709 research outputs found

    Decision Support System (Dss) Dalam Pengangkatan Pelatih Pencak Silat Gerak Saka Dengan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (Ahp)

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    Crime rate in Indonesia is still very high, therefore martial will be very useful when there is something we do not want, Pencak silat gerak saka is one of the traditional martialarts that originated from Betawi and clean from the shirk. However, the limited number of trainers became an obstacle to its spread. With the decision support systems into a solution that provides support for consideration in the process of appointment of coaches who can be a standard reference in the process of appointment of the coach and facilititate the removal process to produce a new coach with the right to extend the deployment of the martial arts motion saka. In the research process using Analytic Hierachy Process (AHP) where there ara three criteria: character, throught patterns, and the sense that produces the appointment of the chairman as an important alternative

    The Abudance Crown of Thorn Starfish (Acanthaster Planci) in Coral Reef Ecosystem Tikus Island Bengkulu Province

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2019 di Pulau Tikus Provinsi Bengkulu untuk mengetahui bagaimana kepadatan bintang laut berduri (A. planci), bagaimana kondisi terumbu karang serta bagaimana kepadatan bintang laut berduri (A. planci) pada ekosistem terumbu karang yang dianalisis berdasarkan tutupan karang hidup di Pulau Tikus. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey. Pengambilan data kondisi terumbu karang dilakukan menggunakan metode Underwater Photograph Transect (UPT) dan pengambilan data kepadatan A. planci menggunakan metode line Intercept Transect (LIT). Kondisi Terumbu karang Pulau Tikus Provinsi Bengkulu pada 3 stasiun penelitian kedalaman 4 meter didapatkan masuk dalam kategori sedang-bagus. Pada stasiun I didapatkan persentase tutupan 44,4% atau dalam kategori sedang, pada stasiun II didapatkan persentase tutupan 59,33% dan stasiun III didapatkan persentase tutupan 59,04% yang masuk dalam kategori baik. Sedangkan pada kedalaman 9 meter didapatkan persentase tutupan dalam kategori buruk yaitu 13,93-20,20%. Kepadatan A. planci pada 3 stasiun penelitian yang masing masing dilakukan pengambilan data pada kedalaman 4 dan 9 meter semuanya masih dalam status populasi normal atau alami dengan kepadatan tertinggi yaitu 0,004 ind/m² sehingga belum memberikan ancaman yang berarti bagi ekosistem terumbu karang. Kepadatan A. planci pada masing masing stasiun penelitian juga tidak memperlihatkan perbedaan baik itu berdasarkan kedalaman maupun berdasarkan stasiun

    Abundance And Distribution Pattern Of Mangrove Snail Telescopium Telescopium In The Darul Aman Coastal Of Rupat, Bengkalis District, Riau

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    The research was conducted on September to October 2014. The study aims were to determine the abundance, size distribution and distribution pattern of mangrove snail (T. telescopium) in the Darul Aman Coastal Bengkalis Regency. The method used was a survey method. Samples of snail population and sediment were collected by a single visit during low tide. Location of study was divided into 3 stations. Station I have grow rare mangrove, residential community and coastal abrasion, station II have dense and closely mangrove, station III have close with river estuary, rarely struck high tide because higher dan mangrove grow rarely than. The sample analysis carried out in Marine Biologi Laboratory of Fishery and Marine Science Faculty of Riau University.The results of the study show that the highest abundance of snail was at the station III (2,05 ind/m2) and the lowest was at the station I (0,6 ind/m2). The most dominant of size distribution is 81 – 90 mm. Distribution pattern in this area is uniform with Id between 0,88 – 0,98

    Association between Adherence to Treatment Management and The Quality of Life of The Elderly with Diabetes Mellitus

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    Background: Diabetes melitus (DM) is a worldwide public health problem and the fourth largest contributor of disease burden in Indonesia. Diabetes mellitus and adherence to treatment management may affect the quality of life of the affected elderly. This study aimed to estimate the associations of adherence to exercise, diet, and treatment, respectively, with the quality of life of the elderly with diabetes mellitus. Subjects and Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out at Puskesmas (Community Health Center) Rowosari, Semarang. The study site is an Inter professional Education (IPE) field lab operated by Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro. Target population was the elderly with diabetes mellitus diagnosis. A random sample of 62 older patients with diabetes mellitus visiting Puskesmas Rowosari was selected for this study. The dependent variable was quality of life. The independent variables were adherence to exercise, diet, and treatment. Dietary pattern was measured by 3 day food recall. Quality of life was measured by Short Form-36. The other data were collected by questionnaire. The data were analyzed by Chi Square with Prevalence Ratio (PR) as the measure of association. Results: Bivariate analysis showed that quality of life improved with adherence to exercise (PR=8.67; 95%CI=2.09 to 35.89; p=0.001), adherence to diet (PR=6.39; 95%CI=1.32 to 30.92; p=0.012) and adherence to treatment (PR= 28.75; 95%CI=5.85 to 141.33; p<0.001), respectively, among the elderly with diabetes mellitus. Conclusion: Adherence to exercise, diet, and treatment, improves the quality of life of the elderly with diabetes mellitus. Keywords: diabetes mellitus, quality of life, treatment management, elderl

    Real-time communication in packet-switched networks

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    Health Behavior Associated with Quality of Life among Elderly with Hypertension

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    Background: The quality of life of elderly people has become increasingly important with the demographic shift to greying population. Quality of life is defined by personal feelings, details, outlook, and day to day experiences, which include how happy and positive one feels, how comfortable and secure, how productive and desired, how healthy and free an individual considers themselves, etc. This study aimed to determine health behavior associated with quality of life among elderly with hypertension. Subjects and Method: This was a cross sectional study conducted at Puskesmas (community health center) Rowosari, Semarang, Central Java. A sample of 62 elderly with hypertension was selected for this study by simple random sampling. The dependent variable was quality of life. The independent variables were adherence to treatment, physical exercise, diet, and smoking. Quality of life was measured by Short Form-36. Dietary pattern was measured by food recall. The other data were collected by questionnaire. The data were analyzed by chi square with prevalence ratio (PR) as the measure of association. Results: Adherence to treatment (PR= 10.27; CI 95%= 2.85 to 36.94; p<0.001), physical exercise (PR= 12.00; CI 95%= 2.26 to 63.86; p= 0.001), good diet (PR= 1.80; CI 95%= 1.40 to 2.34; p= 0.001), and smoking abstinence (PR= 3.36; CI 95%= 1.04 to 10.90; p= 0.038) were associated with better quality of life in elderly with hypertension. Conclusion: Adherence to treatment, physical exercise, good diet, and smoking abstinence are associated with good quality of life in elderly with hypertension

    The Structure Community of Planktonic Diatom with Nitrate and Phosphate Concentrations in Sei Undan Estuarine Sub District of Reteh District of Indragiri Hilir

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    Research on the structure community of planktonic diatom with nitrate andphosphate concentrations in sei undan estuarine sub district of Reteh district ofIndragiri Hilir was conducted on May 2013. The aims of this study was todetermine the community structure of planktonic diatom which includes index ofdiversity, index of dominan and index of uniformity and was to determine therelationship between the nitrate and phosphate consentration with the abundanceof diatom. Sample were taken at 4 station each station was divided into 3sampling points. The identification result of sampel obtained 7 species of centricdiatoms anda 1 species of pennate diatom. The highest abundance of diatom wasfound in station 2 (7.846,95 ind/L) and the lowest was found in station 4 (2.615,65ind/L). The highest individual abundance was shown by Nitzschia pungens andLeptocylindrus minimus. It was indicated that dominan species in the waters.Based on index of diversity, index of dominan and index of unifornity the areawas categorized as mesotrofic area
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