96 research outputs found

    Experimental evaluation of confidence interval procedures in sequential steady-state simulation

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    Sequential analysis of simulation output is generally accepted as the most efficient way for securing representativeness of samples of collected observations. In this scenario a simulation experiment is stopped when the relative precision of estimates, defined as the relative width of confidence intervals at an assumed confidence level, reaches the required level. This paper deals with the statistical correctness of the methods proposed for estimating confidence intervals for mean values in sequential steady-state stochastic simulation. We formulate basic rules that should be followed in proper experimental analysis of coverage of different steadystate interval estimators. Our main argument is that such analysis should be done sequentially. The numerical results of our preliminary coverage analysis of the method of Spectral Analysis (SA/HW) and Nonoverlapping Batch Means are presented, and compared with those obtained by traditional, non-sequential approaches

    Управление запасами на предприятии

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа содержит 92 страниц, 14 рисунков, 25 таблицы, 20 использованных источников. Объектом исследования является: материальные запасы предприятия. Цель работа - разобраться в структуре складских запасов на предприятии ООО «МИР КРЕПЕЖА», для обеспечения полного контроля товарно-материальных запасов, реализации детального оперативного учёта ТМЦ, для минимизации их на предприятии с целью повышения эффективного функционирования, управление запасами на предприятии, исследование выборки основных поставщиков, выбор лучшего поставщика. В процессе исследования проводились: анализ управления запасами, группировка материальных запасов, дифференцирование ассортимента методом АВС анализа, оценка поставщиков методом взвешивания, графическим методом и методом нормализации критериев. В результате исследования: выявлена проблема логистики складских запасов, выбран лучший поставщик. Основные конструктивные, технологические и технико-эксплуатационные характеристики: эффективное распределение ресурсов организации, более эффективное хранение складских запасов.Final qualification work contains 92 pages, 14 drawings, the 25th tables, 20 used sources. Object of research is: material stocks of the enterprise. Aim work - to understand structure of warehouse stocks at the LLC MIR KREPEZHA enterprise, for providing complete control of inventory holdings, implementation of the detailed operational accounting of TMTs, for their minimization at the enterprise for the purpose of increase of effective functioning, stockpile management at the enterprise, research of selection of the main suppliers, the choice of the best supplier. In the course of research were carried out: analysis of stockpile management, group of material stocks, differentiation of the range by the ABC analysis method, assessment of suppliers by a weighing method, by a graphic method and by method of normalization of criteria. As a result of research: the problem of logistics of warehouse stocks is revealed, the best supplier is chosen. Main constructive, technical and technical and operational characteristics: effective distribution of resources of the organization, more effective storage of warehouse stocks

    Исследование влияния давления в реакторах на процесс каталитического риформинга бензинов

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    Freeman-Sheldon syndrome is defined as a combination of microstomia, deep set eyes, small palpebral fissures, arthrogryposis with ulnar deviation of the hand, talipes equinovarus and generalized muscular hypertension. Respiratory and swallowing problems are frequently encountered in these patients due to small orifices of mouth and nose. Obstruction of the upper airway tract resulting in tracheostomy has only been described twice. The described child manifested the typical dysmorphic features of Freeman-Sheldon syndrome and suffered from serious respiratory distress and swallowing difficulties from birth. The boy died at the age of 7 months after accidental decannulation of the tracheostoma during sleep. He did not show anatomical or histopathological abnormalities in the pharyngeal, laryngeal or tracheal regions. We assume that the only explanation of the repeated obstructive episodes is a functional muscular obstruction. Copyright © 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Application of e-learning in the realization educational programs at the department GIGE

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    Describes the experience of using the department GIGE TPU e-learning systems. It is concluded that e-learning allows to raise quality of educational process in the context of the competency approach and individualization of learning

    Molecular systematics of Campylobacter isolated from the human clinical environment.

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    Campylobacter jejuni is the major cause of campylobacteriosis in humans. This thesis recorded the distribution of C. jejuni and C. coli isolates in a hospital environment during 1997/98. 105 clinical isolates of Campylobacter were examined using flaA and gmhA PCR-RFLP analysis. Isolates were collected from 84 patients who presented at Christchurch Public Hospital or from the South Canterbury region. Males accounted for 63.1 % of the sample. The largest number of cases was reported in the age group 20-29 years. flaA specific primers were applied to all samples with 83.8 % generating a 1.7 kb amplicon. RFLP analysis using DdeI provided 17 different flaA profiles, with flaA 6 being the most common type identified in this study. 82.9 % of the sample generated a distinguishable profile. This technique provided a D value of 92 % (D = Simpson's index of diversity). gmhA primers were also applied to this sample, with 71.4 % generating either a 900 bp, 1.6 kb or multiple band profile. 62.9 % of the sample provided a distinguishable RFLP profile. gmhA 1 was the most commonly observed profile. This technique provided a D value of 74 %. When combining these two genetic markers, discrimination was increased. 59 % (n=62) of the isolates had provided both flaA and gmhA profiles. These isolates were distributed into 22 different classifications. MLEE analysis was applied to the largest flaA group in an attempt to further assess relationships. This analysis allowed flaA 6 to be subdivided into a further five groups, therefore increasing strain discrimination. PCR-RFLP procedures were highly reproducible, robust, discriminative and rapid to perform. However 17.1 % and 37.1 % were untypeable by flaA and gmhA respectively. 20 environmental (sheep) isolates from Massey University were also examined using flaA and gmhA PCR-RFLP analysis. Four flaA types and two gmhA types were observed amongst these isolates. The flaA and gmhA types had been previously observed in the clinical isolates, therefore suggesting that no strain was specific to a particular environment. However not all isolates were typeable with these two methods

    Development of educational video at the technical university

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    This article discusses the development and production of the main types of video resources on the example of disciplines on technical areas

    Regionalisierung in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Vorläufige Ergebnisse

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    Monitorüberwachung auf der Intensivstation

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