1,070 research outputs found


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    La mise en scène de la parole et ses implications pour la mémoire familiale dans la Généalogie de Messieurs du Laurens (1631)

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    La question de la mémoire familiale dans la Généalogie de Messieurs du Laurens (1631) est abordée par le biais d’une analyse du « récit de paroles », qui paraît être l’élément le plus frappant de ce livre de raison. En examinant la place accordée au récit de paroles et aux fonctions qu’il y remplit, cet article s’attache à montrer la manière dont Jeanne du Laurens organise la mémoire familiale et la transmet à ses descendants. Cette étude apporte un éclairage particulier sur le rôle et les usages de la mémoire familiale dans la construction des identités confessionnelles.The question of familial memory in the Généalogie de Messieurs du Laurens (1631) is approached through an analysis of the “narrative of words.” which seems to be the most striking element of this book of reason. By examining the place given to the narrative of words and the functions it fulfils there, this article aims to show how Jeanne du Laurens organizes the family memoir and transmits it to her descendants. This study sheds particular light on the role and usages of the family memoir in constructing confessional identities

    La « dignitàs mulieris » dans la littérature didactique féminine (du XVe au XVIIe siècle). Les enjeux idéologiques d’une appropriation

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    Dans les écrits didactiques féminins du XVe au XVIIe siècles (traités de morale mondaine à l'usage des princesses et dames de haut rang, conseils et instruction d'une mère à sa fille, guides dévotionnels), la représentation s'effectue par un jeu de miroirs. Les écrivaines ne remettent pas en question l'image de la femme idéale qui est déposée dans « le miroir des femmes », mais elles insistent tout particulièrement sur celles de ces vertus qui les réintégreront dans la sphère de dignité jusque-là réservée aux hommes. Ces femmes peuvent nous paraître aujourd'hui timides, prudentes, conservatrices. Toutefois, en soulignant « l'excellence du sexe », elles préparaient la voie à celles qui s'enhardiraient jusqu'à revendiquer le droit de la femme à l'étude.In women's didactic works from the XVth through the XVIIth century (conduct books written for princesses and noble women, instructions from mothers to daughters, devotional guides), representation functions as a mirroring effect. Women writers do not question the image of the ideal woman reflected in the « miroir des femmes » (conduct books written by men) but they stress specific virtues by which woman can regain her « dignity » which until then was reserved for men only. These women may appear to us today as shy, prudent, conservative. But in fact, their demonstration of woman's « excellence » paved the way for those who, more audacious, would claim woman's right to study

    Economic Analysis of Water Conservation Policies in the Texas Panhandle

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    Due to declining water availability from the Ogallala Aquifer, management policy alternatives for extending the life of the aquifer to sustain rural economies in the Texas Panhandle are evaluated. The study concludes that water conservation policies for the region significantly impact crop mix, resource usage, and net present value of farm profits over a sixty-year planning horizon.Ogallala Aquifer, Groundwater Conservation, Water Management Policy, Texas Panhandle, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    BSE, U.S. Beef Trade and Cattle Feeding Industry

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    A brief review of the beef and cattle market following the diagnosis of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in Canada and U.S. in 2003 is conducted. The focus is on the recent changes in the beef market experienced by major exporting and importing countries with special emphasis on the beef trade and cattle industry in the U.S. A single case of BSE in the U.S. has significantly disrupted global beef trade. Many countries banned beef imports from the U.S. and Canada. Continuation of these bans through 2004, particularly for the U.S., resulted in reduced beef exports. Brazil has become the number one beef exporter with estimated exports of 1.47 million tons in 2004 and is forecast to export 1.62 million tons in 2005. U.S. is the largest beef importer in the world. U.S. beef exports were a record 1.143 million tons in 2003. Beef exports from the U.S. for 2004 have been 0.202 million tons, just 17.7 percent of 2003 exports. The value of beef export losses for 2004 has been estimated as $2.73 billion. U.S. is forecast to export 0.272 million tons in 2005, representing a 35 percent increase over 2004. However, the beef export forecast for 2005 is still far below the pre-BSE levels. On the other hand U.S. beef imports have increased from 1.36 million tons in 2003 to 1.63 million tons in 2004. Imports are expected to reach 1.7 million tons in 2005. The lack of Canadian beef and live cattle imports, in conjunction with already tight U.S. supplies and strong demand, drove both beef and cattle prices up in the latter part of 2003. However, a decline of 29 percent in beef prices was experienced from December 2003 until March 2004 after the diagnosis of BSE in the U.S. BSE has also impacted live cattle trade, especially among the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) partners.International Relations/Trade,


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    The benefit of changing to Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI) from uniform application methods needs to be assessed for technology adoption. Precision irrigation involves water application in optimum amounts. Results indicate that feasibility of precision irrigation depends on field variability, crop value, economies of scale, and useful life of the equipment.Land Economics/Use,

    La représentation de soi dans les mémoires féminins du début de l’époque moderne

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    Cet article examine la manière dont l’identité féminine s’est construite au début de l’ère moderne, la place que tient l’identité collective dans la définition de soi ainsi que les techniques utilisées dans la représentation de soi. On s’y intéresse notamment à des textes appartenant à différents genres à vocation autobiographique (mémoires, testaments) et que nous ont laissés deux femmes, Charlotte Arbaleste et Renée Burlamacchi, qui sont nées toutes deux dans des familles protestantes.This essay explores how two early modern Huguenot women, Charlotte Arbaleste and Renée Burlamacchi, developed representations of themselves in two different autobiographical moments. Both Arbaleste and Burlamacchi left documentation of their lives in family memoirs and testaments. By exploring how these women pursued self-representation in these texts, this essay examines the ways in which early modern women’s identity was constructed, the role of collective identities in defining the self, as well as the development and techniques of self-representation in different documentary forms


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