452 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Deslauriers, Joseph H. (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    Alien Registration- Deslauriers, Joseph H. (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    Describing and Processing Topology and Quality of Service Parameters of Applications in the Cloud

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    Typical cloud applications require high-level policy driven orchestration to achieve efficient resource utilisation and robust security to support different types of users and user scenarios. However, the efficient and secure utilisation of cloud resources to run applications is not trivial. Although there have been several efforts to support the coordinated deployment, and to a smaller extent the run-time orchestration of applications in the Cloud, no comprehensive solution has emerged until now that successfully leverages applications in an efficient, secure and seamless way. One of the major challenges is how to specify and manage Quality of Service (QoS) properties governing cloud applications. The solution to address these challenges could be a generic and pluggable framework that supports the optimal and secure deployment and run-time orchestration of applications in the Cloud. A specific aspect of such a cloud orchestration framework is the need to describe complex applications incorporating several services. These application descriptions must specify both the structure of the application and its QoS parameters, such as desired performance, economic viability and security. This paper proposes a cloud technology agnostic approach to application descriptions based on existing standards and describes how these application descriptions can be processed to manage applications in the Cloud

    Phase Control of Trapped Ion Quantum Gates

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    There are several known schemes for entangling trapped ion quantum bits for large-scale quantum computation. Most are based on an interaction between the ions and external optical fields, coupling internal qubit states of trapped-ions to their Coulomb-coupled motion. In this paper, we examine the sensitivity of these motional gate schemes to phase fluctuations introduced through noisy external control fields, and suggest techniques to suppress the resulting phase decoherence.Comment: 21 pages 12 figure

    Sympathetic Cooling of Trapped Cd+ Isotopes

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    We sympathetically cool a trapped 112Cd+ ion by directly Doppler-cooling a 114Cd+ ion in the same trap. This is the first demonstration of optically addressing a single trapped ion being sympathetically cooled by a different species ion. Notably, the experiment uses a single laser source, and does not require strong focusing. This paves the way toward reducing decoherence in an ion trap quantum computer based on Cd+ isotopes.Comment: 4 figure

    MiCADO-Edge: Towards an Application-level Orchestrator for the Cloud-to-Edge Computing Continuum

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    Automated deployment and run-time management of microservices-based applications in cloud computing environments is relatively well studied with several mature solutions. However, managing such applications and tasks in the cloud-to-edge continuum is far from trivial, with no robust, production-level solutions currently available. This paper presents our first attempt to extend an application-level cloud orchestration framework called MiCADO to utilise edge and fog worker nodes. The paper illustrates how MiCADO-Edge can automatically deploy complex sets of interconnected microservices in such multi-layered cloud-to-edge environments. Additionally, it shows how monitoring information can be collected from such services and how complex, user- defined run-time management policies can be enforced on application components running at any layer of the architecture. The implemented solution is demonstrated and evaluated using two realistic case studies from the areas of video processing and secure healthcare data analysis

    Spatially-resolved potential measurement with ion crystals

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    We present a method to measure potentials over an extended region using one-dimensional ion crystals in a radio frequency (RF) ion trap. The equilibrium spacings of the ions within the crystal allow the determination of the external forces acting at each point. From this the overall potential, and also potentials due to specific trap features, are calculated. The method can be used to probe potentials near proximal objects in real time, and can be generalized to higher dimensions.Comment: 7 pages (double spaced), 3 figure

    Efficient Photoionization-Loading of Trapped Cadmium Ions with Ultrafast Pulses

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    Atomic cadmium ions are loaded into radiofrequency ion traps by photoionization of atoms in a cadmium vapor with ultrafast laser pulses. The photoionization is driven through an intermediate atomic resonance with a frequency-quadrupled mode-locked Ti:Sapphire laser that produces pulses of either 100 fsec or 1 psec duration at a central wavelength of 229 nm. The large bandwidth of the pulses photoionizes all velocity classes of the Cd vapor, resulting in high loading efficiencies compared to previous ion trap loading techniques. Measured loading rates are compared with a simple theoretical model, and we conclude that this technique can potentially ionize every atom traversing the laser beam within the trapping volume. This may allow the operation of ion traps with lower levels of background pressures and less trap electrode surface contamination. The technique and laser system reported here should be applicable to loading most laser-cooled ion species.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Heating rate and electrode charging measurements in a scalable, microfabricated, surface-electrode ion trap

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    We characterise the performance of a surface-electrode ion "chip" trap fabricated using established semiconductor integrated circuit and micro-electro-mechanical-system (MEMS) microfabrication processes which are in principle scalable to much larger ion trap arrays, as proposed for implementing ion trap quantum information processing. We measure rf ion micromotion parallel and perpendicular to the plane of the trap electrodes, and find that on-package capacitors reduce this to <~ 10 nm in amplitude. We also measure ion trapping lifetime, charging effects due to laser light incident on the trap electrodes, and the heating rate for a single trapped ion. The performance of this trap is found to be comparable with others of the same size scale.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figure

    Photoionisation loading of large Sr+ ion clouds with ultrafast pulses

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    This paper reports on photoionisation loading based on ultrafast pulses of singly-ionised strontium ions in a linear Paul trap. We take advantage of an autoionising resonance of Sr neutral atoms to form Sr+ by two-photon absorption of femtosecond pulses at a wavelength of 431nm. We compare this technique to electron-bombardment ionisation and observe several advantages of photoionisation. It actually allows the loading of a pure Sr+ ion cloud in a low radio-frequency voltage amplitude regime. In these conditions up to 4x10^4 laser-cooled Sr+ ions were trapped