344 research outputs found

    Distilling entanglement from cascades with partial "Which Path" ambiguity

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    We develop a framework to calculate the density matrix of a pair of photons emitted in a decay cascade with partial "which path" ambiguity. We describe an appropriate entanglement distillation scheme which works also for certain random cascades. The qualitative features of the distilled entanglement are presented in a two dimensional "phase diagram". The theory is applied to the quantum tomography of the decay cascade of a biexciton in a semiconductor quantum dot. Agreement with experiment is obtained

    Formation of a high quality two-dimensional electron gas on cleaved GaAs

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    We have succeeded in fabricating a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) on the cleaved (110) edge of a GaAs wafer by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). A (100) wafer previously prepared by MBE growth is reinstalled in the MBE chamber so that an in situ cleave exposes a fresh (110) GaAs edge for further MBE overgrowth. A sequence of Si-doped AlGaAs layers completes the modulation-doped structure at the cleaved edge. Mobilities as high as 6.1×10^5 cm^2/V s are measured in the 2DEG at the cleaved interface

    Radiative cascade from quantum dot metastable spin-blockaded biexciton

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    We detect a novel radiative cascade from a neutral semiconductor quantum dot. The cascade initiates from a metastable biexciton state in which the holes form a spin-triplet configuration, Pauli-blockaded from relaxation to the spin-singlet ground state. The triplet biexciton has two photon-phonon-photon decay paths. Unlike in the singlet-ground state biexciton radiative cascade, in which the two photons are co-linearly polarized, in the triplet biexciton cascade they are crosslinearly polarized. We measured the two-photon polarization density matrix and show that the phonon emitted when the intermediate exciton relaxes from excited to ground state, preserves the exciton's spin. The phonon, thus, does not carry with it any which-path information other than its energy. Nevertheless, entanglement distillation by spectral filtering was found to be rather ineffective for this cascade. This deficiency results from the opposite sign of the anisotropic electron-hole exchange interaction in the excited exciton relative to that in the ground exciton.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Depolarization of Electronic Spin Qubits Confined in Semiconductor Quantum Dots

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    Quantum dots are arguably the best interface between matter spin qubits and flying photonic qubits. Using quantum dot devices to produce joint spin-photonic states requires the electronic spin qubits to be stored for extended times. Therefore, the study of the coherence of spins of various quantum dot confined charge carriers is important both scientifically and technologically. In this study we report on spin relaxation measurements performed on five different forms of electronic spin qubits confined in the very same quantum dot. In particular, we use all optical techniques to measure the spin relaxation of the confined heavy hole and that of the dark exciton - a long lived electron-heavy hole pair with parallel spins. Our measured results for the spin relaxation of the electron, the heavy-hole, the dark exciton, the negative and the positive trions, in the absence of externally applied magnetic field, are in agreement with a central spin theory which attributes the dephasing of the carriers' spin to their hyperfine interactions with the nuclear spins of the atoms forming the quantum dots. We demonstrate that the heavy hole dephases much slower than the electron. We also show, both experimentally and theoretically, that the dark exciton dephases slower than the heavy hole, due to the electron-hole exchange interaction, which partially protects its spin state from dephasing.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Multi-Exciton Spectroscopy of a Single Self Assembled Quantum Dot

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    We apply low temperature confocal optical microscopy to spatially resolve, and spectroscopically study a single self assembled quantum dot. By comparing the emission spectra obtained at various excitation levels to a theoretical many body model, we show that: Single exciton radiative recombination is very weak. Sharp spectral lines are due to optical transitions between confined multiexcitonic states among which excitons thermalize within their lifetime. Once these few states are fully occupied, broad bands appear due to transitions between states which contain continuum electrons.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted for publication on Jan,28 199