10 research outputs found

    Some Ecological Aspects of Phlebotomine Sand Flies in an Endemic Focus of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Iran

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    Following annual report of new cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis from different areas of Kuhpayeh district, Esfahan County, an investigation was carried out on some ecological aspects of Phlebotomine sand flies during 2000-2002. Sand flies were collected biweekly from outdoor and indoor resting places with the aid of 30 sticky traps from the be¬ginning to the end of the active season. Female sand flies from rodent burrows were dissected and examined for the presence of pro-mastigote infection. Blood meals of engorged sand flies were identified by ELISA method. Totally, 4993 sand flies were collected and identified. The following species were found indoors: P. papatasi, P. ser¬genti, P. caucasicus, P. mongo¬len¬sis, P. al¬exandri, P. ansarii, P. major, P. kandelakii, S. sintoni, and the subsequent species were found outdoors: P. pa¬patasi, P ser¬genti, P. caucasicus, P. mongolensis, P. ansarii, P. major, S. sintoni, S. dentata, S. pawlowskyi.‍ The sand flies active season began from May till October in this region. Natural promastigote infections observed in 1.06% of P. papatasi and also in one out of four of P. caucasicus. The human and rodent blood indices in P. papatasi were 61.9% and 20.69%, respectively. It seems that P. papatasi is the probable vector among rodents and also transmit Leishmania major, the causative agent of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis to man, and P. caucasicus transmit the agent of the disease among rodents

    Karyosystematic and morphometric characterization of the rodents as reservoir hosts of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in an endemic focus of Isfahan Province, Iran

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    Background & objectives: Rodents belonging to Gerbillinae subfamily are the main reservoir hosts of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ZCL) in Iran. Regarding the important role of these rodents in the maintenance of Leishmania major in the nature, their identification with morphometric, cytogenetic and molecular methods seems to be essential. The karyotype study of these species, captured from a new focus of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis located in the south of Isfahan Province was carried out in 2007.Methods: Twenty specimens containing seventeen Meriones persicus and three Nesokia indica were captured from Mobarakeh rural district south of Isfahan. Giemsa-stained karyotypes of these two species were prepared from bone marrow chromosome preparations. Systematic important characters of the body and cranium (incisors, molars, occipitonasal, condylobasal, zygomatic, tympanic bullae, etc.) of these rodents were studied. Cranium size was measured using a Vernier calipers.Results: Specimens of M. persicus and N. indica had 2n = 42. The karyotype study of these species included metacentric, sub-metacentric and acrocentric chromosomes. Morphological studies were completely matched with the reported characters of these species and further confirmed the diagnoses. Interpretation & conclusion: Based on the results of this study, M. persicus and N. indica are two completely differentiated rodents species that were collected from a new focus and they can also be differentiated morphologically

    Coordinated Scheduling of Renewable Energy Sources in the Unit Commitment Problem: A Review of Recent Literature

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