14,861 research outputs found

    Sharing by Design: Data and Decentralized Commons

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    Ambitious international data-sharing initiatives have existed for years in fields such as genomics, earth science, and astronomy. But to realize the promise of large-scale sharing of scientific data, intellectual property (IP), data privacy, national security, and other legal and policy obstacles must be overcome. While these issues have attracted significant attention in the corporate world, they have been less appreciated in academic and governmental settings, where solving issues of legal interoperability among data pools in different jurisdictions has taken a back seat to addressing technical challenges. Yet failing to account for legal and policy issues at the outset of a large transborder data-sharing project can lead to undue resource expenditures and data-sharing structures that may offer fewer benefits than hoped. We propose a framework to help planners create data-sharing arrangements with a focus on critical early-stage design decisions including options for legal interoperability

    A multi-group SEIRA model for the spread of COVID-19 among heterogeneous populations

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    The outbreak and propagation of COVID-19 have posed a considerable challenge to modern society. In particular, the different restrictive actions taken by governments to prevent the spread of the virus have changed the way humans interact and conceive interaction. Due to geographical, behavioral, or economic factors, different sub-groups among a population are more (or less) likely to interact, and thus to spread/acquire the virus. In this work, we present a general multi-group SEIRA model for representing the spread of COVID-19 among a heterogeneous population and test it in a numerical case of study. By highlighting its applicability and the ease with which its general formulation can be adapted to particular studies, we expect our model to lead us to a better understanding of the evolution of this pandemic and to better public-health policies to control it

    Variable stars in the globular cluster M28 (NGC 6626)

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    We present a new search for variable stars in the Galactic globular cluster M28 (NGC 6626). The search is based on a series of BVI images obtained with the SMARTS Consortium's 1.3m telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, Chile. The search was carried out using the ISIS v2.2 image subtraction package. We find a total of 25 variable stars in the field of the cluster, 9 being new discoveries. Of the newly found variables, 1 is an ab-type RR Lyrae star, 6 are c-type RR Lyrae, and 2 are long-period/semi-regular variables. V22, previously classified as a type II Cepheid, appears as a bona-fide RRc in our data. In turn, V20, previously classified as an ab-type RR Lyrae, could not be properly phased with any reasonable period. The properties of the ab-type RR Lyrae stars in M28 appear most consistent with an Oosterhoff-intermediate classification, which is unusual for bona-fide Galactic globulars clusters. However, the cluster's c-type variables do not clearly support such an Oosterhoff type, and a hybrid Oosterhoff I/II system is accordingly another possibility, thus raising the intriguing possibility of multiple populations being present in M28. Coordinates, periods, and light curves in differential fluxes are provided for all the detected variables.Comment: A&A, in pres

    Further ALMA observations and detailed modeling of the Red Rectangle

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    We present new high-quality ALMA observations of the Red Rectangle (a well known post-AGB object) in C17O J=6-5 and H13CN J=4-3 line emission and results from a new reduction of already published 13CO J=3-2 data. A detailed model fitting of all the molecular line data, including previous maps and single-dish spectra, was performed using a sophisticated code. These observations and the corresponding modeling allowed us to deepen the analysis of the nebular properties. We also stress the uncertainties in the model fitting. We confirm the presence of a rotating equatorial disk and an outflow, which is mainly formed of gas leaving the disk. The mass of the disk is ~ 0.01 Mo, and that of the CO-rich outflow is ~ 10 times smaller. High temperatures of ~ 100 K are derived for most components. From comparison of the mass values, we roughly estimate the lifetime of the rotating disk, which is found to be of about 10000 yr. Taking data of a few other post-AGB composite nebulae into account, we find that the lifetimes of disks around post-AGB stars typically range between 5000 and more than 20000 yr. The angular momentum of the disk is found to be high, ~ 9 Mo AU km/s, which is comparable to that of the stellar system at present. Our observations of H13CN show a particularly wide velocity dispersion and indicate that this molecule is only abundant in the inner Keplerian disk, at ~ 60 AU from the stellar system. We suggest that HCN is formed in a dense photodissociation region (PDR) due to the UV excess known to be produced by the stellar system, following chemical mechanisms that are well established for interstellar medium PDRs and disks orbiting young stars. We further suggest that this UV excess could lead to the efficient formation and excitation of PAHs and other C-bearing macromolecules, whose emission is very intense in the optical counterpart.Comment: Astronomy & Astrohysics, in press; 17 pages, 18 figures, 1 tabl

    Finite difference and finite element methods for partial differential equations on fractals

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    In this paper, we present numerical procedures to compute solutions of partial differential equations posed on fractals. In particular, we consider the strong form of the equation using standard graph Laplacian matrices and also weak forms of the equation derived using standard length or area measure on a discrete approximation of the fractal set. We then introduce a numerical procedure to normalize the obtained diffusions, that is, a way to compute the renormalization constant needed in the definitions of the actual partial differential equation on the fractal set. A particular case that is studied in detail is the solution of the Dirichlet problem in the Sierpinski triangle. Other examples are also presented including a non-planar Hata tree.In this paper, we present numerical procedures to compute solutions of partial differential equations posed on fractals. In particular, we consider the strong form of the equation using standard graph Laplacian matrices and also weak forms of the equation derived using standard length or área measure on a discrete approximation of the fractal set. We then introduce a numerical procedure to normalize the obtained diffusions, that is, a way to compute the renormalization constant needed in the definitions of the actual partial differential equation on the fractal set. A particular case that is studied in detail is the solution of the Dirichlet problem in the Sierpinski triangle. Other examples are also presented including a non-planar Hata tree