13,442 research outputs found

    From Now to Timelike Infinity on a Finite Grid

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    We use the conformal approach to numerical relativity to evolve hyperboloidal gravitational wave data without any symmetry assumptions. Although our grid is finite in space and time, we cover the whole future of the initial data in our calculation, including future null and future timelike infinity.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, revtex

    On Killing vectors in initial value problems for asymptotically flat space-times

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    The existence of symmetries in asymptotically flat space-times are studied from the point of view of initial value problems. General necessary and sufficient (implicit) conditions are given for the existence of Killing vector fields in the asymptotic characteristic and in the hyperboloidal initial value problem (both of them are formulated on the conformally compactified space-time manifold)

    Three Remarks on “Reflective Equilibrium“

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    John Rawls’ “reflective equilibrium” ranges amongst the most popular conceptions in contemporary ethics when it comes to the basic methodological question of how to justify and trade off different normative positions and attitudes. Even where Rawls’ specific contractualist account is not adhered to, “reflective equilibrium” is readily adopted as the guiding idea of coherentist approaches, seeking moral justification not in a purely deductive or inductive manner, but in some balancing procedure that will eventually procure a stable adjustment of relevant doctrines and standpoints. However, it appears that the widespread use of this idea has led to some considerable deviations from its meaning within Rawls’ original framework and to a critical loss of conceptual cogency as an ethico-hermeneutical tool. This contribution identifies three kinds of “balancing” constellations that are frequently, but inadequately brought forth under the heading of Rawlsian “reflective equilibrium”: balancing theoretical accounts against intuitive convictions; balancing general principles against particular judgements; balancing opposite ethical conceptions or divergent moral statements, respectively. It is argued that each of these applications departs from Rawls’ original construction of “reflective equilibrium” and also deprives the idea of its reliability in clarifying and weighing moral stances

    On the Effect of Constraint Enforcement on the Quality of Numerical Solutions in General Relativity

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    In Brodbeck et al 1999 it has been shown that the linearised time evolution equations of general relativity can be extended to a system whose solutions asymptotically approach solutions of the constraints. In this paper we extend the non-linear equations in similar ways and investigate the effect of various possibilities by numerical means. Although we were not able to make the constraint submanifold an attractor for all solutions of the extended system, we were able to significantly reduce the growth of the numerical violation of the constraints. Contrary to our expectations this improvement did not imply a numerical solution closer to the exact solution, and therefore did not improve the quality of the numerical solution.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Group-Theoretical Analysis of Second Harmonic Generation at (110) and (111) Surfaces of Antiferromagnets

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    Extending our previous work we classify the nonlinear magneto-optical response at low index surfaces of fcc antiferromagnets, such as NiO. Antiferromagnetic bilayers are discussed here as models for the termination of bulk antiferromagnets.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures (figures no. 1 and 3 updated

    Neurosurgery for Psychopaths? An Ethical Analysis

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    Recent developments in neuroscience have inspired proposals to perform deep brain stimulation on psychopathic detainees. We contend that these proposals cannot meet important ethical requirements that hold for both medical research and therapy. After providing a rough overview of key aspects of psychopathy and the prospects of tackling this condition via deep brain stimulation, we proceed to an ethical assessment of such measures, referring closely to the distinctive features of psychopathic personality, particularly the absence of subjective suffering and a lack of moral motivation. Scrutiny of these factors reveals that two essential bioethical criteria, individual medical benefit and voluntary informed consent, cannot be met in performing neurosurgical experiments or treatments on psychopathic inmates

    Femtosecond electron and spin dynamics probed by nonlinear optics

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    A theoretical calculation is performed for the ultrafast spin dynamics in nickel using an exact diagonalization method. The present theory mainly focuses on a situation where the intrinsic charge and spin dynamics is probed by the nonlinear (magneto-)optical responses on the femtosecond time scale, i.e. optical second harmonic generation (SHG) and the nonlinear magneto-optical Kerr effect (NOLIMOKE). It is found that the ultrafast charge and spin dynamics are observable on the time scale of 10 fs. The charge dynamics proceeds ahead of the spin dynamics, which indicates the existence of a spin memory time. The fast decay results from the loss of coherence in the initial excited state. Both the material specific and experimental parameters affect the dynamics. We find that the increase of exchange interaction mainly accelerates the spin dynamics rather than the charge dynamics. A reduction of the hopping integrals, such as present at interfaces, slows down the spin dynamics significantly. Besides, it is found that a spectrally broad excitation yields the intrinsic speed limit of the charge (SHG) and spin dynamics (NOLIMOKE) while a narrower width prolongs the dynamics. This magnetic interface dynamics then should become accessible to state of art time resolved nonlinear-optical experiments.Comment: 5 pages with 3 figures, to appear in Applied. Phys. B 68, (1999

    Nonlinear Magneto-Optics of freestanding Fe monolayers from first principles

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    The nonlinear magneto-optical Kerr-effect (NOLIMOKE) is determined for freestanding Fe monolayers with several in-plane structures from first principles. Based on the theory of nonlinear magneto-optics by H\"ubner and Bennemann [Phys. Rev. B, {\bf 40}, 5973 (1989)] we calculate the nonlinear susceptibilities of the monolayers using the ab initio FLAPW-method WIEN95 with the additional implementation of spin-orbit coupling and the calculation of the dipole transition matrix elements appropriate for freestanding monolayers. We present results for the spectral dependence of the nonlinear susceptibility tensor elements and the resulting intensities and Kerr angles. Special emphasize is put on the effects of structural changes such as the variation of the lattice constant and different surface orientations. The influence of spin-orbit coupling on the tensor elements for different magnetization directions is presented as well as the azimuthal dependence of the intensities generated by several low index surfaces, showing the pronounced sensitivity of second harmonic generation to lateral structural changes as well as magnetic properties even in the monolayer range

    A Scheme to Numerically Evolve Data for the Conformal Einstein Equation

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    This is the second paper in a series describing a numerical implementation of the conformal Einstein equation. This paper deals with the technical details of the numerical code used to perform numerical time evolutions from a "minimal" set of data. We outline the numerical construction of a complete set of data for our equations from a minimal set of data. The second and the fourth order discretisations, which are used for the construction of the complete data set and for the numerical integration of the time evolution equations, are described and their efficiencies are compared. By using the fourth order scheme we reduce our computer resource requirements --- with respect to memory as well as computation time --- by at least two orders of magnitude as compared to the second order scheme.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure