64 research outputs found

    Maximum thickness of a two-dimensional trapped Bose system

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    The trapped Bose system can be regarded as two-dimensional if the thermal fluctuation energy is less than the lowest energy in the perpendicular direction. Under this assumption, we derive an expression for the maximum thickness of an effective two-dimensional trapped Bose system.Comment: 1 pages, 0 figure

    Cold atom gas at very high densities in an optical surface microtrap

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    An optical microtrap is realized on a dielectric surface by crossing a tightly focused laser beam with an horizontal evanescent-wave atom mirror. The nondissipative trap is loaded with \sim10510^5 cesium atoms through elastic collisions from a cold reservoir provided by a large-volume optical surface trap. With an observed 300-fold local increase of the atomic number density approaching 1014cm310^{14}{\rm cm}^{-3}, unprecedented conditions of cold atoms close to a surface are realized

    Two-dimensional atom trapping in field-induced adiabatic potentials

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    We show how to create a novel two-dimensional trap for ultracold atoms from a conventional magnetic trap. We achieve this by utilizing rf-induced adiabatic potentials to enhance the trapping potential in one direction. We demonstrate the loading process and discuss the experimental conditions under which it might be possible to prepare a 2D Bose condensate. A scheme for the preparation of coherent matterwave bubbles is also discussed

    Frequencies and Damping rates of a 2D Deformed Trapped Bose gas above the Critical Temperature

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    We derive the equation of motion for the velocity fluctuations of a 2D deformed trapped Bose gas above the critical temperature in the hydrodynamical regime. From this equation, we calculate the eigenfrequencies for a few low-lying excitation modes. Using the method of averages, we derive a dispersion relation in a deformed trap that interpolates between the collisionless and hydrodynamic regimes. We make use of this dispersion relation to calculate the frequencies and the damping rates for monopole and quadrupole mode in both the regimes. We also discuss the time evolution of the wave packet width of a Bose gas in a time dependent as well as time independent trap.Comment: 13 pages, latex fil

    Multi Mode Interferometer for Guided Matter Waves

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    We describe the fundamental features of an interferometer for guided matter waves based on Y-beam splitters and show that, in a quasi two-dimensional regime, such a device exhibits high contrast fringes even in a multi mode regime and fed from a thermal source.Comment: Final version (accepted to PRL

    Dilute Bose gas in two dimensions: Density expansions and the Gross-Pitaevskii equation

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    A dilute two-dimensional (2D) Bose gas at zero temperature is studied by the method developed earlier by the authors. Low density expansions are derived for the chemical potential, ground state energy, kinetic and interaction energies. The expansion parameter is found to be a dimensionless in-medium scattering amplitude u obeying the equation 1/u+\ln u=-\ln(na^2\pi)-2\gamma, where na^2 and \gamma are the gas parameter and the Euler constant, respectively. It is shown that the ground state energy is mostly kinetic in the low density limit; this result does not depend on a specific form of the pairwise interaction potential, contrary to 3D case. A new form of 2D Gross-Pitaevskii equation is proposed within our scheme.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, no figure

    Free expansion of two-dimensional condensates with a vortex

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    We study the free expansion of a pancake-shaped Bose-condensed gas, which is initially trapped under harmonic confinement and containing a vortex at its centre. In the case of a radial expansion holding fixed the axial confinement we consider various models for the interactions, depending on the thickness of the condensate relative to the value of the scattering length. We are thus able to evaluate different scattering regimes ranging from quasi-three-dimensional (Q3D) to strictly two-dimensional (2D). We find that as the system goes from Q3D to 2D the expansion rate of the condensate increases whereas that of the vortex core decreases. In the Q3D scattering regime we also examine a fully free expansion in 3D and find oscillatory behaviour for the vortex core radius: an initial fast expansion of the vortex core is followed by a slowing down. Such a nonuniform expansion rate of the vortex core may be taken into account in designing new experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Creating a low-dimensional quantum gas using dark states in an inelastic evanescent-wave mirror

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    We discuss an experimental scheme to create a low-dimensional gas of ultracold atoms, based on inelastic bouncing on an evanescent-wave mirror. Close to the turning point of the mirror, the atoms are transferred into an optical dipole trap. This scheme can compress the phase-space density and can ultimately yield an optically-driven atom laser. An important issue is the suppression of photon scattering due to ``cross-talk'' between the mirror potential and the trapping potential. We propose that for alkali atoms the photon scattering rate can be suppressed by several orders of magnitude if the atoms are decoupled from the evanescent-wave light. We discuss how such dark states can be achieved by making use of circularly-polarized evanescent waves.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Observation of radiation pressure exerted by evanescent waves

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    We report a direct observation of radiation pressure, exerted on cold rubidium atoms while bouncing on an evanescent-wave atom mirror. We analyze the radiation pressure by imaging the motion of the atoms after the bounce. The number of absorbed photons is measured for laser detunings ranging from {190 MHz} to {1.4 GHz} and for angles from {0.9 mrad} to {24 mrad} above the critical angle of total internal reflection. Depending on these settings, we find velocity changes parallel with the mirror surface, ranging from 1 to {18 cm/s}. This corresponds to 2 to 31 photon recoils per atom. These results are independent of the evanescent-wave optical power.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure