4,780 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Bouchard, Gerard H. (Saint John Plantation, Aroostook County)

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    Alien Registration- Bouchard, Jeanette H. (Saint John Plantation, Aroostook County)

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    Use of Urinary Pregnanediol 3-glucuronide to Confirm Ovulation

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    Objective Urinary hormonal markers may assist in increasing the efficacy of Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABM). This study uses urinary pregnanediol-3a-glucuronide (PDG) testing to more accurately identify the infertile phase of the menstrual cycle in the setting of FABM. Methods Secondary analysis of an observational and simulation study, multicentre, European study. The study includes 107 women and tracks daily first morning urine (FMU), observed the changes in cervical mucus discharge, and ultrasonography to identify the day of ovulation over 326 menstrual cycles. The following three scenarios were tested: (A) use of the daily pregnandiol-3a-glucuronide (PDG) test alone; (B) use of the PDG test after the first positive urine luteinizing hormone (LH) kit result; (C) use of the PDG test after the disappearance of fertile type mucus. Two models were used: (1) one day of PDG positivity; or (2) waiting for three days of PDG positivity before declaring infertility. Results After the first positivity of a LH test or the end of fertile mucus, three consecutive days of PDG testing over a threshold of 5 ÎĽg/mL resulted in a 100% specificity for ovulation confirmation. They were respectively associated an identification of an average of 6.1 and 7.6 recognized infertile days. Conclusions The results demonstrate a clinical scenario with 100% specificity for ovulation confirmation and provide the theoretical background for a future development of a competitive lateral flow assay for the detection of PDG in the urine

    Quantum probabilities from quantum entanglement: Experimentally unpacking the Born rule

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    The Born rule, a foundational axiom used to deduce probabilities of events from wavefunctions, is indispensable in the everyday practice of quantum physics. It is also key in the quest to reconcile the ostensibly inconsistent laws of the quantum and classical realms, as it confers physical significance to reduced density matrices, the essential tools of decoherence theory. Following Bohr's Copenhagen interpretation, textbooks postulate the Born rule outright. However, recent attempts to derive it from other quantum principles have been successful, holding promise for simplifying and clarifying the quantum foundational bedrock. A major family of derivations is based on envariance, a recently discovered symmetry of entangled quantum states. Here, we identify and experimentally test three premises central to these envariance-based derivations, thus demonstrating, in the microworld, the symmetries from which the Born rule is derived. Further, we demonstrate envariance in a purely local quantum system, showing its independence from relativistic causality.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 6 appendices - Submitted

    Conception et réalisation de logiciels : vers une plus grande intégration des connaissances de la langue

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    La souplesse d’adaptation et la puissance de calcul symbolique du micro-ordinateur permettent, d’une part, de créer une véritable interaction avec l’enfant et, d’autre part, de favoriser des activités amenant l’enfant à manipuler la langue et à réfléchir sur son fonctionnement. Ce sont ces deux caractéristiques du micro-ordinateur que nous avons essayé d’exploiter en réalisant des logiciels de français dont le but est d’amener l’enfant à une meilleure maîtrise de la langue écrite. L’un des logiciels porte sur les relatives complexes et a pour objectif de susciter chez l’enfant une réflexion explicite sur le fonctionnement de ces relatives; l’autre génère des phrases avec une erreur morphologique, syntaxique ou sémantique et analyse des phrases contenant des erreurs de même type.The flexibility and the symbolic computing power of the microprocessor can be used to create a true interaction with the student and to support activities which enable the student to manipulate language and to reflect on its operation. We have tried to exploit these features in courseware the purpose of which is to improve the students' mastery of written French. The first program focusses on complex relative clauses and encourages the student to reflect explicitely on the way they function. The second program generates sentences containing a morphological, syntactic or semantic error and analyses sentences containing such errors
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