31 research outputs found

    Logging Mats and Logging Residue as Ground Protection during Forwarder Traffic along Till Hillslopes

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    Forest soils in Northern Europe are generally trafficked by forest machinery on several occasions during a forest rotation. This may create ruts (wheel tracks), which could increase sediment transport to nearby surface water, reduce recreational value, and affect tree growth. It is therefore important to reduce soil disturbance during off-road forest transportation. In this study, rut depth was measured following forwarder traffic on study plots located along four harvested till hillslopes in Northern Sweden with drier soil conditions uphill and wet conditions downhill. The treatments included driving 1) using no ground protection, 2) on logging residue (on average, 38–50 kg m–2) and 3) on logging mats measuring 5×1×0.2 m. The hillslopes contain areas with a high content of boulders, stones, and gravel as well as areas with a significant content of silt. Six passes with a laden forwarder with four bogie tracks were performed. On the plots with ground protection, the application of logging residue and the application and removal of logging mats necessitated additional passes. Rut depth was measured using two methods: 1) as the difference in elevation between the interpolated original soil surface and the surface of the rut using GNSS positioning (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), and 2) manually with a folding rule from an aluminium profile, placed across the rut, to the bottom of the rut. The two methods generally gave similar results. Driving without ground protection in the upper part of the hillslopes generated ruts with depths <0.2 m. Here, the rut depth was probably modified by the high content of boulders and stones in the upper soil and drier soil conditions. In the lower part of the hillslopes, the mean rut depth ranged from 0.21 to 0.34 m. With a few exceptions, driving on logging residue or logging mats prevented exposure of mineral soil along the entire hillslope. Soil disturbance can thus be reduced by acknowledging the onsite variability in ground conditions and considering the need for ground protection when planning forest operations

    Strategies to Mitigate the Effects of Soil Physical Disturbances Caused by Forest Machinery: a Comprehensive Review

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    Purpose of Review Ground-based mechanized forest operations can cause severe soil disturbances that are often long lasting and detrimental to the health of forested ecosystems. To reduce these soil disturbances, focus is being increasingly directed at identifying and using appropriate mitigation techniques. This systematic review considered 104 scientific articles and reported the main findings according to four core themes: terrain-related factors, operational planning, machine modifications, and types of amendments used to mitigate machine-induced soil impacts. Recent Findings For terrain-related factors, most severe disturbances occur on machine operating trails exceeding 20% slope and that soil bulk density and rut depth show greater increases in fine-textured soils. When considering operational planning, trafficability maps proved to be helpful in reducing the frequency and magnitude of soil damages as well as the length of trails needed within harvest sites, especially if they are regularly updated with weather information. Machine modifications, through high flotation tires, use of extra bogie axle, lower inflation pressure, and use of steel flexibles tracks, are highly researched topics because of the considerable upside in terms of machine ground pressure distribution and increased traction. Two main types of amendments emerged to mitigate soil disturbances: brush mats and mulch cover. Brush mats created from harvesting debris can spread the load of a machine to a greater area thereby lowering peak loads transferred to the soil. Brush mats of 15-20 kg m(-2) are being recommended for adequate soil protection from harvesting operations. To conclude, we outline recommendations and strategies on the use of soil mitigation techniques within cut-to-length forest operations. New research opportunities are also identified and discussed. Considering single factors causing machine-induced soil disturbances remains important but there is a pressing need for having a multi-disciplinary approach to tackle the complex problems associated with machine/soil/plant interactions

    Costs and benefits of seven alternatives for riparian forest buffer management

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    Stand development in riparian forest buffers was simulated for three forest landscapes in Sweden, using data taken from a sample plot inventory along 38 streams. The objectives were: to quantify the effects on wood production and the economy of management alternatives for buffers; and to evaluate the development of important stand structures for buffer functionality. Buffer widths from 0 to 30 m were analyzed with unmanaged or selective logging as alternatives. Leaving unmanaged buffers resulted in the cost being generally proportional to the area of productive forest land covered by buffers in the landscape. The cost for the widest buffer alternative, 30 m, when left unmanaged, was between 4 and 10% of the total net present value of the entire forest landscape. Allowing selective logging to promote broadleaved trees in the buffer reduced the costs to 1-3% of the net present value. Selective logging increased the volume share of broadleaved trees in the buffer, thus enhancing some of its ecological functions. Unmanaged buffers increased the amount of dead wood more than the alternatives with selective logging. Decisions about buffer zone management must consider the trade-off between economic and environmental benefits, as well as the trade-offs between contrasting environmental goals

    The effects of forest management on water quality

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    Water quality is generally high in watercourses draining forested areas. However, forest management can lead to detrimental effects on water quality and the aquatic environment. Key concerns include diffuse pollution, carbon transport and harmful effects on freshwater ecology.Here, we undertake a review of the effects of a range of forestry activities including cultivation and site preparation, fertilisation and harvesting on water quality.We attempt to summarise the literature across a wide geographical area focusing on empirical studies. Studies report a wide range of water quality impacts after forest operations including sediment delivery, nutrient losses, carbon transport, metal and base cation releases, and changes to acidity and temperature. Spatial and temporal resolution is an important consideration. Changes in water quality at the local scale are often not seen at the catchment level and the effects of operations may be manifest many years after the work was carried out, highlighting the importance of monitoring at an appropriate spatial and temporal scale. The development of best management practices (BMPs) such as the use of buffers, low impact techniques and phased felling have led to significant changes in operational activity, reducing and, in some cases, preventing impacts on water quality. We highlight some of the most effective techniques that can protect water quality from cultivation, drainage, fertiliser and harvesting operations.We also take a forward look to technological, methodological and climatic developments that may alter forest management effects on water quality

    Long-Term Impact of Liming on Soil C and N in a Fertile Spruce Forest Ecosystem

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    Liming can counteract acidification in forest soils, but the effects on soil C and N pools and fluxes over long periods are less well understood. Replicated plots in an acidic and N-rich 40-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies) forest in SW Sweden (Hasslov) were treated with 0, 3.45 and 8.75 Mg ha(-1)of dolomitic lime (D0, D2 and D3) in 1984. Between 1984 and 2016, soil organic C to 30 cm depth increased by 28 Mg ha(-1)(30% increase) in D0 and decreased by 9 Mg ha(-1)(9.4% decrease) in D3. The change in D2 was not significant (+ 2 Mg ha(-1)). Soil N pools changed proportionally to those in soil C pools. The C and N changes occurred almost exclusively in the top organic layer. Non-burrowing earthworms responded positively to liming and stimulated heterotrophic respiration in this layer in both D2 and D3. Burrowing earthworms in D3 further accelerated C and N turnover and loss of soil. The high soil C and N loss at our relatively N-rich site differs from studies of N-poor sites showing no C and N loss. Earthworms need both high pH and N-rich food to reach high abundance and biomass. This can explain why liming of N-rich soils often results in decreasing C and N pools, whereas liming of N-poor soils with few earthworms will not show any change in soil C and N. Extractable nitrate N was always higher in D3 than in D2 and D0. After 6 years (1990), potential nitrification was much higher in D3 (197 kg N ha(-1)) than in D0 (36 kg N ha(-1)), but this difference decreased during the following years, when also the unlimed organic layers showed high nitrification potential. Our experiment finds that high-dose liming of acidic N-rich forest soils produces an initial pulse of soil heterotrophic respiration and increases in earthworm biomass, which together cause long-term declines in soil C and N pools

    A Meta-analysis of the effects of ground-based extraction technologies on fine roots in forest soils

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    Fine roots are an important component of forest soil as they play a key role in fundamental processes like plant nutrition and water supply. As with all the features of forest soil, the compaction related to the forest operations and, in particular, to the wood extraction via ground-based technologies could lead to a significant impact on the presence of fine roots in the soil affected by the passage of the machines. Considering the lack of a review, we used a meta-analytic approach to synthesise effect sizes of ground-based extraction technologies affecting the presence of fine roots in the soil, using a multivariate mixed-effects meta-analytic model. The obtained results revealed that the presence of fine roots in the soil affected by the passage of the machines was significantly reduced by both skidding (g = -1.23, 95%CI -1.87, -0.60) and forwarding (g = -1.37, 95%CI -2.01, -0.74). Due to the higher soil compaction caused by forwarding, this method had a marginally but statistically significant greater impact than skidding. We further confirmed the hypothesis that soil compaction and the presence of fine roots were strongly correlated, with the latter being greatly reduced in compacted soils characterised by higher bulk density. What is more, even more than 20 years after a harvesting intervention, the presence of fine roots was significantly lower in both strip roads (forwarding) and skid trails (skidding) as compared to areas which were not impacted by the machine passage. This shows that fine roots are particularly vulnerable to forest operations. On the other hand, the majority of the trails in the database used for the meta-analysis were created in countries that favour the creation of a small number of widely used trails. Therefore, it would be scientifically valuable to do a comparative evaluation in various forestry contexts, such as in the Mediterranean area, where the development of the forest trails network is oriented on creating a large number of trails with low traffic volumes. Because machinery-induced soil compaction is the major driver of the decrease in fine roots in skid trails and strip roads, both the application of best management practices as well as of a smarter planning of the trail network to limit soil compaction are strongly recommended. Both applications are highly recommended to be used in the planning phase and in the practical implementation of logging activities

    Phosphorus speciation in the organic layer of two Swedish forest soils 13-24 years after wood ash and nitrogen application

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    Application of wood ash to forests can restore pools of phosphorus (P) and other nutrients, which are removed following whole tree harvesting. Yet, the mechanisms that affect the fate of ash-P in the organic layer are less well known. Previous research into the extent to which ash application leads to increased P solubility in the soil is contradictory. We combined synchrotron P K-edge XANES spectroscopy, mu-XRF microscopy, and chemical ex-tractions to examine the speciation and solubility of P. We studied organic horizons of two long-term field ex-periments, Riddarhyttan (central Sweden), which had received 3, 6, and 9 Mg ash ha -1, and Ro center dot dalund (northern Sweden), where 3 Mg ash ha- 1 had been applied alone or combined with N every-three years since 2003. At the latter site, we also determined P in aboveground tree biomass. Overall, the ash application increased P in the organic layer by between 6 and 28 kg P ha -1, equivalent to 17-39 % of the initial P content in the applied ash. At Ro center dot dalund, there was 4.6 kg Ca-bound P ha- 1 (9.5 %) in the ash treatment compared to 1.6 kg ha- 1 in the ash + N treatment and < 0.4 kg ha- 1 in the N treatment and the control. At Riddarhyttan, only the treatment with the highest ash dose had residual Ca-bound P (3.8 kg ha -1). In contrast, the ash application increased Al-bound P (p < 0.001) with up to 15.6 kg P ha -1. Moreover, the ash increased Olsen-P by up to two times. There was a strong relationship between the concentrations of Olsen-P and Al-bound P (R2 = 0.83, p < 0.001) as well as Fe-bound P (R2 = 0.74, p = 0.003), suggesting that the ash application resulted in an increased amount of relatively soluble P associated with hydroxy-Al and hydroxy-Fe compounds. Further, there was an 18 % increase in P uptake by trees in the ash treatment. By contrast, repeated N fertilization, with or without ash, reduced Olsen-P. The lower P extractability was concomitant with a 39 % increase in plant P uptake in the N treatment, which indicates elevated P uptake in response to higher N availability. Hence, the application of wood ash increased Al-bound P, easily available P, and P uptake. N fertilization, while also increasing tree P uptake, instead decreased easily available P and did not cause a shift in soil P speciation

    Leveraging research infrastructure co-location to evaluate constraints on terrestrial carbon cycling in northern European forests

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    Integrated long-term, in-situ observations are needed to document ongoing environmental change, to "ground-truth" remote sensing and model outputs and to predict future Earth system behaviour. The scientific and societal value of in-situ observations increases with site representativeness, temporal duration, number of parameters measured and comparability within and across sites. Research Infrastructures (RIs) can support harmonised, cross-site data collection, curation and publication. Integrating RI networks through site co-location and standardised observation methods can help answers three questions about the terrestrial carbon sink: (i) What are present and future carbon sequestration rates in northern European forests? (ii) How are these rates controlled? (iii) Why do the observed patterns exist? Here, we present a conceptual model for RI co-location and highlight potential insights into the terrestrial carbon sink achievable when long-term in-situ Earth observation sites participate in multiple RI networks (e.g., ICOS and eLTER). Finally, we offer recommendations to promote RI co-location

    Phosphorus speciation in the organic layer of two Swedish forest soils 13–24 years after wood ash and nitrogen application

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    Application of wood ash to forests can restore pools of phosphorus (P) and other nutrients, which are removed following whole tree harvesting. Yet, the mechanisms that affect the fate of ash-P in the organic layer are less well known. Previous research into the extent to which ash application leads to increased P solubility in the soil is contradictory. We combined synchrotron P K-edge XANES spectroscopy, ”-XRF microscopy, and chemical extractions to examine the speciation and solubility of P. We studied organic horizons of two long-term field experiments, Riddarhyttan (central Sweden), which had received 3, 6, and 9 Mg ash ha−1, and RödĂ„lund (northern Sweden), where 3 Mg ash ha−1 had been applied alone or combined with N every-three years since 2003. At the latter site, we also determined P in aboveground tree biomass. Overall, the ash application increased P in the organic layer by between 6 and 28 kg P ha−1, equivalent to 17–39 % of the initial P content in the applied ash. At RödĂ„lund, there was 4.6 kg Ca-bound P ha−1 (9.5 %) in the ash treatment compared to 1.6 kg ha−1 in the ash + N treatment and < 0.4 kg ha−1 in the N treatment and the control. At Riddarhyttan, only the treatment with the highest ash dose had residual Ca-bound P (3.8 kg ha−1). In contrast, the ash application increased Al-bound P (p < 0.001) with up to 15.6 kg P ha−1. Moreover, the ash increased Olsen-P by up to two times. There was a strong relationship between the concentrations of Olsen-P and Al-bound P (R2 = 0.83, p < 0.001) as well as Fe-bound P (R2 = 0.74, p = 0.003), suggesting that the ash application resulted in an increased amount of relatively soluble P associated with hydroxy-Al and hydroxy-Fe compounds. Further, there was an 18 % increase in P uptake by trees in the ash treatment. By contrast, repeated N fertilization, with or without ash, reduced Olsen-P. The lower P extractability was concomitant with a 39 % increase in plant P uptake in the N treatment, which indicates elevated P uptake in response to higher N availability. Hence, the application of wood ash increased Al-bound P, easily available P, and P uptake. N fertilization, while also increasing tree P uptake, instead decreased easily available P and did not cause a shift in soil P speciation

    Forest Multifunctionality

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    To meet all demands and challenges that we, as a society, exert on our forests, knowledge-based cross-sectorial interdisciplinary research is needed to move forward. Areas are becoming scarce; stakeholders are in conflict, but, multiple use approaches point at integration and synergy opportunities. Accordingly, there is an increasing need for science-based policy support for EU decision-making concerning multiple uses of forests. In the end, future-proofing Europe’s forest is an aspiration we all share