19 research outputs found

    Goblet cell carcinoid: Case report

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    The mixt endocrine-exocrine carcinoma of the appendix,being a rare tumor, makes up a very little part of all gastrointestinalsystem tumors. These tumors are thought tobe the intermediary tumors taking place between adenocarcinomasand endocrine tumors. Generally they areseen in the 5th -6th decades equally in males and females.Being very characteristic, the histomorphological pictureof goblet cell carcinoid consists of atypical epithelial cellswith conspicuous nucleoli that make small abortive glandsdemonstrating scattered nests under surface epitheliumand containing Goblet cells. The tumor exhibits transmuralspread producing mucin pools designating positiveimmunoreaction histochemically with musicarmenstain. In addition to CEA and keratin expressions, thereis neuroendocrine differentiation that may be illustratedboth immunohistochemically and ultrastructurally. In ourcase, under the appendix epithelium we determined atumor that was formed by gland structures lined by mucinousepithelial cells with conspicuous nucleoli, growingforward to the muscle layer and seeming invasive. Weestablished that the tumor expressed PanCK, synaptophysin,chromogranin and CEA in immunohistochemicalstudy and stained positively with PAS, PAS-AB andmusicarmen in histochemical study. We considered thecase as goblet cell carcinoid when clinical, histopathological,histochemical and immunohistochemical data wereassessed together. In the time interval 2 years after theoperation, any recurrence and/or metastase was not determined.Key words: Goblet cell carcinoid, CEA, chromogranin A,PAS-AB, musicarme

    Increased Caspase-3 Immunoreactivity of Erythrocytes in STZ Diabetic Rats

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    Eryptosis is a term to define apoptosis of erythrocytes. Oxidative stress and hyperglycemia, both of which exist in the diabetic intravascular environment, can trigger eryptosis of erythrocytes. In this experimental study, it is presented that the majority of erythrocytes shows caspase-3 immunoreactivity in streptozocin- (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. Besides that, caspase-3 positive erythrocytes are aggregated and attached to vascular endothelium. In conclusion, these results may start a debate that eryptosis could have a role in the diabetic complications

    Konwencjonalna i płynna cytologia – badania porównawcze

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    Objectives: The aim of our study is the comparison of the results of conventional smear (CC) technique and liquidbased cytology (LBC) technique used as cervical cancer screening methods. Material and methods: The results of 47954 patients submitted to smear screening in our gynecology clinic between January 2008 and December 2014 have been studied. The smear results have been divided into two groups CC and LBC according to the technique used. Results: When considering the distribution within CC group, the results were as follows: intraepithelial cell abnormalities 2,0% (n=619), insufficient sample for analysis 2,1% (n=660), Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) 1.8% (n=554), Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LGSIL) 0.1% (n=35), High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HGSIL) 0.1% (n=16), Atypical squamous cells – cannot exclude HGSIL (ASC-H) 0.029% (n=9), Atypical glandular cells- not other wise specified (AGC-NOS) 0.012% (n=4), squamous carcinoma 0.003% (n=1). When considering the distribution in LBC group, the results were as follows: intraepithelial cell abnormalities2.1% (n=357), insufficient sample for analysis 0.9% (n=144), ASC-US 1.8% (n=296), LGSIL 0.2% (n=38), HGSIL 0.1% (n=8), ASC-H 0.1% (n=10), AGC-NOS 0.017% (n=3), squamous carcinoma 0.011% (n=2). Conclusions: Although the rates of epithelial cell abnormalities are similar for both tests, LSIL results are more frequently observed in LBC technique. In LBC technique, the number of insufficient sample for analysis is quite low compared to CC group and thus constitutes an advantage.  Cel pracy: Celem badania było porównanie wyników konwencjonalnej (CC) i płynnej cytologii (LBC) stosowanej w skriningu raka szyjki macicy. Materiał i metoda: Przeanalizowano wyniki od 47954 pacjentek objętych cytologicznym badaniem skriningowym w naszym oddziale ginekologicznym w okresie od stycznia 2008 do grudnia 2014. Wyniki cytologiczne podzielono na dwie grupy CC i LBC w zależności od techniki pobierania. Wyniki: W grupie CC wyniki przedstawiały się nastepująco: nieprawidłowości komórek śródnabłonkowych 2,0% (n=619), nieodpowiednia próbka do analizy 2,1% (n=660), ASC-US 1.8% (n=554), LGSIL 0.1% (n=35), HGSIL 0.1% (n=16), ASC-H 0.029% (n=9), AGC-NOS 0.012% (n=4), rak płaskonabłonkowy 0.003% (n=1). W grupie LBC wyniki przedstawiały się następująco: nieprawidłowości komórek śródnabłonkowych 2.1% (n=357), nieodpowiednia próbka do analizy 0.9% (n=144), ASC-US 1.8% (n=296), LGSIL 0.2% (n=38), HGSIL 0.1% (n=8), ASC-H 0.1% (n=10), AGC-NOS 0.017% (n=3), rak płaskonabłonkowy 0.011% (n=2). Wnioski: Chociaż odsetek nieprawidłowości komórek śródnabłonkowych jest podobny dla obu testów, wyniki LSIL są częściej obserwowane w technice LBC. W metodzie LBC liczba próbek nieodpowiednich do analizy jest dość niska w porównaniu do grupy CC, stąd jest to jej niewątpliwa zaleta.

    Bladder Leiomyoma: Case Report

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    Leiomyoma of the bladder is a rare benign mesenchymal tumor. Theclinic symptomatology depends on the tumor site, and this type of lesion ismorefrequently found in women. Treatment mainly consist of endoscopicresection, but may involve partial cystectomy

    Cystic teratoma in testis: A case report

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    Testis tümörleri çocuklarda nadir görülür. Bu makalede, 9 yaşında bir erkek çocuğunda sağ testiste teratom saptanan bir olgu sunulmuştur. Klinik muayenede ağrısız skrotal kitle mevcuttu. Kitle ile beraber testis (orşiektomi) çıkarıldı. Histolojik incelemede teratom saptandı.Testicular tumors are uncommon in children. In this case report, the authors describe a case of right testis teratoma in a 9-year-old boy. The clinical examination showed a painless scrotal mass. The mass and testes were removed. The histologic examination was confirmed a teratoma

    A case of Choriocarcinoma primarily located in the urinary bladder

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    Choriocarcinoma is a tumor with poor prognosis which usually develops in the uterus and ovaries in females and testes in males. Choriocarcinomas primarily located in the urinary bladder occur extremely rare. In the radiological examination of the 28 year old male patient presented with cough, difficulty in breathing, dysuria and hematuria; lung lesions compatible with metastasis and a mass which was extending inside of the lumen in the anterior wall of the urinary bladder were determined. During the cystoscopic investigation, an incomplete transurethral resection was applied to the tumor. In the histopathological evaluation of the tumor tissue, cells compatible with syncytiotrophoblasts were observed among the polyhedral large mononuclear cells. While positive staining with pancytokeratin, cytokeratin 7, high molecular weight cytokeratin, human plasental lactogen, and human corionic gonadotrophin was observed in the tumor tissue, there was not any staining with epithelial membrane antigen, carcinoembryonic antigen, CD30, p63, and cytokeratin 20. Present histopathological and immunohistochemical findings were evaluated as compatible with coriocarcinoma. Because of being seen rarely, having poor prognosis, causing death due to metastasis, the necessity of holding in mind in the differential diagnosis of high grade urothelial carcinomas, it is purposed to present the case accompanied by literature information

    A rare chest wall localized soft tissue sarcoma: Clear cell sarcoma

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    The clear cell sarcomas of soft tissue are rare tumorsoriginating from neural crest cells and presenting withpoor prognosis. By the reason of the resemblance ofhistological properties to malign melanoma (eg. the immunoreactivityto S100 and HMB45, the presence of melanosomesultrastructurally), these tumors are also definedas malign melanomas of soft tissue. But distinctivelyfrom cutaneous melanoma, clear cell sarcoma is almostalways deeply localized and the biological behaviour ofthe last one is also different. The differential diagnosisbetween clear cell sarcoma and desmoplastic or spindlecell malign melanoma may be more difficult because ofthe dermal localization of the last ones. In our case, itwas observed an infiltrative tumor composed of uniformseeming cells with vesicular nuclei, distinct nucleoli, paleeosinophilic and sometimes clear, scant cytoplasms, inaddition to necrotic areas. On immunohistochemical examination,the tumoral cells showed a positive immunoreactivityto vimentin, S100, HMB45, and SMA, while showingnegative immunoreactivity with CD34, PanCK, EMA,LCA, CD99 and desmin. Ki-67 proliferation index was determinedas approximately 50%. Because of deep localizationand different morphological-immunohistochemicalfindings of the tumor, the case was diagnosed as “clearcell sarcoma”. It was observed a tumor with similar morphologyin the biopsy sample taken from vertebra of thepatient one month later than the first material and this wascommented as the metastasis of the tumor to vertebra.Key words: Clear cell sarcoma, chest wall, metastasis,vertebral, HMB-45, S-10