376 research outputs found

    Razmatranja o rasprostranjenju listopadne i zimzelene vegetacije

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    Iako je raspored zimzelene i listopadne vegetacije klimatski uvjetovan, ipak su odnosi u pojedinostima često teško uočljivi. Samo u ekstremnim oceanskim uvjetima rasprostranjene su u svim širinama barem pretežno zimzelene (vazdazelene) vegetacjske formacije. U klimi s velikim godišnjim amplitudama mogu u posebnim prilikama prevladavati sad listopadni sad zimzeleni vegetacijski tipovi ili pak nastupaju jedni pored drugih, a mogu doći i zajedno zimzeleni i listopadni životni oblici. Konifere, kao jednostavnije organizirana skupina biljaka koja je nastala bliže polu, manje su osjetljive na hladnoću nego složenije građene kritosjemenjače, koje su se razvile u tropima. Zahvaljujući većoj otpornosti svojih asimilacijskih organa na hladnoću, konifere su u mogućnosti da još sjevernije od zone listopadnih šuma izgrađuju borealni pojas pretežno zimzelenih (vazdazelenih) šuma. Angiosperme, naprotiv, mogu prodrijeti u polarna područja samo kao niskorastuće vazđazelene biljke. U vazdazelenih kritosjemenjača listopadnih područja Evrope ograničenje životne aktivnosti čini se povezanim s otpornošću protiv mraza, pa teoretska moguća prednost dulje periode asimilacije nasuprot listopadnim biljkama nije naročito izražena. Konkurentska prednost veće produkcije listopadnih drveta nasuprot vazdazelenim biljkama tvrdolisnatih područja ne vrijedi u odnosu na vazđazelene biljke vlažnih toplih područja (lovorove šume u širokom smislu). Pomanjkanje listopadne vegetacije na Novom Zelandu dovodi se u vezu s klimom, dok se za slabiju zastupljenost listopadne vegetacije u Australiji u odnosu prema zimzelenoj mogu prema autoru smatrati odlučnim drugi ekološki faktori

    Demographischer Wandel und kulturelle Infrastruktur: Auswirkungen und Handlungsansätze

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    Der kulturelle Sektor kann sich der demographischen Entwicklung nicht entziehen. Die Alterung der Gesellschaft, die schrumpfende Bevölkerungszahl sowie die externe und interne Migration werden Kulturinstitutionen vor erhebliche Herausforderungen stellen. Notwendig ist eine differenzierte Analyse der jeweiligen Ausgangssituation, auf deren Grundlage die Akteure – Kulturschaffende, Kulturpolitiker und Kulturförderer – ihr Handeln langfristig ausrichten. Das vorliegende Diskussionspapier skizziert neben den wesentlichen Wechselwirkungen zwischen Kunst, Kultur und demographischem Wandel grundsätzliche Handlungsstrategien des kulturellen Sektors.The cultural sector cannot avoid the effects of demographic change. The aging society, the shrinking population as well as emigration and immigration are presenting cultural institutions with considerable challenges. A complex analysis of the initial situation in each case is essential if those involved ? artists, cultural policy-makers and patrons of the arts ? are to give long-term direction to their actions. This paper sketches the fundamental interaction among arts, culture and demographic change and examines basic strategies for action in the cultural sector

    Local protection against mountain hazards ? state of the art and future needs

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    International audienceDuring the last decades, settlement activities increased in European mountain regions. Due to the scarceness of areas suitable for development, residential estates were extended into areas endangered by natural hazards such as mass movements. These settlements generally show a considerable vulnerability to tangible assets. Integral risk management strategies to reduce the vulnerability to tangible assets are presented for the assessment of such endangered areas. Conventional mitigation and local structural measures are discussed with respect to the necessary delimitation of endangered areas, the preparedness of people and possible financial prevention. According to different natural hazard processes (flash floods with and without bedload transport, debris flows, land slides, rock falls and avalanches) and various structural elements of buildings, a catalogue of local structural measures is presented with respect to occurring process impacts and protection objectives. Thereby, different local structural measures are classified and recommended according to a possible implementation for newly-erected buildings and for upgrading existing buildings, respectively. Based on these recommendations, future needs for a sustainable and comprehensive reduction of risk in settlement areas endangered by mass movements are outlined. Above all, this includes a prescription of building codes and the re-introduction of an obligatory final inspection of buildings

    Minimising Total Costs of a Two-Echelon Multi-Depot Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (2E-MD-CVRP) that Describes the Utilisation of the Amsterdam City Canal Network for Last Mile Parcel Delivery

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    Part 13: Smart Methods and Techniques for Sustainable Supply Chain ManagementInternational audienceAn increase in e-shopping and (last mile) parcel deliveries has contributed to a rapid growth of urban freight transportation. This generates major impacts on city sustainability and liveability. Current solutions for urban logistics concern road traffic, but multiple Dutch cities have an extensive range of city canals that could be used for freight transportation over water. It was investigated how the city canal network of Amsterdam can be utilised for last mile parcel delivery, and what the related effects are. A MILP formulation of a Two-Echelon, Multi-Depot, Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (2E-MD-CVRP) was developed. The model describes a network in which ships transport parcels to pre-determined satellite locations in the city centre, where the parcels are transferred to cargo e-bikes for the last mile of the delivery to the customer. The model was optimised by minimising the total costs, using the Genetic Algorithm (GA). The algorithm was able to find solutions but could not always stay within the constrained search space. Different possible network scenarios were evaluated, describing the consequences with respect to emissions, costs, and traffic flows. The results show promising economic, social, and environmental outcomes for a network with ships and cargo e-bikes instead of delivery vans. A daily and investment cost reduction of 16% and 36% respectively and a CO2CO_2CO2 emission reduction of 78.26% can be realised

    Arbeitsmarktperspektiven für die achtziger und neunziger Jahre

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    Minimising Total Costs of a Two-Echelon Multi-Depot Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (2E-MD-CVRP) that Describes the Utilisation of the Amsterdam City Canal Network for Last Mile Parcel Delivery

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    An increase in e-shopping and (last mile) parcel deliveries has contributed to a rapid growth of urban freight transportation. This generates major impacts on city sustainability and liveability. Current solutions for urban logistics concern road traffic, but multiple Dutch cities have an extensive range of city canals that could be used for freight transportation over water. It was investigated how the city canal network of Amsterdam can be utilised for last mile parcel delivery, and what the related effects are. A MILP formulation of a Two-Echelon, Multi-Depot, Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (2E-MD-CVRP) was developed. The model describes a network in which ships transport parcels to pre-determined satellite locations in the city centre, where the parcels are transferred to cargo e-bikes for the last mile of the delivery to the customer. The model was optimised by minimising the total costs, using the Genetic Algorithm (GA). The algorithm was able to find solutions but could not always stay within the constrained search space. Different possible network scenarios were evaluated, describing the consequences with respect to emissions, costs, and traffic flows. The results show promising economic, social, and environmental outcomes for a network with ships and cargo e-bikes instead of delivery vans. A daily and investment cost reduction of 16% and 36% respectively and a 𝐶𝑂2 emission reduction of 78.26% can be realised

    Modeling clip: some more results

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    Developing a calibrated discrete event simulation model of shops of a Dutch phone and subscription retailer during COVID-19 to evaluate shift plans to reduce waiting times

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    The foundational role of simulation is to enable understanding, discovery, development, and operationsof dynamical systems. As such, modeling and simulation professionals intrinsically encounter problemsthat have non-trivial complexity and scale traits. Inevitably the systems they encounter must be modeled,simulated, and evaluated. This panel presents some challenges in attracting talented individuals to pursueeducation and professional careers, continuing education to satisfy the current and future knowledge andpractices while advancing basic and applied research and development in modeling and simulation. Tohighlight modeling and simulation workforce development, panelists share thoughts borne out of extensiveprofessional and academic experiences at Intel®, Oak Ridge National Lab, MathWorks®, and AS

    The Federal Republic in the North-South dialogue: Some longerterm projections

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    For some time now the Federal Republic of Germany has been the largest exporter in the world, with a slight lead over the USA and some way ahead of Japan and the Soviet Union. It has therefore an important role to play in the North-South dialogue. The increasing mutual dependence of the Federal Republic and the developing countries is described by different scenarios in the following article