5,368 research outputs found

    A Novel Algorithmic Approach using Little Theorem of Fermat For Generating Primes and Poulet Numbers in Order

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    Computer encryption are based mostly on primes, which are also vital for communications. The aim of this paper is to present a new explicit strategy for creating all primes and Poulet numbers in order up to a certain number by using the Fermats little theorem. For this purpose, we construct a set C of odd composite numbers and transform Fermats little theorem from primality test of a number to a generating set Q of odd primes and Poulet numbers. The set Q is sieved to separate the odd primes and the Poulet numbers. By this method, we can obtain all primes and Poulet numbers in order up to a certain number. Also, we obtain a closed form expression which precisely gives the number of primes up to a specific number. The pseudo-code of the proposed method is presented

    The Influence of Exchangeable Ions and Their Concentration in the Pore Fluid on Plastic and Strength Properties of Cohesive Soil

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    A study was conducted to find out both the effect of different exchangeable cations and the concentration of ions in the soil pore fluid on strength and plastic properties of a sample of cohesive soil taken from the bank of an open drain ditch at the Utah State University Irrigation and Drainage Farm. The experimental results of this study may be summarized by the following points: A general decrease of liquid limit and an increase in both shear strength and modulus of elasticity, with increasing salt concentration in the pore fluid, were observed for all samples, with the exception of HC1-treated samples for which shear strength was independent of HCI concentration in the pore water. An increase in both shear strength and modulus of elasticity with decreasing exchangeable sodium percentage was definite. The increase of soil shear strength caused by different exchangeable cations with distilled water in the soil pores was in the order Na + \u3c Ca ++ \u3c Mg ++ \u3c K + \u3c HCl-treated soil, whereas the modulus of elasticity increased in order Na + \u3c K + \u3c Ca ++\u3c HCI-treated soll \u3c ++ Mg A decrease in the liquid limit with decreasing exchangeable sodium was found. The influence of the different exchangeable cations used on soil liquid limit was in the order Na + \u3e HCl-treated sample \u3e Mg++ \u3e Ca ++ \u3e K+ . From this study it could be concluded that: The strength and plastic properties of cohesive soils are affected greatly by the type and concentration of adsorbed ions as well as by the ions concentration in the pore fluid. The failure of the sloping sides of drain ditches may be attributed at least in part to increasing exchangeable sodium percentage. For satisfactory and economical design of earth structures, a knowledge of chemical as well as physical properties of cohesive soils is essential. The boundary conditions which may change the soil physico-chemical properties with time should be considered. Strength properties of HCl-treated soils are controlled by aluminum rather than hydrogen ions. Exchangeable aluminum was liberated as a result of the breakdown of the clay fraction in soils when treated with HC1. The experimental results are not completely explained in terms of the Gouy-Chapman theory of double layers. However, the Stern theory which considers the specific adsorption of ions on clay surfaces is a better alternative and does explain the results adequately

    Determination of insecticides malathion and lambda-cyhalothrin residues in zucchini by gas chromatography

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    AbstractA sensitive gas chromatographic method has been developed for the determination of malathion and lambda-cyhalothrin (λ-cyhalothrin) insecticide residues in zucchini. The developed method consists of extraction with acetone, purification and partitioning with methylene chloride, column chromatographic clean-up, and finally capillary gas chromatographic determination of the insecticides. The recoveries of method were greater than 90% and limit of determination was 0.001ppm for both insecticides. The method was applied to determine residues and the rate of disappearance of malathion and λ-cyhalothrin from fruits of zucchini (open field treatment, 50cc of Malason/Cormandel 57% EC (emulsifiable concentrate) for 100L of water, 20cc of LAMBDA SUPER FOG 5% liquid for 100L of water). The insecticide incorporated into the plants decreased rapidly with a half-life time around 0.77day (18.5h) for malathion and 4days for λ-cyhalothrin. It is not recommended to use zucchini before 12h of malathion application. For λ-cyhalothrin, the preharvest interval is 5days. Four market samples were chosen from different regions from A.R.E. and all of them showed no residues of malathion or λ-cyhalothrin

    A New Learning Theory-based Framework for Combining Flow State with Game Elements to Promote Engagement and Learning in Serious Games

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    Serious games (SGs) are seen as a clear aid and a potential technique for motivating learners to engage in active and beneficial learning. The creation of SGs is a difficult task. Learning theory, learning aspects (pedagogy and learning materials), and game design are three cross-disciplinary issues related to successful SG design. Numerous studies have looked at this matter and provided guidelines and frameworks for resolving important research concerns. We discovered, however, that research hardly ever discusses the roots of learning theory in SGs. Unfortunately, designing proper SGs is still more of an art than a science. The science of SGs has to be developed on a strong theoretical basis. By illustrating how SGs may be understood from several theoretical viewpoints in learning theory and going through a number of core game design elements that are necessary for successful learning, this paper makes an attempt to solve this issue. Then, in order to encourage engagement and learning in SG contexts, we provide a new framework for the design and development of SG models that makes it easier to combine flow state with such game elements. The agile software process model serves as the basis for the development process in our system. The Unified Modeling Language was used to model prototypes and diagrams. A case study entitled One day without the use of computer-based intervention technologies was used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework