87 research outputs found

    Mind the gap

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    Without any doubt a good LIS educational system is crucial for the academic world as well as for the professional world. But frequently in many countries LIS educational and research centers occupy one side of the field, with the professional world on the other. Thus, each sector usually discusses issues separately. In an attempt to reduce the gap between the two sectors, a joint EBLIDA and EUCLID committee decided to get people from both these worlds together at a European conference

    Catalogación retrospectiva y sistemas CD/ROM

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    The emergence of a number of databases on CD / ROM with content directly related to the library operation will allow to carry out some retrospective cataloging processes locally and automatically. Until recently, these processes had to be carried out by means of remote online procedures, some times partially offline. This paper analyses the problems involved in retrospective cataloging projects. A description of the current state of CD / ROM supply for the library sector in Spain is included. The difficulties to transfer cataloging information via machine-readable records standard formats are discussed

    La lucha por el acceso universal al World Wide Web

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    In recent years there had been clear on numerous occasions the need for a unified system of access to information on the Internet. Various contributions were made in the context of the "philanthropic generosity" that characterized the early life the Network. Recently, however, advances occur in a fierce battle of commercial interests. In the following discussion of the conflict development and technical inputs that are occurring due to the dynamics of competition are analized

    Cooperación entre bibliotecas y archivos y el formato MARC

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    These pages will make a presentation on some technical aspects of cooperation between institutions having custody to bibliographic and those responsible for managing archives. The implementation of an integrated national and international documentary network has to contemplate, in our view, the possibility of developing mechanisms for exchange of information between any documentary entities, without any can be excluded. Moreover, it seems that coordination between libraries and historical archives of every point is needed if you want to facilitate the work of researchers and recovery procedures provide more advanced and flexible than traditionally have been offering information

    Proyectos EDI y normalización documental

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    EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) systems have been mainly conceived to be used within the world of commercial transactions. Owing to their technical characteristics andcircumstances, however, they also arouse the interest of Information Science professionals. This paper describes the main features of the EDI systems: their assets, the technological infrastructure that they use and their conditioning factors as well. EDI's presence in the European market is studied. The characteristics of EDIFACT (Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport), ODA/ODIF (Office Document Architecture/Office Document Interchange Format)and FORMEX (FORMalized EXchange of electronic publications) standards are examined as well as the problems posed by these formats as regards document standardization techniques. An overview is given of some of the main ongoing European projects within the library and Information Science field which are related to Electronic Data Interchange

    IWETEL: foro electrónico para los profesionales de la Documentación

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    This paper informs the Spanish information and documentation professionals on a new tool called IweTel. It is the first permanent electronic communication teleconference in Spain on Information and Documentation. Launched in November 1993 by the journal INFORMATION WORLD EN ESPAÑOL, IweTel is supported by Swets & Zeitlinger, an editorial and subscription management company based in the Netherlands. The technical infrastructure is provided by SPRITEL, a telematic network of value-added services. IweTel is a discussion forum in which participants place their messages in a common mailbox, which is accessible to all service users. To participate online in the forum users connect to Euskom, the SPRITEL email and teleconference system, through Internet, X.25 or Switched Telephone Network. Moreover, the conference has an associated listserv email that can deliver messages via the Internet to any mailbox anywhere in the world. In IweTel there are discussions on a variety of topics: news about databases, experience with the CD-ROM, networks, library automation packages, curricula, scanning documents, status of information professionals, meetings, seminars, conferences, jobs, or any other kind of personal reflection on our work area. The following pages describe the operation and development of this teleconference during their first months of life. According to the authors, this type of service can be an important stimulus to facilitate electronic communication within the Spanish information and documentation community. Finally we present the IWE Directory of Spanish librarians and information experts

    Evolución del mercado de la información electrónica: desde los orígenes hasta el auge del sector infomediario

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    Currently there is much talk about the so-called infomediary sector. This sector of the digital content industry has grown thanks to recent legal texts regulating the re-use of a portion of the information generated by the public sector. If we look at the list of firms in this sector, we see that many come from what has been known for decades as the electronic information industry. This paper describes the origin and development of this industry, both globally and within the Spanish context. It analyzes the processes and organizations that have helped to lay the foundations of this infomediary sector. When conducting this study we discovered very different trajectories and dynamics depending on which geographical areas are analyzed.En la actualidad se habla de la existencia del denominado sector infomediario, un segmento de la industria de los contenidos digitales cuyo crecimiento ha sido propiciado por los recientes textos legales que regulan la reutilización de una parte de la información generada por el sector público. Si se analiza el listado de empresas que componen este sector se observa que muchas de ellas proceden de lo que se ha conocido desde hace décadas con el nombre de industria de la información electrónica. En este artículo se analiza el nacimiento y desarrollo de esa industria, tanto a escala mundial como dentro del contexto español, para evaluar cuáles han sido los procesos y organizaciones que han servido para facilitar que se pongan las bases del llamado sector infomediario. Al realizar dicho estudio se observan trayectorias y dinámicas muy diferentes según cuál sea el ámbito geográfico que se considere

    Catalogación retrospectiva y sistemas CD/ROM

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    The emergence of a number of databases on CD / ROM with content directly related to the library operation will allow to carry out some retrospective cataloging processes locally and automatically. Until recently, these processes had to be carried out by means of remote online procedures, some times partially offline. This paper analyses the problems involved in retrospective cataloging projects. A description of the current state of CD / ROM supply for the library sector in Spain is included. The difficulties to transfer cataloging information via machine-readable records standard formats are discussed

    La lucha por el acceso universal al World Wide Web

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    Durante los últimos años se había visto clara, en numerosas ocasiones, la necesidad de contar con un sistema unificado de acceder a la información contenida en Internet. Las diferentes aportaciones se realizaron en el contexto de la «generosidad filantrópica» que caracterizó a la primera etapa de vida de la Red. Sin embargo, últimamente los avances se producen dentro de una encarnizada batalla de intereses comerciales. En las siguientes páginas se analiza el desarrollo de la contienda, así como las aportaciones técnicas que se están produciendo gracias a la dinámica de la competencia

    Cooperación entre bibliotecas y archivos y el formato MARC

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    These pages will make a presentation on some technical aspects of cooperation between institutions having custody to bibliographic and those responsible for managing archives. The implementation of an integrated national and international documentary network has to contemplate, in our view, the possibility of developing mechanisms for exchange of information between any documentary entities, without any can be excluded. Moreover, it seems that coordination between libraries and historical archives of every point is needed if you want to facilitate the work of researchers and recovery procedures provide more advanced and flexible than traditionally have been offering information