15 research outputs found

    Lösemide Wnt Sinyal Yolağı

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    Wnt sinyal yolağının, embriyonik dönemde hematopoezi düzenlediği, hem miyeloid hem de lenfoid hematolojik malignitelerin gelişiminde çok önemli bir rol oynadığı bilinmektedir, ancak kesin rolü hala tartışmalıdır ve yoğun araştırma konusudur. Normal hematopoietik hücrelerin maturasyonu sırasında meydana gelen bozulmalar lösemik hücrelerin oluşmasına neden olur. Maturasyonunu tamamlamamış ve sınırsız bölünme özelliğine sahip lösemik hücrelerin kendilerini yenilemeleri ve çoğalmaları için değişen kemik iliği mikroçevresini ya da çeşitli sinyal yolaklarını kullandıkları bilinmektedir. Bu yolaklarda ortaya çıkabilecek anormallikler, malign transformasyon, azalmış apoptozis ve kontrolsüz proliferasyonla sonuçlanmaktadır. Hematolojik malignitelerde regülasyonu bozulan yolaklardan biri olan Wnt sinyal yolağı, lösemik hücrelerin kemik iliğine yerleşmesinin yanı sıra lösemik kök hücre gelişimi ve kemorezistansını destekler. Bu derlemede değişen Wnt sinyal yolağının kemik iliği mikroçevresini, ve lökomogenezi nasıl etkilediği özetlenerek Wnt sinyal yolağı hedeflenerek yapılan terapötik yaklaşımlar tartışılmıştır

    Contesting longstanding conceptualisations of urban green space

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    Ever since the Victorian era saw the creation of “parks for the people,” health and wellbeing benefits have been considered a primary benefit of urban parks and green spaces. Today, public health remains a policy priority, with illnesses and conditions such as diabetes, obesity and depression a mounting concern, notably in increasingly urbanised environments. Urban green space often is portrayed as a nature-based solution for addressing such health concerns. In this chapter, Meredith Whitten investigates how the health and wellbeing benefits these spaces provide are limited by a narrow perspective of urban green space. Whitten explores how our understandings of urban green space remain rooted in Victorian ideals and calls into question how fit for purpose they are in twenty-first-century cities. Calling on empirical evidence collected in three boroughs in London with changing and increasing demographic populations, she challenges the long-held cultural underpinnings that lead to urban green space being portrayed “as a panacea to urban problems, yet treating it as a ‘cosmetic afterthought’” (Whitten, M, Reconceptualising green space: planning for urban green space in the contemporary city. Doctoral thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, U.K. http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/. Accessed 12 Jun 2019, 2019b, p 18)

    Intelligente Fahrzeuge

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    A parallel distance-2 graph coloring algorithm for distributed memory computers

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    The distance-2 graph coloring problem aims at partitioning the vertex set of a graph into the fewest sets consisting of vertices pairwise at distance greater than two from each other. Application examples include numerical optimization and channel assignment. We present the first distributed-memory heuristic algorithm for this NP-hard problem. Parallel speedup is achieved through graph partitioning, speculative (iterative) coloring, and a BSP-like organization of computation. Experimental results show that the algorithm is scalable, and compares favorably with an alternative approach—solving the problem on a graph G by first constructing the square graph G² and then applying a parallel distance-1 coloring algorithm on G²