70 research outputs found

    Dataset supporting the use of nematodes as bioindicators of polluted sediments

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    Schenk J, Höss S, Brinke M, Kleinbölting N, Brüchner-Hüttemann H, Traunspurger W. Dataset supporting the use of nematodes as bioindicators of polluted sediments. Data in Brief. 2020;32: 106087.We provide the dataset supporting the research article “Nematodes as bioindicators of polluted sediments using metabarcoding and microscopic taxonomy” [1]. Nematodes are frequently used as bioindicators and the NemaSPEAR[%] is an validated index that is originally based on morphological data. The index was compared to molecular sequence data for the 28S rDNA, 18S rDNA and COI gene for 7 locations. This dataset includes chemical analyses of the sediments for 33 different substances. The sequence data for OTU-based analyses for the 28S rDNA, 18S rDNA and COI gene is given, together with the read distribution during bioinformatics processing. We furthermore include alternative ASV data, based on a cluster-independent approach. The morphological data is presented, including the biomass for each species, as well as an overview about whether the species is represented in the NCBI database. Furthermore, rarefaction analysis is given for the morphological data, and furthermore NMDS plots for the species and genus level based on morphological and molecular data. The correlation between the mean PEC-Q and the NemaSPEAR[%] values is given in order to compare the efficiency of the index, based on morphological and molecular data

    Linking ecological health to co-occurring organic and inorganic chemical stressors in a groundwater-fed stream system

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    Sonne AT, Rasmussen JJ, Höss S, Traunspurger W, Bjerg PL, McKnight US. Linking ecological health to co-occurring organic and inorganic chemical stressors in a groundwater-fed stream system. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 2018;642:1153-1162.Freshwaters are among the most endangered ecosystems worldwide, due predominantly to excessive anthropogenic practices compromising the future provisioning of ecosystem services. Despite increased awareness of the role of multiple stressors in accounting for ecological degradation in mixed land-use stream systems, risk assessment approaches applicable in field settings are still required. This study provides a first indication for ecological consequences of the interaction of organic and inorganic chemical stressors, not typically evaluated together, which may provide a missing link enabling the reconnection of chemical and ecological findings. Specifically, impaired ecological conditions - represented by lower abundance of meiobenthic individuals - were observed in the hyporheic zone where a contaminant groundwater plume discharged to the stream. These zones were characterized by high xenobiotic organic concentrations, and strongly reduced groundwater (e.g. elevated dissolved iron and arsenic) linked to the dissolution of iron hydroxides (iron reduction) caused by the degradation of xenobiotic compounds in the plume. Further research is still needed to separate whether impact is driven by a combined effect of organic and inorganic stressors impacting the ecological communities, or whether the conditions - when present simultaneously - are responsible for enabling a specific chemical stressors availability (e.g. trace metals), and thus toxicity, along the study stream. Regardless, these findings suggest that benthic meioinvertebrates are promising indicators for supporting biological assessments of stream systems to sufficiently represent impacts resulting from the co-occurrence of stressors in different stream compartments. Importantly, identification of the governing circumstances is crucial for revealing key patterns and impact drivers that may be needed in correctly prioritizing stressor impacts in these systems. This study further highlights the importance of stream-aquifer interfaces for investigating chemical stressor effects in multiple stressor systems. This will require holistic approaches for linking contaminant hydrogeology and eco(toxico)logy in order to positively influence the sustainable management of water resources globally. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Oxygen consumption rate of Caenorhabditis elegans as a high-throughput endpoint of toxicity testing using the Seahorse XF(e)96 Extracellular Flux Analyzer

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    Du Preez G, Fourie H, Daneel M, et al. Oxygen consumption rate of Caenorhabditis elegans as a high-throughput endpoint of toxicity testing using the Seahorse XF(e)96 Extracellular Flux Analyzer. Scientific Reports. 2020;10(1): 4239.Caenorhabditis elegans presents functioning, biologically relevant phenotypes and is frequently used as a bioindicator of toxicity. However, most C. elegans in vivo effect-assessment methods are laborious and time consuming. Therefore, we developed a novel method to measure the oxygen consumption rate of C. elegans as a sublethal endpoint of toxicity. This protocol was tested by exposing 50 larval stage one C. elegans individuals for 48h (at 20 degrees C) to different concentrations of two toxicants i.e. benzylcetyldimethylammonium chloride (BAC-C16) and cadmium (Cd). Following exposures, the oxygen consumption rate of the C. elegans individuals were measured using the high-throughput functionality of the Seahorse XF(e)96 Extracellular Flux Analyzer. Dose-response curves for BAC-C16 (R-2=0.93; P=0.001) and Cd (R-2=0.98; P=0.001) were created. Furthermore, a strong, positive correlation was evidenced between C. elegans oxygen consumption rate and a commonly used, ecologically relevant endpoint of toxicity (growth inhibition) for BAC-C16 (R-2=0.93; P=0.0001) and Cd (R-2=0.91; P=0.0001). The data presented in this study show that C. elegans oxygen consumption rate can be used as a promising functional measurement of toxicity

    Методические указания к выполнению индивидуальных заданий практикума по дисциплине «Энергетический потенциал природных возобновляемых энергоресурсов и эффективность его преобразования в электроэнергию»

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    В методических указаниях рассмотрены вопросы оценки энергетического потенциала природных возобновляемых энергоресурсов: ветра, солнечного излучения и потоков воды и эффективности их преобразования в электроэнергию. Пособие предназначено для студентов дневного обучения по направлению13.04.02 «Электроэнергетика и электротехника» по профилям магистерской подготовки «Возобновляемые источники энергии» и «Оптимизация развивающихся систем электроснабжения»

    Single- and multi-species toxicity testing with nematodes

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    Höss S. Single- and multi-species toxicity testing with nematodes. In: Traunspurger W, ed. Ecology of freshwater nematodes. Wallingford: CABI; 2021: 298-322