672,274 research outputs found

    A nonlinear indentity for the scattering phase of integrable models

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    A nonlinear identity for the scattering phase of quantum integrable models is proved.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, no figure

    Integral equation for inhomogeneous condensed bosons generalizing the Gross-Pitaevskii differential equation

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    We give here the derivation of a Gross-Pitaevskii--type equation for inhomogeneous condensed bosons. Instead of the original Gross-Pitaevskii differential equation, we obtain an integral equation that implies less restrictive assumptions than are made in the very recent study of Pieri and Strinati [Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003) 030401]. In particular, the Thomas-Fermi approximation and the restriction to small spatial variations of the order parameter invoked in their study are avoided.Comment: Phys. Rev. A (accepted

    Cofactor regeneration by a soluble pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase for biological production of hydromorphone

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    We have applied the soluble pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase of Pseudomonas fluorescens to a cell-free system for the regeneration of the nicotinamide cofactors NAD and NADP in the biological production of the important semisynthetic opiate drug hydromorphone. The original recombinant whole-cell system suffered from cofactor depletion resulting from the action of an NADP(+)-dependent morphine dehydrogenase and an NADH-dependent morphinone reductase. By applying a soluble pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase, which can transfer reducing equivalents between NAD and NADP, we demonstrate with a cell-free system that efficient cofactor cycling in the presence of catalytic amounts of cofactors occurs, resulting in high yields of hydromorphone. The ratio of morphine dehydrogenase, morphinone reductase, and soluble pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase is critical for diminishing the production of the unwanted by-product dihydromorphine and for optimum hydromorphone yields. Application of the soluble pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase to the whole-cell system resulted in an improved biocatalyst with an extended lifetime. These results demonstrate the usefulness of the soluble pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase and its wider application as a tool in metabolic engineering and biocatalysis

    Magnetic activity, differential rotation and dynamo action in the pulsating F9IV star KIC 5955122

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    We present photometric spot modeling of the nearly four-year long light-curve of the Kepler target KIC 5955122 in terms of persisting dark circular surface features. With a Bayesian technique, we produced a plausible surface map that shows dozens of small spots. After some artifacts are removed, the residuals are at ±0.16\pm 0.16\,mmag. The shortest rotational period found is P=16.4±0.2P = 16.4 \pm 0.2 days. The equator-to-pole extrapolated differential rotation is 0.25±0.020.25 \pm 0.02 rad/d. The spots are roughly half as bright as the unperturbed stellar photosphere. Spot latitudes are restricted to the zone ±60\pm 60^\circ latitude. There is no indication for any near-pole spots. In addition, the p-mode pulsations enabled us to determine the evolutionary status of the star, the extension of the convective zone, and its radius and mass. We discuss the possibility that the clear signature of active regions in the light curve of the F9IV star KIC 5955122 is produced by a flux-transport dynamo action at the base of the convection zone. In particular, we argue that this star has evolved from an active to a quiet status during the Q0--Q16 period of observation, and we predict, according to our dynamo model, that the characteristic activity cycle is of the order of the solar one.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, to be published on A&

    Low Molecular Weight mRNA Encodes a Protein That Controls Serotonin 5-HT_(1c) and Acetylcholine M_1 Receptor Sensitivity in Xenopus Oocytes

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    Serotonin 5-HT_(1c) and acetylcholine M_1 receptors activate phosphoinositidase, resulting in an increased formation of IP_3 and 1,2 diacylglycerol. In Xenopus oocytes injected with mRNA encoding either of these receptors, Ca^(2+) released from intracellular stores in response to IP3 then opens Ca^(2+)-gated Cl^-channels. In the present experiments, oocytes expressing a transcript from a cloned mouse serotonin 5-HT_(1c) receptor were exposed to identical 15-s pulses of agonist, administered 2 min apart; the second current response was two to three times that of the first. However, in those oocytes coinjected with the 5-HT_(1c) receptor transcript and a low molecular weight fraction (0.3-1.5 kb) of rat brain mRNA, the second current response was ~50% of the first. Thus, the low molecular weight RNA encodes a protein (or proteins) that causes desensitization. Experiments using fura-2 or a Ca^(2+)-free superfusate indicated that desensitization of the 5-HT_(1c) receptor response does not result from a sustained elevation of intracellular Ca^(2+) level or require the entry of extracellular Ca^(2+). Photolysis of caged IP_3 demonstrated that an increase in IP_3 and a subsequent rise in Ca^(2+) do not produce desensitization of either the IP_3 or 5-HT_(1c) peak current responses. Furthermore, in oocytes coinjected with the low molecular weight RNA and a transcript from the rat M_1 acetylcholine receptor, the M_1 current response was greatly attenuated. Our data suggest that the proteins involved in attenuation of the M_1 current response and desensitization of the 5-HT_(1c) current response may be the same

    The Vacuum Structure and Spectrum of N=2 Supersymmetric SU(N) Gauge Theory

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    We present an exact description of the metric on the moduli space of vacua and the spectrum of massive states for four dimensional N=2 supersymmetric SU(n) gauge theories. The moduli space of quantum vacua is identified with the moduli space of a special set of genus n-1 hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces.Comment: 11 pages, Revtex, 2 figures. Reference adde

    Ground state energy of a homogeneous Bose-Einstein condensate beyond Bogoliubov

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    The standard calculations of the ground-state energy of a homogeneous Bose gas rely on approximations which are physically reasonable but difficult to control. Lieb and Yngvason [Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 2504 (1998)] have proved rigorously that the commonly accepted leading order term of the ground state energy is correct in the zero-density-limit. Here, strong indications are given that also the next to leading term is correct. It is shown that the first terms obtained in a perturbative treatment provide contributions which are lost in the Bogoliubov approach.Comment: 6 pages, accepted for publication in Europhys. Lett. http://www.epletters.ch

    Eikonal profile functions and amplitudes for pp\rm pp and pˉp\bar{\rm p}{\rm p} scattering

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    The eikonal profile function J(b)J(b) obtained from the Model of the Stochastic Vacuum is parametrized in a form suitable for comparison with experiment. The amplitude and the extended profile function (including imaginary and real parts) are determined directly from the complete pp and pˉ\bar{\rm p}p elastic scattering data at high energies. Full and accurate representation of the data is presented, with smooth energy dependence of all parameters. The changes needed in the original profile function required for description of scattering beyond the forward direction are described.Comment: Latex, 28 pages and 16 figure

    Velocity weakening and possibility of aftershocks in nanofriction experiments

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    We study the frictional behavior of small contacts as those realized in the atomic force microscope and other experimental setups, in the framework of generalized Prandtl-Tomlinson models. Particular attention is paid to mechanisms that generate velocity weakening, namely a decreasing average friction force with the relative sliding velocity.The mechanisms studied model the possibility of viscous relaxation, or aging effects in the contact. It is found that, in addition to producing velocity weakening, these mechanisms can also produce aftershocks at sufficiently low sliding velocities. This provides a remarkable analogy at the microscale, of friction properties at the macroscale, where aftershocks and velocity weakening are two fundamental features of seismic phenomena.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Presupernova Evolution of Rotating Massive Stars and the Rotation Rate of Pulsars

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    Rotation in massive stars has been studied on the main sequence and during helium burning for decades, but only recently have realistic numerical simulations followed the transport of angular momentum that occurs during more advanced stages of evolution. The results affect such interesting issues as whether rotation is important to the explosion mechanism, whether supernovae are strong sources of gravitational radiation, the star's nucleosynthesis, and the initial rotation rate of neutron stars and black holes. We find that when only hydrodynamic instabilities (shear, Eddington-Sweet, etc.) are included in the calculation, one obtains neutron stars spinning at close to critical rotation at their surface -- or even formally in excess of critical. When recent estimates of magnetic torques (Spruit 2002) are added, however, the evolved cores spin about an order of magnitude slower. This is still more angular momentum than observed in young pulsars, but too slow for the collapsar model for gamma-ray bursts.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Proc. IAU 215 "Stellar Rotation