13 research outputs found

    Endocarditis due to Neisseria mucosa after tongue piercing

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    Respiratory status in dairy farmers in France; cross sectional and longitudinal analyses

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    Aims: To compare respiratory status in dairy farmers with that of non-farming controls. Methods: Longitudinal study in the Doubs (France). From a cohort constituted in 1994 (T1), 215 (81.1%) dairy farmers and 110 (73.8%) controls were reevaluated in 1999 (T2). The protocol comprised a medical and occupational questionnaire, spirometric tests at both evaluations, allergological tests at T1, and a non-invasive measure of blood oxygen saturation (SpO(2)) at T2. Results: In 1999 analyses, the prevalence of chronic bronchitis was higher (p = 0.013), and FEV(1)/VC (p < 0.025) and SpO(2) (-0.7%, p < 0.01) lower in dairy farmers than in controls. In a multiple linear regression model, farming, age, and smoking were significantly and inversely correlated with SpO(2). In the whole population, the mean annual decline in FEV(1) and FEV(1)/VC was -13.4 ml and -0.30%, respectively. Farming was associated with an accelerated decline in FEV(1)/VC (p < 0.025) after adjustment for covariates. No relation between allergy and respiratory function changes was observed, except for FEF(25–75). Conclusions: This prospective study shows that dairy farming is associated with an excess of chronic bronchitis, with a moderate degree of bronchial obstruction and a mild decrease in SpO(2)

    Twelve-year longitudinal study of respiratory status in dairy farmers.

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    International audienceTo evaluate respiratory risk in dairy farmers, the present authors conducted a longitudinal study in the Doubs region of France. From a cohort constituted in 1986 (T1), 157 (62.8%) dairy farmers and 159 (63.6%) controls were re-evaluated in 1998 (T3). The study protocol comprised a medical and occupational questionnaire, spirometric tests at both evaluations, and noninvasive measure of blood oxygen saturation with pulse oximetry (S(p,O(2))) at T3. In 1998, the prevalence of chronic bronchitis was higher in dairy farmers. In cross-sectional analyses, all respiratory function parameters and S(p,O(2)) were significantly lower in dairy farmers. In a multiple linear regression model, farming, age, male sex and smoking were significantly and negatively correlated with S(p,O(2)). However, the mean annual decline in respiratory function parameters did not differ significantly between groups. After adjustment of covariables, accelerated decline in vital capacity and forced expiratory volume in one second was associated with age, smoking and male sex. Decline in vital capacity was accelerated in dairy farmers working in traditional farms and those currently foddering. The current study demonstrates that dairy farming is associated with an increased risk of lung disorders and a decrease in blood oxygen saturation and suggests that respiratory function impairment is correlated with cumulated exposure to organic dusts

    Environmental and Occupational Health Risks Among Agricultural Workers Living in a Rural Community Near Petroleum Refinery and Motorway in Skopje Region

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    To assess health risks in agricultural workers associated with environmental exposure to pollutants released from a petroleum refi nery and from traffi c, we performed a cross-sectional study that included 119 randomly selected subjects divided in two groups. Group 1 included 60 agricultural workers living in a rural community near the petroleum refi nery and a motorway overpass, whereas Group 2 consisted of 59 agricultural workers performing similar activities and living in a rural community with no exposure to industrial and traffic pollutants. Risk assessment included a questionnaire, blood pressure measurement, spirometry, laboratory tests, and toxicological analysis. The groups showed a similar prevalence of health problems, with exception of muscle pain in the extremities, headache, and fatigue, which were signifi cantly more common in Group 1. Diastolic blood pressure was higher in Group 1, but not signifi cantly (p=0.057). The same is true for blood carbon monoxide. Signifi cantly higher in Group 1 were blood haemoglobin (p=0.001) and blood lead (p<0.001). Serum cholinesterase activity was similar in both groups. Our fi ndings indicate the need of regular medical exams, ambient monitoring and environmental impact assessment in agricultural population in order to detect individuals at risk and to institute adequate preventive measures.Cilj je ovoga presječnog ispitivanja bio ocijeniti zdravstveni rizik u 119 nasumce izabranih poljoprivrednih radnika povezan s izloženosti onečišćivačima čiji su izvori rafi nerija nafte odnosno promet. Prva skupina ispitanika obuhvatila je 60 poljoprivrednika s prebivalištem u Miladinovcima, u blizini rafinerije nafte i nadvožnjaka autoceste, dok je druga skupina obuhvatila 59 poljoprivrednika iz Creševa, koji su obavljali slične djelatnosti, ali nisu bili izloženi industrijskim i prometnim onečišćivačima. Ocjena rizika obuhvatila je odgovore na upitnik, krvni tlak, spirometriju te nalaze laboratorijskih i toksikoloških pretraga. Obje su skupine iskazale podjednaku prevalenciju zdravstvenih tegoba, a izuzetak je značajno veća učestalost boli u mišićima, glavobolje i umora u skupini iz Miladinovaca. Dijastolički krvni tlak i ugljikov monoksid u krvi također su bili viši u ovoj skupini, ali se nisu značajno razlikovali od skupine iz Creševa (p=0,057). Značajno više u skupini iz Miladinovaca bile su međutim razine hemoglobina (p=0,001) i olova u krvi (p<0.001). Aktivnost kolinesteraza u serumu bila je podjednaka u obje skupine. Naši rezultati upućuju na štetno djelovanje izloženosti onečišćivačima iz naftne rafi nerije i prometa u poljoprivrednika te na potrebu za redovitim liječničkim pregledima radi prepoznavanja ugroženih pojedinaca te za uvođenjem odgovarajućih preventivnih mjera