83 research outputs found

    Markers characterizing corneal damage during aging of rat

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    Aging is a biological phenomenon that involves an increase of oxidative stress associated with gradual degradation of the structure and function of the cornea. Gender differences and subsequent deterioration of cornea is an interesting topic, especially yet few data are available concerning the impact of age, especially on the corneal. One hundred male and female Wistar albino rats ages 3, 6, 18, 24, and 30 months (n=10 equal for male and female) were used. At the time interval, cornea were investigated by light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), immunohistochemistry of caspase 3 (casp3), glial fibrillar acidic protein(GFAP) and CD45 and  flow cytometry of DNA, bcl-2-like protein 4 (BAX), transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) and Cd45 (lymphocyte common antigen). Light and TEM investigation  revealed apparent deterioration of atrophy of corneal epithelium with vesicular vacuolar degeneration, hyalinization of stromal collagen fibrils and swelling and degeneration of the endothelial lining the descemet's membrane. There was apparent loss of keratocytes within corneal stroma. Immunohistochemistry of casp 3 and CD45 were markedly increased manifesting cell damage. GFAP showed apparent reduction of innervation of corneal stroma and endothelium layer. Flow cytometry of DNA, Bax and TGF revealed increased apoptic cell death of cornea of 30M-old rats. We concluded that aging contributed to an apparent increase of cellular damage of different corneal region associated with alterations of cell markers

    Insertion of a foldable hydrophobic IOL through the trabeculectomy fistula in cases with Microincision cataract surgery combined with trabeculectomy

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    BACKGROUND: The use of conventional foldable hydrophobic intraocular lenses (IOLs) in microincision cataract surgery (MICS) currently requires wound enlargement. We describe a combined surgical technique of MICS and trabeculectomy with insertion of a foldable IOL through the trabeculectomy fistula. METHODS: After completion of MICS through two side port incisions, a 3.2 mm keratome is used to enter the anterior chamber under the previously outlined scleral flap. An Acrysof multi piece IOL (Alcon labs, Fort Worth, Tx) is inserted into the capsular bag through this incision. The scleral flap is then elevated and a 2 × 2 mm fistula made with a Kelly's punch. The scleral flap and conjunctival closure is performed as usual. RESULTS: Five patients with primary open angle glaucoma with a visually significant cataract underwent the above mentioned procedure. An IOL was implated in the capsular bag in all cases with no intraperative complications. After surgery, all patients obtained a best corrected visual acuity of 20/20, IOL was well centered at 4 weeks follow up. The mean IOP (without any antiglaucoma medication) was 13.2 + 2.4 mm Hg at 12 weeks with a well formed diffuse filtering bleb in all the cases. CONCLUSION: The technique of combining MICS with trabeculectomy and insertion of a foldable IOL through the trabeculectomy fistula is a feasible and valuable technique for cases which require combined cataract and glaucoma surgery

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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    Biochemical and Ultrastructural Changes in Lens during Aging of Wistar Albino Rats

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    Aims: To correlate the age-related structural changes in lens with its contents of amino acids and minerals involved in its functional activity (sodium, calcium, magnesium and copper). Study Design: Experimental study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Egypt, between June 2009 and July 2011. Methodology: One hundred male and female albino rats of the Wistar strain (Rattus norvegicus) aging 1, 6, 18, 30 & 42 months were used during experimentation. At the mentioned ages, the animals were sacrificed by diethyl ether and ocular regions were dissected and lens separated. Amino acids content were determined in both lenses of five individuals. In the other five individuals, unilateral ectomized lenses were subjected for chemical determination of calcium, sodium, cupper and magnesium. The rest lenses on the other side were fixed in 10% phosphate buffered formalin followed by 2.5% glutaraldhyde for scanning electron microscopic investigation. Statistically analysis was carried out by the help of SPSS software. Results: The estimated amino acids were altered in both sexes with advancement of aging. The lens amino acids; taurine, prolline, serine, threonine, methionine, lysine and arginine were markedly increased during aging comparing with apparent depletion of asparate, valine and methionine. The alterations in amino acid contents were parallel with increased accumulation of calcium, sodium and cupper and a depletion of magnesium content. Scanning Electron Microscopic (SEM) observations exhibited sequences of changes of the structures of lens fibers and their pattern of attachments during the advancement of aging. In the advanced aged group, the lens fibers become fragile and widely separated as a result of loosely attached of the interfibrillar junctions of the ball and socket especially at 30 & 42 month old rats. Conclusion: Aging led to alterations of lens fibers at ultrastructural levels associated with diversity of changes in their amino acids contents parallel with increase accumulation of sodium, calcium and cupper and a decrease of magnesium content. The observed findings may be attributed to the increase of advanced glycation end products initiated oxidative stress, impairing lens structure and function

    Antimicrobial Potency and <i>E. coli</i> β-Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibition Efficacy of Phenazone-Based Molecules

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    In this investigation, 4-antipyrinecarboxaldhyde was reacted with methyl hydrazinecarbodithioate to afford the carbodithioate derivative 3. The as-prepared carbodithioate derivative 3 is considered to be a key molecule for the preparation of new antipyrine-1,3,4-thiadiazole-based molecules (4–9) through its reaction with the appropriate hydrazonoyl halides. Furthermore, a typical Biginelli three-component cyclocondensation reaction involving ethyl acetoacetate, 4-antipyrinecarboxaldhyde, and thiourea under the standard conditions is carried out in the presence of sulfuric acid to afford the corresponding antipyrine–pyrimidine hybrid molecule (10). The latter was submitted to react with hydrazine monohydrate to provide the corresponding hydrazide derivative (11) which, under reaction with ethyl acetoacetate in refluxing ethanol containing catalytic amount of acetic acid, afforded the corresponding derivative (12). The structure of the newly synthesized compounds was affirmed by their spectral and microanalytical data. We also screened for their antimicrobial potential (ZOI and MIC) and conducted a kinetic study. Additionally, the mechanism of biological action was assessed by a membrane leakage assay and SEM imaging technique. Moreover, the biological activities and the binding modes of these compounds were further supplemented by an in silico docking study against E. coli β-carbonic anhydrase. The amount of cellular protein released by E. coli is directly correlated to the concentration of compound 9, which was found to be 177.99 µg/mL following treatment with 1.0 mg/mL of compound 9. This finding supports compound 9’s antibacterial properties and explains how the formation of holes in the E. coli cell membrane results in the release of proteins from the cytoplasm. The newly synthesized compounds represent acceptable antimicrobial activities with potential action against E. coli β-carbonic anhydrase. The docking studies and antimicrobial activity test proved that compound (9) declared a greater activity than the other synthesized compounds

    Superior visible light antimicrobial performance of facet engineered cobalt doped TiO2 mesocrystals in pathogenic bacterium and fungi

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    Pristine and Co-doped TiO2 mesocrystals have been synthesized via a simple sol–gel method and their antimicrobial activity has been investigated. The antimicrobial performance was evaluated in terms of zone of inhibition, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), antibiofilm activity, and effect of UV illumination in liquid media. The Co-doped TiO2 mesocrystals showed very promising MIC of 0.390 μg/mL and 0.781 μg/mL for P. mirabilis and P. mirabilis, respectively. Additionally, the material showed an MIC of 12.5 μg/mL against C. albicans, suggesting its use as antifungal agent. Upon the addition of 10.0 µg/mL of Co-doped TiO2 mesocrystals, the biofilm inhibition% reaches 84.43% for P. aeruginosa, 78.58% for P. mirabilis, and 77.81% for S. typhi, which can be ascribed to the created active oxygen species that decompose the tested microbial cells upon illumination. Thus the fabricated Co-doped TiO2 mesocrystals exhibit sufficient antimicrobial features under visible light, qualifying them for use as antimicrobial agents against pathogenic bacteria and fungi and subsequently inhibit their hazardous effects

    Watermelon Rind Mediated Biosynthesis of Bimetallic Selenium-Silver Nanoparticles: Characterization, Antimicrobial and Anticancer Activities

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    One of the most hazardous diseases that influences human health globally is microbial infection. Therefore, bimetallic nanoparticles have received much attention for controlling microbial infections in the current decade. In the present study, bimetallic selenium–silver nanoparticles (Se-Ag NPs) were effectively biosynthesized using watermelon rind WR extract through the green technique for the first time. UV-visible spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) methods were used to characterize the produced NPs. The results indicated that the bimetallic Se-Ag NPs had synergistic antimicrobial activity at low concentrations, which helped to reduce the toxicity of Ag NPs after the bimetallic Se-Ag NPs preparation and increase their great potential. Se-Ag NPs with sizes ranging from 18.3 nm to 49.6 nm were detected by TEM. Se-Ag NP surfaces were uniformly visible in the SEM picture. The cytotoxicity of bimetallic Se-Ag NPs was assessed against the Wi38 normal cell line to check their safety, where the IC50 was 168.42 µg/mL. The results showed that bimetallic Se-Ag NPs had antibacterial action against Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella oxytoca, Bacillus subtilis, and Staphylococcus aureus with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 12.5 to 50 µg/mL. Additionally, bimetallic Se-Ag NPs had promising anticancer activity toward the MCF7 cancerous cell line, where the IC50 was 21.6 µg/mL. In conclusion, bimetallic Se-Ag NPs were biosynthesized for the first time using WR extract, which had strong antibacterial, antifungal and anticancer properties