35 research outputs found

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    Законодавче забезпечення правоохоронної діяльності : навч. посіб. / за заг. ред. В. В. Сокуренка. – Харків : Стильна типографія, 2017. – 1164 с. – (до 100-річчя підготовки охоронців правопорядку у Харкові).У навчальному посібнику представлено методичні рекомендації, пропозиції і зауваження до проектів нормативно-правових актів та наукові роз’яснення окремих положень чинного законодавства, розроблені кафедрами факультету № 1 Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. Наукові праці, що включено до навчального посібника, безпосередньо стосуються питань удосконалення форм та методів діяльності слідчих і інших підрозділів органів Національної поліції України. Для працівників органів Національної поліції України, науковців, викладачів, ад’юнктів, аспірантів, докторантів, курсантів, студентів та слухачів навчальних закладів юридичного профілю, а також усіх, хто цікавиться питаннями удосконалення діяльності органів Національної поліції України і інших органів правопорядку.The training manual presents methodological recommendations, suggestions and comments on draft normative legal acts and scientific explanations of certain provisions of the current legislation developed by the departments of the faculty No. 1 of the Kharkov National University of Internal Affairs. Scientific works, included in the textbook, directly relate to issues of improving the forms and methods of activity of investigative and other units of the National Police of Ukraine. For employees of the National Police of Ukraine, scientists, teachers, adjuncts, graduate students, doctoral students, cadets, students and students of legal educational institutions, as well as anyone interested in improving the activities of the National Police of Ukraine and other law enforcement agencies.В учебном пособии представлены методические рекомендации, предложения и замечания к проектам нормативно-правовых актов и научные разъяснения отдельных положений действующего законодательства, разработанные кафедрами факультета № 1 Харьковского национального университета внутренних дел. Научные труды, включен в учебного пособия, непосредственно касаются вопросов совершенствования форм и методов деятельности следственных и других подразделений органов Национальной полиции Украины. Для работников органов Национальной полиции Украины, научных работников, преподавателей, адъюнктов, аспирантов, докторантов, курсантов, студентов и слушателей учебных заведений юридического профиля, а также всех, кто интересуется вопросами совершенствования деятельности органов Национальной полиции Украины и других органов правопорядка

    New method for a two-step hydrolysis and chromatographic analysis of pectin neutral sugar chains

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    A new method for the determination of the main neutral sugars in pectin has been developed. The sample preparation involves a mild chemical attack followed by an enzymatic hydrolysis. The completeness and nondestructive character of the method are demonstrated by comparison of the results obtained with different acids such as H2SO4, HCI, and trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) at different concentrations (2, 1, or 0.2 M) at two temperatures (80 or 100 degreesC). The chemical hydrolysis of pectin neutral sugar chains with strong acid (1 or 2 M) and high temperature (100 degreesC) shows that the liberation of the pectin sugars is not realized at the same rate for each sugar. Different optimum conditions are thus obtained. However, the chemical pectin hydrolysis with 0.2 M TFA at 80 degreesC is characterized by the liberation of pectin neutral sugar side chains without any degradation within 72 h of hydrolysis. Under these conditions, the liberation of some pectin sugars, essentially galactose, glucose, and rhamnose, was not complete. An enzymatic hydrolysis is necessary to obtain a complete release of all the sugars. The combination of the two treatments, a chemical hydrolysis realized with diluted acid (0.2 M) for 72 h at low temperature (80 degreesC) on one hand and an enzymatic hydrolysis on the other hand, allow a total liberation of pectin sugars. The quantitative analysis of the carbohydrates is realized with accuracy, high selectivity, and sensitivity with high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed-amperometric detection. The sugars can be analyzed without any derivatization with a limit of quantification of 0.1 mM

    Chemical composition and functional properties of Ulva lactuca seaweed collected in Tunisia

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    The chemical composition and some functional properties of the dried "Ulva lactuca" algae, collected from the littoral between the Taboulba and Sayada area, were determined. The dried "U. lactuca" algae were investigated for their soluble, insoluble and total dietary fibre content, mineral amount, amino acid and fatty acid profiles, swelling capacity (SWC), water holding capacity (WHC) and oil holding capacity (OHC). Results showed that "U. lactuca" alga powder was characterised by a high content of fibres (54.0%), minerals (19.6%), proteins (8.5%) and lipids (7.9%). The neutral fibres contain hemicellulose (20.6%), cellulose (9.0%) and lignin (1.7%). The proteinic fraction analysis indicated the presence of essential amino acids, which represent 42.0% of the total amino acids. The fatty acids profile was dominated by the palmitic acid, which represents about 60.0% of the total fatty acids, followed by oleic acid (16.0%). The study of the functional properties proved that SWC, WHC and OHC of this alga varied with temperatures and that were comparable to those of some commercial fibre rich products. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Kinetic of the hydrolysis of pectin galacturonic acid chains and quantification by ionic chromatography

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    These experiments were designed to develop a rapid, repeatable and accurate analysis method for the quantification of galacturonic acid of pectins. Different pectin hydrolysis procedures (chemical and enzymatic) were carried out with H2SO4, TFA and HCl at different acid concentrations (0.2, 1 and 2 M) and temperatures (80 and 100 degrees C). Enzymatic and combined chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis of pectin were also studied. A acid hydrolysis under drastic conditions (100 degrees C) is insufficient for complete hydrolysis and results in low recovery of galacturonic acid residues. Mild chemical hydrolysis (0.2, 1 and 2 M H2SO4 72 h at 80 degrees C) is also insufficient for complete depolymerization. Its main advantage is cleavage of the galacturonic acid chains into oligomeric forms without any degradation within 72 h of hydrolysis. However, enzymatic hydrolysis with VL9 for 2 h at 50 degrees C and combined chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis (0.2 M TFA at 80 degrees C for 72 h and VL9) give high recovery of this acid. Analysis of the liberated sugar residue by HPAEC allows us to determine the galacturonic acid composition of this polysaccharide accurately with high selectivity and sensitivity in one assay without the need for derivatization. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Effects of extraction procedures and plasticizer concentration on the optical, thermal, structural and antioxidant properties of novel ulvan films

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    Active films were produced with sulphated polysaccharides “ulvan”, extracted from the green seaweed Ulvalactuca with different extraction procedures, by varying the glycerol or sorbitol plasticizer concentration at 1% and 2% (w/v). The surface charge and glass transition temperature (Tg) of ulvanswere carried out by zeta (ζ)-potential and DSC analysis, respectively. The investigation revealed that ulvans were anionic stable polymers and they had great Tg values. Regardless of the extraction procedure, ulvans can give successful films formulations. However, the optical, thermal, structural and antioxidant characteristics of ulvan films were strongly affected by extraction conditions and by the variation of the type and concentration of plasticizer. In general, as plasticizer concentration increased, ferrous chelating activity and compact structure increased as well, while, Tg, lightness and DPPH radical-scavenging activity decreased. Interestingly, the films plasticizedwith glycerol exhibited better compact structure,more negative temperature of transition, and greater free radical scavenging ability thanwith sorbitol. However, the films prepared with sorbitol had the highest L* values and chelating ability. The current study revealed a high correlation between zeta (ζ)-potential of ulvans and their Tg (R2 = 0.98), as well as with scavenging activity of ulvan films (R2=0.8–0.99)