4 research outputs found

    Do BRCA1 mutations affect the ability to breast feed? Significantly shorter length of breast feeding among BRCA1 mutation carriers compared with their unaffected relatives.

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    The difference in length of breast feeding between women with a BRCA 1 mutation and their unaffected relatives was investigated. Fifty women belonging to a family with a known BRCA1 mutation had themselves undergone testing and each had given birth to at least one child. Women with BRCA1 mutation breast-fed their first infant for a significantly shorter period (P = 0.048) and the second and third infants for a non-significantly shorter time than their unaffected relatives. Computing a mean breast-feeding time per child based on the first three infants and also taking birth year of the mother and smoking into account, having a BRCA1 mutation was associated with a significantly shorter time of breast-feeding (P = 0.034), and so was smoking (P = 0.001), but birth year of the woman did not significantly influence length of breast-feeding. Seventy-five per cent of the assessable women with a BRCA1 mutation stopped breast-feeding owing to little or no milk production compared with 36% of the non-carriers OR = 5.3 (CI 95% 1.1–22.1) and (P = 0.02). Our finding may reflect a disturbed differentiation of the breast tissue in women with BRCA1 mutations

    Surging glacier landsystem of Tungnaárjökull, Iceland

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    A 1:30,000 scale map of the snout and proglacial landscape of the surging Icelandic glacier Tungnaarjokull, based upon aerial photography from 1995, immediately after a surge, allows an assessment of the spatial variability in landform-sediment imprints of catastrophic glacier advance across upland bedrock ridges. The ice-margin parallel alignment of the bedrock ridges locally strongly directs proglacial meltwater drainage and initiates strong compression in the ice during surging, resulting in the development of prominent ice-cored hummocky moraine composed of glacifluvial sediment. Diagnostic surge landforms elsewhere on the foreland include thrust block and push moraines, overridden ice-cored thrust block moraines, crevasse squeeze ridges, long flutings, hummocky moraine and ice-cored, pitted outwash


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