330 research outputs found

    Simultaneous measurement of the trace elements Al, As, B, Be, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Rb, Se, Sr, and Zn in human serum and their reference ranges by ICP-MS

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    The goal of this article was to establish reference ranges of the concentration of trace elements in human serum and to compare these results with those reported by other authors. We describe the sample preparation and measurement conditions that allow the rapid, precise, and accurate determination of Al, As, B, Be, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Rb, Se, Sr, and Zn in human serum samples (n=110) by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Accuracy and precision were determined by analyzing three reconstituted reference serum samples by comparison with other methods and by the standard addition procedure. The advantages of the ICP-MS method include short time of analysis of the elements mentioned, low detection limit, high precision, and high accuracy. Disadventages include a high risk of contamination due to the presence of some of the elements of interest in the environment, the relatively delicate sample handling, and the high cost of the equipmen

    Concentration of 17 trace elements in serum and whole blood of plains viscachas (Lagostomus maximus) by ICP-MS, their reference ranges, and their relation to cataract

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    The reference ranges of the trace elements Al, As, Be, B, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Li, Rb, Se, Sr, and Zn were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in sera of a group of free-ranging plains viscachas of the pampa grasslands of Argentina. The values were compared with those of a small group of captive plains viscachas of the Zurich Zoo with diabetes and bilateral cataracts. In addition, a method for digestion of whole-blood samples is described for the trace element determination. Significant differences in the concentration of trace elements in the two groups of animals are discussed. No correlation was found between the levels of selenium and of other trace elements compared to the formation of cataract

    Einfluss des Anbausystems auf Ertrag und Gesundheit von Winterweizen

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    In a long-term trial in central Switzerland, yield and health of winter wheat was examined under organic, extensive and intensive management. In the organic cropping system, soil was ploughed and fertilised with cattle dung. In the extensive system, soil was cultivated ploughless and dung was supplemented by mineral fertiliser. Herbicides were used, but no growth regulators or fungicides. In the intensive system, soil was ploughed and manure was based on cattle dung and mineral fertiliser with 20 % more nitrogen than in the extensive system. For plant protection, herbicides, growth regulators and fungicides were used. In the period from 2004 to 2007, average winter wheat yields of the intensive and the extensive crop management system exceeded those of the organic production by 21.3 % and 5.5 % respectively. This was probably due to the higher level of fertilisation and plant protection. In 2007, a year with frequent rain during the summer, the infestation of grains with Microdochium nivale and Fusarium graminearum was lowest in the organic wheat. In consequence, its germination capacity was higher and the deoxynivalenol content was lower compared with the other systems. The increased grain infestation with F. graminearum and the higher deoxynivalenol content of wheat grains in the extensive system can be explained by the ploughless tillage, with straw from the previous maize crop remaining on the soil surface

    A comparison of 111In-DOTATOC and 111In-DOTATATE: biodistribution and dosimetry in the same patients with metastatic neuroendocrine tumours

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    [Yttrium-90-DOTA-Tyr3]-octreotide (DOTATOC) and [177Lu-DOTA-Tyr3-Thr8]-octreotide (DOTATATE) are used for peptide receptor-mediated radionuclide therapy (PRMRT) in neuroendocrine tumours. No human data comparing these two compounds are available so far. We used 111In as a surrogate for 90Y and 177Lu and examined whether one of the 111In-labelled peptides had a more favourable biodistribution in patients with neuroendocrine tumours. Special emphasis was given to kidney uptake and tumour-to-kidney ratio since kidney toxicity is usually the dose-limiting factor. Five patients with metastatic neuroendocrine tumours were injected with 222MBq 111In-DOTATOC and 111In-DOTATATE within 2 weeks. Up to 48h after injection, whole-body scans were performed and blood and urine samples were collected. The mean absorbed dose was calculated for tumours, kidney, liver, spleen and bone marrow. In all cases 111In-DOTATATE showed a higher uptake (%IA) in kidney and liver. The amount of 111In-DOTATOC excreted into the urine was significantly higher than for 111In-DOTATATE. The mean absorbed dose to the red marrow was nearly identical. 111In-DOTATOC showed a higher tumour-to-kidney absorbed dose ratio in seven of nine evaluated tumours. The variability of the tumour-to-kidney ratio was high and the significance level in favour of 111In-DOTATOC was P=0.065. In five patients the pharmacokinetics of 111In-DOTATOC and 111In-DOTATATE was found to be comparable. The two peptides appear to be nearly equivalent for PRMRT in neuroendocrine tumours, with minor advantages for 111In/90Y-DOTATOC; on this basis, we shall continue to use 90Y-DOTATOC for PRMRT in patients with metastatic neuroendocrine tumour

    Wavelength-dependent effect of tetra(m-hydroxyphenyl)chlorin for photodynamic therapy in an ‘early' squamous cell carcinoma model

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    The purpose of the present study was to correlate the wavelength of the irradiation source with the phototoxic activity of tetra(m-hydroxyphenyl)chlorin (mTHPC) in healthy and neoplastic mucosae. The hamster tumour model for early squamous cell carcinoma was used in these experiments. In vitro and in vivo studies have shown that mTHPC absorbs significantly at 652 nm (1, 2). This wavelength is used currently in clinical mTHPC photodynamic therapy (PDT) trials. In order to study the wavelength dependence of the phototoxic effect on normal and tumour tissues, irradiation tests were performed 4 days after injection of 0.5mg kg-1 mTHPC. An argon-ion pumped dye laser was used as the light source. The light dose of 12 J cm-2 was delivered at a light dose rate of 150 mW cm-2. The wavelength was varied between 642.5 and 665 nm at 2.5-nm increments. The PDT damage was evaluated in serial Haematoxylin and Eosin stained sections using a tissue-damage scale. Light between 647.5 and 652.5 nm induced the highest damage to both the healthy and tumour mucosae. At wavelengths equal to or below 645 nm, and equal to or above 655 nm, tissue damage decreased. Wavelengths below 642 nm and above 660 nm did not induce any visible tissue damage. These results suggest that the in vivo optimal wavelength range for PDT with mTHPC is between 647 and 652 nm. This information is essential for selecting an appropriate light sourc

    BED‐online: Acceptance and efficacy of an internet‐based treatment for binge‐eating disorder: A randomized clinical trial including waitlist conditions

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    Objective: Internet-based guided self-help (GSH) programs increase accessibility and utilization of evidence-based treatments in binge-eating disorder (BED). We evaluated acceptance and short as well as long-term efficacy of our 8-session internet-based GSH program in a randomized clinical trial with an immediate treatment group, and two waitlist control groups, which differed with respect to whether patients received positive expectation induction during waiting or not. Method: Sixty-three patients (87% female, mean age 37.2 years) followed the eight-session guided cognitive-behavioural internet-based program and three booster sessions in a randomized clinical trial design including an immediate treatment and two waitlist control conditions. Outcomes were treatment acceptance, number of weekly binge-eating episodes, eating disorder pathology, depressiveness, and level of psychosocial functioning. Results: Treatment satisfaction was high, even though 27% of all patients dropped out during the active treatment and 9.5% during the follow-up period of 6 months. The treatment, in contrast to the waiting conditions, led to a significant reduction of weekly binge-eating episodes from 3.4 to 1.7 with no apparent rebound effect during follow-up. All other outcomes improved as well during active treatment. Email-based positive expectation induction during waiting period prior to the treatment did not have an additional beneficial effect on the temporal course and thus treatment success, of binge episodes in this study. Conclusion: This short internet-based program was clearly accepted and highly effective regarding core features of BED. Dropout rates were higher in the active and lower in the follow-up period. Positive expectations did not have an impact on treatment effects

    Clinical assessment of fluorescence cystoscopy during transurethral bladder resection in superficial bladder cancer

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    The prognosis of superficial bladder cancer in terms of recurrence and disease progression is related to bladder tumor multiplicity and the presence of concomitant "plane” tumors such as high-grade dysplasia and carcinoma in situ. This study in 33 patients aimed to demonstrate the role of fluorescence cystoscopy in transurethral resection of superficial bladder cancer. The method is based on the detection of protoporphyrin-IX-induced fluorescence in urothelial cancer cells by topical administration of 5-aminolevulinic acid. The sensitivity and the specificity of this procedure on apparently normal mucosa in superficial bladder cancer are estimated to be 82.9% and 81.3%, respectively. Thus, fluorescence cytoscopy is a simple and reliable method for mapping the bladder mucosa, especially in the case of multifocal bladder disease, and it facilitates the screening of occult dysplasi

    Photodetection of early human bladder cancer based on the fluorescence of 5-aminolaevulinic acid hexylester-induced protoporphyrin IX: a pilot study

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    Exogenous administration of 5-aminolaevulinic acid (ALA) is becoming widely used to enhance the endogenous synthesis of protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) in photodynamic therapy (PDT) and fluorescence photodetection (PD). Recently, results have shown that the chemical modification of ALA into its more lipophilic esters circumvents limitations of ALA-induced PpIX like shallow penetration depth into deep tissue layers and inhomogeneous biodistribution and enhances the total PpIX formation. The present clinical pilot study assesses the feasibility and the advantages of a topical ALA ester-based fluorescence photodetection in the human bladder. In this preliminary study 5-aminolaevulinic acid hexylester (h-ALA) solutions, containing concentrations ranging from 4 to 16 mM, were applied intravesically to 25 patients. Effects of time and drug dose on the resulting PpIX fluorescence level were determined in vivo with an optical fibre-based spectrofluorometer. Neither local nor systemic side-effects were observed for the applied conditions. All conditions used yielded a preferential PpIX accumulation in the neoplastic tissue. Our clinical investigations indicate that with h-ALA a twofold increase of PpIX fluorescence intensity can be observed using 20-fold lower concentrations as compared to ALA