59 research outputs found


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    Food plants have long been used by local people of Hli Buei Village, Siding Subdistrict, Bengkayang District because of their simple processing and available in the forest. For generations, the village community has been accustomed to using food sources for their daily staple food needs. In addition, local food plants are still widely used because there is no market in Hli Buei Village. Until now, the use of plant food sources in Hli Buei Village, Siding Subdistrict, Bengkayang District has never been studied. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on the Ethnobotany of Plant Food for the Dayak Bidayuh Community in Hli Buei Village, Siding Subdistrict, Bengkayang District. The aim is to provide information about food plant species, utilization and processing of food source plants in Hli Buei Village, Siding Subdistrict, Bengkayang District. The research method is a survey method and data collection techniques by interview. Determination of respondents by purposive sampling in addition to observation and study of literature. Based on the results of interviews that have been conducted, there were 95 species from 44 families. The level of plant habitus that is widely used comes from the tree level (29.47%), herbs (28.42%), shrubs (22.1%), and the least is epiphyte (1.05%). The most part of the mash which used as food of the fruit, namely as many as 55 species (57.89%), leaves 17 species (17.89%) and the lowest was in the stems, shoots, tubers, flower buds, skin, fruit and heart, fruit. and umbut, fruit, tuber and water, terrace stem and tuber each 1 type (1.05%). Utilization of the most food plant groups came from the fruit group, namely 36 species (37.89%) and the lowest was the 3 species of cereals (3.15%).Keywords: Dayak Bidayuh, Ethnobotany, Plant Food


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    Mangrove forest and the community lived around it are two components that influence each other. The interaction between the two of them is unavoidable because they live in the same environment. Activities, perceptions or actions of the community can affect the sustainability of the existence and the preservation of mangrove forest. This study aims to describe the community perceptions towards mangrove forest and to analyze the correlation that affects community perceptions in Setapuk Besar village towards the level of knowledge, dependence, and cosmopolitanism. The technique of sampling employed in this study is purposive sampling. Based on Slovin formula, a total sample of 74 respondents was obtained. The frequency of community perceptions in Setapuk Besar village on the existence of mangrove forest are: 67 respondents (90.5%) had positive perceptions, 6 respondents (8.1%) had neutral perceptions, and 1 respondent (1.4%) had negative perception. From the results of Kendall tau-b test, the value of Sig 0.000 0.05, which indicates that there is no significant correlation between community perceptions and the level of knowledge positive correlation coefficient (0.119), the correlation strength is low.Keywords: Community perceptions, mangrove forest, Respondents, Setapuk Besa

    Efficacy Of Wood Vinegar Produced from Sengon and Jabon Wood Against on Schizophyllum commune

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    Wood dust waste can be used to make liquid smoke such as sengon wood and jabon wood. The aim of the research was to evaluate the antifungal properties of sengon and jabon wood liquid smoke in inhibiting the growth of the S. commune fungus in vitro. The process of making liquid smoke through the pyrolysis method. The research experiment was carried out using a factorial type randomized block design. The results showed that the type of liquid smoke and its concentration had a very significant effect on inhibiting the growth of the S. commune fungus. Fluid smoke from sengon and jabon wood actually restrained the development of S. commune by 100% at a concentration 2%. The conclusion is that the contents of liquid smoke from these two types of liquid smoke, namely total phenol and total acid, are compounds that function as antifungal agents


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    The main challenge in the protection and management of forests in Indonesia often comes from people living around the forest. Ethnic Dayak Jelai are an indigenous ethnic group of the Jelai Comunity in Sidahari village which inhabiting the area around Tembawang in Jelai Hulu of Ketapang Regency. This study aims to explore the local wisdom of community in Sidahari Village, Jelai Hulu Subdistrick, Ketapang Regency on Tembawang management. The data were collected through in-depth interviews, observation of the relevant objects, and samples were taken with a snow-ball technique sampling. The results of the research showed 3 (three) forms of local wisdom in the village of Sidahari in the management and utilization of  Tembawang. The first was the traditional ceremony of “ Pa Alapan Buah”which held when durian and other fruit trees such as langsat, duku, rambutan, asam bacang, asam mbawang, begin to enter flowering period. The second was traditional ceremony of “Menjangkap” which representatif traditional ceremony performed before in the fruits (durian) fall, i.e. before harvesting begins/ or before climbing of durian trees. The third was the traditional ceremony of “Senggayong” which implemented during the abudance of fruit season and all fruit trees in the Tembawang already producing dense of fruit efforts in the managemnt, maintenace, develompment and preservation of Tembawang conducted with activities in the form of weeding (slashing) and fogging the area around Tembawang during fruit season or after fruit season. The other forms of local wisdom related to management Tembawang in the village of Sidahari are in the form of applying customary law for each violation be it intentionally or unintentionally damaging or cutting down fruit trees within the Tembawang. Keywords: Customary law, Jelai Dayak ethnic, local wisdom, snow-ball sampling, traditional ceremon


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    Macroscopic fungi important role for ecosystem sustainable forest. Research to diversity of species macroscopic fungi in area Bukit Wangkang, Sungai Ambawang village. The research was counducted by survey method with multiple plot techniques. Laying of plots by means of purposive sampling, plots measuring 5m x 5m. obtained 23 plot observations total area of 0,0575 Ha, total research area of 3700 Ha. The research area, found 29 macroscopic fungi from 13 families, the families polyporaceae many of 10 species, then hymenochaetaceae many of 4 (four)  types and ganodermataceae many of 3 (three) types. The high INP value Mycena sp (26,571), Xylaria sp 1 (23,3312) and Xylaria sp 2 (13,8331). Discovered 8 (eight) species macroscopic fungi can be consumed such as ganoderma lucidum as medicinal ingredient which processed of powder and Lentinus tigrinus as food ingredients boiled or sautéed. Macroscopic fungi cannot be consumed like rigidoporus microporus because it has fruiting body that is hard, and poisonous fungi species such as coltricia sp and microporus sp types used as souvenir. 29 species of fungi founded 4 (four) species fungi grow out of the ground and 25 species types other in dead wood. Obtained 23 plots with three types of canopy density where density rarely obtained 6 (six) species of macroscopis fungi of 4 (four) plot, then density obtained 10 of fungi of 9 (nine) plot observation. Density obrained 13 fungi of 10 plot observations.Keywords: Edible mushroom, Macroscopic fungi, Secondary fores


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    Indonesian forests have abundant non-timber forest products. In Embala Village, rattan is a potential biological wealth. Rattan is usually used by the community as a material for plaiting, rigging, and other purposes. The study aims to describe how the use of rattan and to record the types of rattan from handicrafts by the people of Embala Village, Parindu District, Sanggau Regency. Research methods are carried out by surveys and interview. Data retrieval uses purposive sampling techniques to determine respondents. The result showed that there are 10 types of rattan commonly used by the community in Embala Village, that is: Korthalsia rigida Blume, Calamus javensis Blume, Daemonorops geniculata (Griff) Mart, Calamus caesius Blume, Korthalsia echinometra Beccari, Calamus inops Becc, Calamus manan Miq, Calamus trachycoleus Becc, Daemonorops Melanochaetes Blume, Daemonorops didymophylla Mart. From 10 rattan produces 21 form of handicraft in the form of  jarai, bakol, tomikng, raga, oyok podi, pongonae sidu, pongomat tilap, kobab, soo’, pingat, pongampe podi, koranyak, korosah, sapu, simpae, solongko, juah, lokar, jampot, kanol, ntudok. The resulting woven has different uses according to the shapes and size produced such as jarai used to transport firewood from the forest and bakol is used to wash rice into the river.Keywords: Craft, Public, Rattan


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    Mamek village of Menyuke district of Landak Regency is one of the villages with Dayak Kanatytn as its majority ethnic and they still use medicinal plants. The aims of this research were to catalogue the medicinal plants and its utilization pattern of Dayak Kanaytn in Mamek village. Data were collected by interviews the selected respondents through questionnaire.  The purposive sampling method was carried out and as much as 20% of total households of Mamek village was selected. There were 40 species of medicinal plants belongs to 31 plants family were used by Dayak Kanatyn in Mamek village. Types of medicinal plants based on leaf parts (18 plants species or 45%), decoction is the most common preparation method (32 species or 80%), oral is the most administration method (72%), home yard is the most plants sources location (17 species or 42,5%), and cultivated is the most cultivation method (35 species or 87,5%). The highest use value (UV) derived from sambung nyawa (Gymnathemum amygdalinum) (0.63). The highest informant consensus factor (ICF) with value 1 were obtained from diseases such as blood vomit, internal wound, swollen, sore, diarrhea, hepatitis, jaundice, measles, body odor, menstruation, urolitiasis, urinary tract infection, asthma, typhus, diabetic, mouthwash, digestion and palpitation. The highest fidelity level (FL) is 100% and value derived from alang  karue (Imperata Cylindrica), bawang merah (Allium cepa), bawang putih (Allium sativum), landep (Barleria prionitis), lengkuas (Alpinia galangal), bunga perujan (Ixora stricta roxb), ceri (Prunus avium), daun kesum (Polygonum minus), pepaya (Carica papaya), kedondong (Spondias dulcis forst), timun (Cucumis sativus), kelapa kuning (Cocos nucifera), mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa), pandan wangi (Pandanus amaryllifolius), puring (Codiaeum variegatum), lokop (Physalis peruviana) dengan nilai 100%.Keywords: Dayak Kanayatn, Medicinal Plants, Mamek Villag
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