27 research outputs found

    2000 Families: identifying the research potential of an origins - of migration study

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    Despite extensive recent advances in the empirical and theoretical study of migration, certain critical areas in the analysis of European migration remain relatively underdeveloped both theoretically and empirically. Specifically, we lack studies that both incorporate an origin comparison and trace processes of intergenerational transmission across migrants over multiple generations and incorporating family migration trajectories. This paper outlines the development, data and design of such a study, the 2000 Families study, framed within a theoretical perspective of ?dissimilation? from origins and over generations. We term the study an origins-of-migration study, in that it captures the country of origin, the family origins and potentially the originating causes of migration processes and outcomes. The resulting data comprised nearly 2,000 migrant and non-migrant Turkish families with members across three or more generations, covering. 50,000 individuals. We reflect on the potential of this study for migration research

    Herausforderung Vielfalt? Migrantische ReprĂ€sentation und Teilhabe in einer zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisation fĂŒr Menschen mit Behinderung

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    Der Beitrag beschĂ€ftigt sich mit dem migrationsbezogenen Wandel in einer zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisation, die sich fĂŒr die Interessen von Menschen mit einer Behinderung und ihre Familien einsetzt. Am Beispiel der Lebenshilfe wird gezeigt, wie das Thema Migration in der Intersektion mit Behinderung viele Jahre nur sporadisch adressiert wird und erst spĂ€t, u. a. durch Legitimationsdruck im organisationalen Feld, substanziellere VerĂ€nderungen zu konstatieren sind. Mit dem Leitspruch „Es ist normal verschieden zu sein“ sieht sich die Organisation zustĂ€ndig fĂŒr die Differenzkategorie Be- hinderung und damit verbundene Teilhabeforderungen; andere soziale Kategorien und damit verbundene Bedarfe werden lange untergeordnet.Challenge Diversity? Migration-Related Representation und Parti- cipation in a Civil Society Organization for People with a Disability. The article deals with the migration-related change in a civil society organization that advocates the interests of people with a disability and their families. Using the example of Lebenshilfe, we show how the intersection of migration and disability has, for many years, only been sporadically addressed. Substantial changes can be observed rather late, which to some extent can be attributed to external pressures. The organization follows the motto "It is normal to be different" and considers itself responsible for disability issues and associated demands for participation; other social categories and associated needs are subordinated for a long tim

    The impact of migration on intergenerational solidarity types

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    textabstractThis paper aims to expand knowledge on the effects of an international migration on parent–adult child relationships. We develop a typology, include non-migrants in the country of origin for comparison, and consider transnational families. Analyses are based on the Turkish 2000 Families Study, using information of adult non-co-resident children about their relationships with their parents. The research questions are: Do intergenerational solidarity types in migrant families reflect the patterns prevalent in the origin context or migration-specific adjustments? Do solidarity types of migrants differ, depending on whether they are transnational, of first- or second-generation children? Are differences due to composition effects? Latent class analysis shows four solidarity types.