1,821 research outputs found

    New Family of Solvable 1D Heisenberg Models

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    Starting from a Calogero--Sutherland model with hyperbolic interaction confined by an external field with Morse potential we construct a Heisenberg spin chain with exchange interaction 1/sinh2x\propto 1/\sinh^2 x on a lattice given in terms of the zeroes of Laguerre polynomials. Varying the strength of the Morse potential the Haldane--Shastry and harmonic spin chains are reproduced. The spectrum of the models in this class is found to be that of a classical one-dimensional Ising chain with nonuniform nearest neighbour coupling in a nonuniform magnetic field which allows to study the thermodynamics in the limit of infinite chains.Comment: 8 pp, LaTeX, ITP-UH-07/9

    Properties of the chiral spin liquid state in generalized spin ladders

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    We study zero temperature properties of a system of two coupled quantum spin chains subject to fields explicitly breaking time reversal symmetry and parity. Suitable choice of the strength of these fields gives a model soluble by Bethe Ansatz methods which allows to determine the complete magnetic phase diagram of the system and the asymptotics of correlation functions from the finite size spectrum. The chiral properties of the system for both the integrable and the nonintegrable case are studied using numerical techniques.Comment: 19 pages, 9eps figures, Late

    Theory of quasi-one dimensional imbalanced Fermi gases

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    We present a theory for a lattice array of weakly coupled one-dimensional ultracold attractive Fermi gases (1D `tubes') with spin imbalance, where strong intratube quantum fluctuations invalidate mean field theory. We first construct an effective field theory, which treats spin-charge mixing exactly, based on the Bethe ansatz solution of the 1D single tube problem. We show that the 1D Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state is a two-component Luttinger liquid, and its elementary excitations are fractional states carrying both charge and spin. We analyze the instability of the 1D FFLO state against inter-tube tunneling by renormalization group analysis, and find that it flows into either a polarized Fermi liquid or a FFLO superfluid, depending on the magnitude of interaction strength and spin imbalance. We obtain the phase diagram of the quasi-1D system and further determine the scaling of the superfluid transition temperature with intertube coupling.Comment: new expanded version, 8 pages, updated reference

    Open t-J chain with boundary impurities

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    We study integrable boundary conditions for the supersymmetric t-J model of correlated electrons which arise when combining static scattering potentials with dynamical impurities carrying an internal degree of freedom. The latter differ from the bulk sites by allowing for double occupation of the local orbitals. The spectrum of the resulting Hamiltonians is obtained by means of the algebraic Bethe Ansatz.Comment: LaTeX2e, 9p

    Dispersion relations and speeds of sound in special sectors for the integrable chain with alternating spins

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    Based on our previous analysis \cite{doerfel3} of the anisotropic integrable chain consisting of spins s=1/2s=1/2 and s=1s=1 we compare the dispersion relations for the sectors with infinite Fermi zones. Further we calculate the speeds of sound for regions close to sector borders, where the Fermi radii either vanish or diverge, and compare the results.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX2e, uses iopart.cls,graphicx.sty and psfrag.sty, 2 figure

    Exactly solvable quantum spin ladders associated with the orthogonal and symplectic Lie algebras

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    We extend the results of spin ladder models associated with the Lie algebras su(2n)su(2^n) to the case of the orthogonal and symplectic algebras $o(2^n),\ sp(2^n)$ where n is the number of legs for the system. Two classes of models are found whose symmetry, either orthogonal or symplectic, has an explicit n dependence. Integrability of these models is shown for an arbitrary coupling of XX type rung interactions and applied magnetic field term.Comment: 7 pages, Late

    Correlation functions of one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures

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    We calculate the asymptotic behaviour of correlation functions as a function of the microscopic parameters for a Bose-Fermi mixture with repulsive interaction in one dimension. For two cases, namely polarized and unpolarized fermions the singularities of the momentum distribution functions are characterized as a function of the coupling constant and the relative density of bosons.Comment: RevTeX 4, 10 pages, 2 figure

    Phase diagram of an exactly solvable t-J ladder model

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    We study a system of one-dimensional t-J models coupled to a ladder system. A special choice of the interaction between neighbouring rungs leads to an integrable model with supersymmetry, which is broken by the presence of rung interactions. We analyze the spectrum of low-lying excitations and ground state phase diagram at zero temperature.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pp. incl. 1 figur

    Determinant representation for a quantum correlation function of the lattice sine-Gordon model

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    We consider a completely integrable lattice regularization of the sine-Gordon model with discrete space and continuous time. We derive a determinant representation for a correlation function which in the continuum limit turns into the correlation function of local fields. The determinant is then embedded into a system of integrable integro-differential equations. The leading asymptotic behaviour of the correlation function is described in terms of the solution of a Riemann Hilbert Problem (RHP) related to the system of integro-differential equations. The leading term in the asymptotical decomposition of the solution of the RHP is obtained.Comment: 30 pages Latex2e, 2 Figures, epsf. Significantly extended and revised versio