39 research outputs found

    Land-use impacts on large wildlife and livestock in the swamps of the Greater Amboseli Ecosystem. Part 2

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    Drivers of millet consumption among school aged children in central Tanzania

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 06 Aug 2021Background: Iron and zinc deficiency are common public health problems in low-income countries largely due to poor consumption of iron and zinc rich foods. It has previously been observed that 57% of school aged children (SAC) in Tanzania suffer from anemia. In addition, estimates indicate that over 25% of the population have inadequate zinc intake. Pearlmillet is an example of a nutrient dense, resilient cereal crop, that can be promoted to diversify diets and combat iron and zinc deficiency. This study overall aim was to increase pearl millet consumption among school aged (5 – 12 years) children. As part of the study, we investigated, the drivers of food choice relating to pearl millet consumption. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional study of randomly selected households in Kongwa district, Dodoma region of Tanzania. In total, 128 women of reproductive age (20 – 49 years) were randomly selected for the study. A study questionnaire consisting of 66 items, was developed and validated. The constructs in the questionnaire were categorized in two groups: internal and external factors. Respondents were asked to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with statements read to them by interviewers. The scores on intention and behavior constructs were based on the number of times caregivers intended to, or had fed their school going children with pearl millet in the referent month. Intention was considered high if it was higher than the median intention score of the group, and low if it was equal to or lower than the median scores. Correlations and multiple linear regressions were performed to measure association between constructs and to identify predictive constructs. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for score comparison. Results: There was a significant difference between intention and behavior among those who did not consume pearl millet (P = 0.003), and those who consumed pearl millet two or more times a week, in the same month (P = 0.01). Knowledge was significantly correlated with behavior identity (r = 0.58, P = 0.001), while health behavior identity was significantly correlated with intention (r = 0.31, P = 0.001). Intention of caregivers was significantly and positively correlated (r = 0.44, P = 0.001) with and predicted consumption of pearl millet (r = 0.87, P = 0.067). Conclusion: Increasing knowledge or awareness on nutritional benefits of pearl millet among caregivers may increase consumption of pearl millet by children of school going age

    Drivers of Pigeon Pea Consumption Among School-Aged Children in Central Tanzania

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    Background: Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) and iron deficiencies (ID) are of major public health concern in Tanzania including among school-aged children. PEM and ID in early childhood have serious, long-term consequences because they impede motor, sensory, social and emotional development, growth retardation, poor cognitive development, learning disability of children, lowered resistance to infectious diseases, and reduced physical work capacity. The objective of this study was to elucidate the drivers of pigeon pea consumption among school-aged children in Dodoma district, Central Tanzania. Understanding these drivers would be useful in promoting pigeon pea consumption among school-aged children as one of the strategies to increase dietary protein and iron intake. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study in which data were collected using a questionnaire based on a combination of the Theory of Planned Behavior and Health Belief Model. The data were collected from caregivers (n = 138) in four villages in Kongwa district, Dodoma region, Central Tanzania. We used correlations and multiple regressions to assess associations between constructs and identify predictive constructs. Mann–Whitney U tests were used for score comparisons with a significant p-value set at <0.10. Results: Health value was significantly correlated with health behavior identity (rs = 0.63, p < 0.001) and also significantly predicted health behavior identity (rs = 0.49, p = 0.001). The constructs cues to action and control belief were significantly associated with intention (β = −0.41, p = 0.059 and β = 0.06, p = 0.019 respectively). Finally, we observed that intention was a significant predictor of behavior (β = 1.38, p = 0.001). We also observed a significant negative interaction between perceived barriers and intention to consume pigeon pea (β = −0.04, p = 0.006), indicating that perceived barriers limit intention to consume pigeon pea. Conclusion and Implication: Our findings indicate that when the caregiver places increased importance on preventing her school-aged child from being iron or protein deficient or indeed anemic (health value), it results in a positive evaluation of the effectiveness of giving pigeon pea to address these nutrient deficiencies. Programs and efforts aimed at promoting pigeon pea consumption should focus on educating caregivers on iron and protein deficiency and the role that pigeon pea could play in addressing these. However, perceived barriers such as pest infestation during storage need to be addressed to increase pigeon pea consumption. The involvement of post-harvest management specialists is therefore crucial. Along with this, increasing productivity and crop management is also crucial to ensure year-round affordable supply of pigeon pea

    Advances in Crop Improvement and Delivery Research for Nutritional Quality and Health Benefits of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

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    Groundnut is an important global food and oil crop that underpins agriculture-dependent livelihood strategies meeting food, nutrition, and income security. Aflatoxins, pose a major challenge to increased competitiveness of groundnut limiting access to lucrative markets and affecting populations that consume it. Other drivers of low competitiveness include allergens and limited shelf life occasioned by low oleic acid profile in the oil. Thus grain off-takers such as consumers, domestic, and export markets as well as processors need solutions to increase profitability of the grain. There are some technological solutions to these challenges and this review paper highlights advances in crop improvement to enhance groundnut grain quality and nutrient profile for food, nutrition, and economic benefits. Significant advances have been made in setting the stage for marker-assisted allele pyramiding for different aflatoxin resistance mechanisms—in vitro seed colonization, pre-harvest aflatoxin contamination, and aflatoxin production—which, together with pre- and post-harvest management practices, will go a long way in mitigating the aflatoxin menace. A breakthrough in aflatoxin control is in sight with overexpression of antifungal plant defensins, and through host-induced gene silencing in the aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway. Similarly, genomic and biochemical approaches to allergen control are in good progress, with the identification of homologs of the allergen encoding genes and development of monoclonal antibody based ELISA protocol to screen for and quantify major allergens. Double mutation of the allotetraploid homeologous genes, FAD2A and FAD2B, has shown potential for achieving >75% oleic acid as demonstrated among introgression lines. Significant advances have been made in seed systems research to bridge the gap between trait discovery, deployment, and delivery through innovative partnerships and action learning

    Land-use impacts on large wildlife and livestock in the swamps of the Greater Amboseli Ecosystem. Part 1

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    Competition and conflict between people and wildlife in S.E. Kajiado District, Kenya

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    Aflatoxin Contamination, Exposure among Rural Smallholder Farming Tanzanian Mothers and Associations with Growth among Their Children

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    Recently, aflatoxin exposure especially through maize and groundnuts has been associated with growth impairment in children. Infants and children are considered to be more susceptible to toxins because of their lower body weight, higher metabolic rate, and lower ability to detoxify. On the other hand, for women of reproductive age, aflatoxin exposure may not only affect their health but also that of their foetus in the case of pregnancy. This study focused on investigating AFB1 contamination in maize and groundnut from respondent households, exposure among women of reproductive age and associations of aflatoxin contamination with growth retardation among children in Mtwara region, Tanzania. The highest maximum AFB1 contamination levels from all samples obtained were in maize grain (2351.5 μg/kg). From a total of 217 maize samples collected, aflatoxins were above European Union (EU) and East African Community (EAC) tolerable limits in 76.0% and 64.5% of all samples. Specifically, maize grain had the highest proportion of samples contaminated above tolerable limits (80.3% and 71.1% for EU and EAC limits). Groundnut had 54.0% and 37.9% of samples above EU and EAC maximum tolerable limits. The lowest proportion of contaminated samples on the other hand was for bambara nut (37.5% and 29.2% for EU and EAC limits, respectively). Aflatoxin exposure in our surveyed population was much higher than previous observations made in Tanzania and also higher than those observed in Western countries such as Australia and the USA. Among children, AFB1 concentration was associated with lower weight for height z scores and weight for age z scores in the univariate model (p < 0.05). In summary, these results indicate the seriousness of aflatoxin contamination in foods commonly consumed in the vulnerable population assessed. Strategies both from the health, trade, and nutrition sectors should therefore be designed and implemented to address aflatoxin and mycotoxin contamination in diets

    Determinants of dietary diversity and drivers of food choice among low-income consumers in urban Kenya, Malawi and Zimbabwe

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    Introduction Rapid urbanisation affects lifestyle and eating habits, predominantly causing a dietary shift that adds challenges to meet dietary recommendations within a complex food system. This research investigated dietary diversity and food choice drivers among low-income consumers in three urban settlements (Nairobi, Kenya; Bulawayo, Zimbabwe and Lilongwe, Malawi, representing rapid, moderate and slow urban growth patterns, respectively) as a first step towards improving diets across cultures and geographies. Methods Mixed methods data collection was employed for this study. Qualitative methods such as rapid foodscape appraisal workshops and food stories in selected low-income settlements in Nairobi, Bulawayo and Lilongwe were utilised to collect information on the food environments (food balances, infrastructure, safety, policies and institutions). Quantitative data such as socio-demographic characteristics and dietary diversity were collected via structured questionnaires using Cognitive Edge's SenseMaker® (n = 890, 450 and 440 for Nairobi, Bulawayo and Lilongwe, respectively). The dietary intake of respondents was assessed using a 24-h recall, which was then converted to the food group diversity score (FGDS). Results Different levels of compounded stress affected dietary diversity and quality, including high food prices, concerns about sanitation and hygiene and the role of food standards regulation bodies. The mean FGDS across all locations was lower than the recommended cut-off of 5 (4.5, 2.8 and 2.6 across Nairobi, Zimbabwe and Lilongwe, respectively). Additionally, in Nairobi, there were gender differences in diet diversity, with men having a higher dietary diversity score than women (4.6% vs. 4.3%; p = 0.004). The majority of respondents in Lilongwe (65%) reported price as the most important driver of food choice, compared to 38% in Nairobi and 42% in Bulawayo. Discussion/Conclusions Our observation of poor-quality diets provides further evidence of the need for food policies that are cognisant of the nutrition and health of the growing population of the urban poor. Such policies would focus on lowering the costs of nutritious foods as well as ensuring food safety within the complex food system observed in the urban low-income environment. Key points An investigation conducted in contrasting food environments in three urban low-income settlements in Lilongwe, Bulawayo and Nairobi suggests low consumption of nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits and animal-source foods. Several drivers of dietary diversity and food choice, as well as perceptions, were identified. Price and convenience were identified as key drivers of food choice, with gender differences reported in dietary diversity. Policies and programmes need to consider steering diets towards higher consumption of nutrient-dense foods while taking into account price, convenience and environmental sustainability