics was developed for first- and second-year university students. The module offers more assignments to students who have less knowledge of the theory than to more advanced students. The aim of the research was to investigate what influence students’ backgrounds have on their use and appreciation of this module. Both freshmen and second-year students showed a large variation in the number of assignments they needed to perform in order to finish the module, indicating that the module’s adaptive feature was exploited by all the students. Findings indicated that the prior knowledge was of influence of students’ motivation and perception of difficulty of the modul

    KAT-7 Science Verification: Using HI Observations of NGC 3109 to Understand its Kinematics and Mass Distribution

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    HI observations of the Magellanic-type spiral NGC 3109, obtained with the seven dish Karoo Array Telescope (KAT-7), are used to analyze its mass distribution. Our results are compared to what is obtained using VLA data. KAT-7 is the precursor of the SKA pathfinder MeerKAT, which is under construction. The short baselines and low system temperature of the telescope make it sensitive to large scale low surface brightness emission. The new observations with KAT-7 allow the measurement of the rotation curve of NGC 3109 out to 32', doubling the angular extent of existing measurements. A total HI mass of 4.6 x 10^8 Msol is derived, 40% more than what was detected by the VLA observations. The observationally motivated pseudo-isothermal dark matter (DM) halo model can reproduce very well the observed rotation curve but the cosmologically motivated NFW DM model gives a much poorer fit to the data. While having a more accurate gas distribution has reduced the discrepancy between the observed RC and the MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) models, this is done at the expense of having to use unrealistic mass-to-light ratios for the stellar disk and/or very large values for the MOND universal constant a0. Different distances or HI contents cannot reconcile MOND with the observed kinematics, in view of the small errors on those two quantities. As for many slowly rotating gas-rich galaxies studied recently, the present result for NGC 3109 continues to pose a serious challenge to the MOND theory.Comment: 25 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    Limited sampling strategies for individualized BAX 855 prophylaxis in severe hemophilia A:in silico evaluation

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    ObjectiveLimited sampling strategies (LSS) lower the burden of pharmacokinetic (PK)-guided dosing, but an extensive evaluation of LSS for BAX 855 (Adynovi) is currently lacking. This study aimed to develop a LSS for BAX 855 and combine this with a LSS of a standard half-life (SHL) factor VIII (FVIII) concentrate in a clinical setting.MethodsIndividual PK parameters of BAX 855 were estimated for 10 000 virtual patients with severe hemophilia A using Monte Carlo simulations. Several LSS consisting of 2-6 samples were examined based on patient burden, bias and accuracy of clearance, elimination half-life, volume of distribution and trough levels at 72 h (C72). Analyses were performed separately for adults and children &lt;12 years.ResultsThe preferred LSS for BAX 855 consisted of three sampling points at 15-30 min, 48 h and 72 h for both adults (mean accuracy C72: 14.0% vs. 10.8% using six samples) and children (mean accuracy C72: 14.9% vs. 11.4% using six samples). The best strategy with two samples (peak, 48 h) resulted in an adequate, but lower accuracy than strategies with ≥3 samples (mean accuracy C72: 22.3%). The optimal combination of the LSS of SHL FVIII and BAX 855 led to six samples during four clinical visits.ConclusionThis in silico study has identified that two to three samples are necessary to estimate the individual PK of BAX-855 adequately. These samples can be collected in one or two clinical visits. When combining PK profiling of SHL FVIII and BAX 855, six samples during four clinical visits are needed.</p

    Natuurkwaliteit van het agrarisch gebied

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    Dit werkdocument geeft een beschrijving van de methode en de eerste resultaten van de natuurkwaliteit van het agrarisch gebied. Hiermee is een eerste kaart en graadmeter van de natuurkwaliteit van het agrarisch gebied op nationaal schaalniveau gereedgekomen. Het beeld vormt een aanvulling op de kaart van de actuele natuurkwaliteit van natuurreservaten, die al eerder beschikbaar is gekomen. De nu beschikbare indicator en kaart van de natuurkwaliteit van het agrarisch gebied voorziet in een belangrijke kennisleemte. Het belang van het agrarisch gebied in het behoud van biodiversiteit kan nu worden geduid. De ruimtelijke variatie in de natuurkwaliteit is ook inzichtelijk gemaakt. Het beleid kan bij het leggen van prioriteiten voor het behoud en bescherming van agrarische biodiversiteit nu rekening houden met het voorkomen van huidige natuurwaarden. Een van de belangrijkste conclusies is dat de natuurkwaliteit van het agrarisch gebied veel lager is dan in de natuurgebieden. Laagveengebieden hebben binnen het agrarische gebied de hoogste natuurkwaliteit, terwijl de centrale en noordelijke zeekleigebieden de laagste natuurkwaliteit bevatten. De aanwezige natuurkwaliteit in het agrarisch gebied, wordt voornamelijk bepaald door de aanwezigheid van broedvogels en veel minder door vaatplanten en dagvlinders. Het ruimtelijke patroon van aanwezige kwaliteit komt overeen binnen de verschillende soortgroepen broedvogels, vaatplanten en dagvlinders. De resterende natuurkwaliteit in het agrarisch gebied bevindt zich vooral in natuurlijke elementen zoals heggen, bosjes, sloten, dijken en perceelranden. Voor weidevogels is juist de mate van openheid van belang. Beschikbare landelijk dekkende verspreidingskaarten van doelsoorten dagvlinders, broedvogels en vaatplanten zijn gebruikt om de natuurkwaliteit te bepalen. Om dekkende landelijke verspreidingskaarten te maken zijn interpolatiemodellen gebruikt. De natuurkwaliteit is afgemeten aan een natuurlijke referentie, conform de systematiek van het Handboek Natuudoeltypen en daarmee ook coform de methode gebruikt voor de bepaling van de natuurkwaliteit van natuurreservaten. Elke 10-15 jaar zijn de verspreidingskaarten van dagvlinders, broedvogels en vaatplanten voldoende gedekt om een update van het landelijke beeld en de graadmeter mogelijk te maken. Tussentijdse veranderingen in de natuurkwaliteit kunnen worden gevolgd met het Netwerk Eologische Monitoring. De methode en resultaten hebben een voorlopig karakter. Er zijn nog een aantal methodische verbeteringen noodzakelijk om tot een definitief resultaat te komen. Tevens is het wenselijk om de natuurkwaliteit ook af te meten aan de hand van een meer cultuurlijke referentie
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