1 research outputs found

    Dynamometer Design and Manufacturing for Cutting Force Definition on Machining Process

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    <span style="font-size: 12.6px; font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">Bu çalismada; delik delme sürecinde meydana gelen kesme kuvvetlerini duyarli bir sekilde ölçebilen ve ölçülen degerleri es zamanli olarak bilgisayar ortamina kaydedebilen, yük hücresi (loadcell) esasli bir dinamometre tasarimi ve imalati gerçeklestirilmistir. Gelistirilen dinamometre ve literatürde yaygin olarak kullanilan dinamometreden elde edilen kesme kuvveti degerleri karsilastirilmistir. Dogrulama deneyleri, Ç1040 malzemesinin 10mm çapinda HSS matkaplarla delinmesiyle gerçeklestirilmistir. Kuru kesim sartlarinda yapilan deneylerde, ilerleme miktari 0.075, 0.1 mm/dev. ve kesme hizi degeri 15, 25 m/dak. olarak seçilmistir. Dogrulama deneylerinin sonuçlari karsilastirildiginda, imalati gerçeklestirilen dinamometreden elde edilen verilerin ve yaygin olarak kullanilan dinamometreden elde edilen verilerle benzer sonuçlar sergiledigi görülmüstür. Üretimi gerçeklestirilen bu sistemle, sektörde var olan dinamometre maliyetinin yaklasik %5’ine tekabül eden bir maliyetle bu ölçümlerin gerçeklestirilebilecegi gösterilmistir.</span><span style="font-size: 12.6px; font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">In this study; A load cell based dynamometer design and manufacture has been realized in which the shear forces that can be measured in a precise manner and the measured values can be simultaneously recorded in the computer environment. The developed dynamometer and shear force values obtained from the dynamometer commonly used in the literature are compared. Verification experiments were carried out by drilling 1040 material with 10 mm diameter HSS drills. In dry cutting conditions, the feed rate is 0.075, 0.1 mm/g. and the cutting speed is 15, 25 m/min. When the results of the verification experiments are compared, it is seen that the data obtained from the manufactured dynamometer and the results obtained from the commonly used dynamometer show similar results. It has been demonstrated that with this production system, these measurements can be made at a cost corresponding to about 5% of the dynamometer cost existing in the sector.</span