47 research outputs found

    Colombelles – Rue Francis-de-PressencĂ©

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    Un diagnostic archĂ©ologique a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© en juin 2014 sur l’emprise d’un projet d’entreprise situĂ© rue Francis de PressencĂ© sur la commune de Colombelles. Le projet est situĂ© au sud-est du centre du bourg. La parcelle traitĂ©e est localisĂ©e dans une zone comprise entre la route dĂ©partementale no 226 au sud et le lieu-dit « la Delle des Terres Noires » au nord. RĂ©fĂ©rencĂ©e en section BE no 12, elle couvre une surface de 1 600 mA L’intervention s’inscrit en pĂ©riphĂ©rie du site d’habitat du « Lazz..

    Saqqara (MafS, 2022)

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    DonnĂ©e scientifiques produites :https://www.ifao.egnet.net/recherche/archeologie/saqqara/ Introduction Initialement prĂ©vue pour dĂ©buter au 1er novembre 2022, la mission n’a pu commencer Ă  travailler qu’à partir du 12 novembre 2022, en raison de l’arrivĂ©e tardive des permis de fouille. Elle s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e jusqu’au 17 dĂ©cembre 2022, tant dans le secteur de la nĂ©cropole de Pépy Ier que dans celui de la nĂ©cropole de PĂ©py II. Plusieurs des actions initialement envisagĂ©es n’ont cependant pu ĂȘtre m..

    Les habitats au néolithique en Bretagne

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    Des structures néolithiques en bois dans l'anse du Rosais à Saint-Malo (35) (suite)

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    La céramique décorée du site artenacien de PontheziÚres à Saint-Georges-d'Oléron (Charente-Maritime) dans son cadre régional

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    The site of PontheziĂšres, on the island of OlĂ©ron, was excavated over an area of 500 m2 from 1986 to 1991, and revealed the existence of a well-preserved settlement (fig. 1 and 2). From a corpus totalling over 30000 pottery sherds, this first approach of the decorated ceramics from the site was based on a sector presenting a better state of conservation (squares с to f 10-11) and on part of the ditch 86, at a point where its stratigraphic infill was practically complete (fig. 3). Due to the intense fragmentation of the corpus, only thirty-five pots could be at least partially rebuilt. They represent eleven forms and all the morphological and functional categories (fig. 4-8). The site of PontheziĂšres presents the traditional division of ceramics of the Artenac group in two categories (coarse and fine) which are related to the thickness of the walls, the quality of the paste and the treatment of surfaces. Although the material is quite fragmented, the site of PontheziĂšres had many elements which conform to the traditional organization of the Artenac decorative corpus (fig. 9-10). However, some specimens illustrate the result of a process leading to the enrichment of the decorations (fig. 11, column 2 and 3) and others have a more overall decoration without the regularity of the original geometrical forms (fig. 9, nos. 7-10). Some elements present quite a "careless" decoration compared to that we are accustomed to from the Artenac potters (fig. 9, nos. 11-17). The "poinçonnĂ©-tirĂ©" (stamped/incised) technique largely dominates over the "plastic" type (deformation of the wall, addition of paste). All "poinçonnĂ©-tirĂ©" decorations received a white-coloured incrustation (fig. 12). The second part of this article ("Discussion ") confronts the data with that from recent excavations carried out in the Centre-West region of France, especially by chrono- stratigraphic analysis and the ceramic forms and analysis of their decoration. The site of PontheziĂšres has produced evidence of a contemporaneous existence with the Bell Beaker culture groups and also of the influence of these groups on the Artenac stylistic traditions. Secondly, the search for a better definition of local and/or regional Artenac culture groups appeared necessary. Confronting the distribution of the decorative techniques (fig. 14) and themes (fig. 15), it seems obvious that a distinction between the Atlantic façade and the continent can be proposed. The example of the decorations demonstrates clearly that the coastal and continental entities had a parallel evolution. Finally, this study shows that the diversity of the Neolithic groups and the diversity of relations with the Bell Beaker culture groups in the second half of the 3rd millennium ВС certainly had a different impact on the genesis of the cultures of the Early Bronze Age in central-western France.Ce travail a pour objectif d'analyser la cĂ©ramique du site artenacien de PontheziĂšres Ă  Saint-Georges-d'OlĂ©ron (Charente-Maritime) en confrontant les donnĂ©es renouvelĂ©es par des fouilles rĂ©centes menĂ©es dans le Centre-Ouest de la France. A travers l 'Ă©tude de la stratigraphie, des formes cĂ©ramiques et de leur dĂ©coration, nous avons tentĂ© de dĂ©montrer d'une part, l'existence d'indices d'une contemporanĂ©itĂ© avec les groupes campaniformes et d'autre part, leur influence sur les traditions stylistiques artenaciennes. En second lieu, la recherche d'une meilleure dĂ©finition des faciĂšs locaux et/ou rĂ©gionaux au sein de l'Artenacien nous a semblĂ© nĂ©cessaire. La diversitĂ© de ces groupes nĂ©olithiques et leur relation avec les Campaniformes dans la seconde moitiĂ© du IIIe millĂ©naire ont certainement eu un impact diffĂ©rent sur la genĂšse des cultures du Bronze ancien dans le Centre-Ouest de la France.HĂ©naff Xavier. La cĂ©ramique dĂ©corĂ©e du site artenacien de PontheziĂšres Ă  Saint-Georges-d'OlĂ©ron (Charente-Maritime) dans son cadre rĂ©gional. In: Bulletin de la SociĂ©tĂ© prĂ©historique française, tome 100, n°4, 2003. pp. 733-755

    Des structures néolithiques en bois dans l'anse du Rosais à Saint-Malo (35) (suite)

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    Les habitats au néolithique en Bretagne

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    The necropolis of Pepy I at Saqqara: in search of the high officials.

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    International audienceSince the late 1980s, the Franco-Swiss Archaeological Missio, of Saqqara (MafS) devoted its fieldresearch to the excavation of the pyramid complexes of the wives and the family of king Pepy I. After the discovery, in 2012, of inscribed blocks testifying to the presence in the aera of mastabas of high court officials, the MafS objective was to "change course". The search of the tombs of noblemen is now the priority of the mission with, as recent discoveries testify, the tomb of the famous vizier Ouni

    The necropolis of Pepy I at Saqqara: in search of the high officials.

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    International audienceSince the late 1980s, the Franco-Swiss Archaeological Missio, of Saqqara (MafS) devoted its fieldresearch to the excavation of the pyramid complexes of the wives and the family of king Pepy I. After the discovery, in 2012, of inscribed blocks testifying to the presence in the aera of mastabas of high court officials, the MafS objective was to "change course". The search of the tombs of noblemen is now the priority of the mission with, as recent discoveries testify, the tomb of the famous vizier Ouni