424 research outputs found

    Rotational levels in quantum dots

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    Low energy spectra of isotropic quantum dots are calculated in the regime of low electron densities where Coulomb interaction causes strong correlations. The earlier developed pocket state method is generalized to allow for continuous rotations. Detailed predictions are made for dots of shallow confinements and small particle numbers, including the occurance of spin blockades in transport.Comment: RevTeX, 10 pages, 2 figure

    Theory of momentum resolved tunneling into a short quantum wire

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    Motivated by recent tunneling experiments in the parallel wire geometry, we calculate results for momentum resolved tunneling into a short one-dimensional wire, containing a small number of electrons. We derive some general theorems about the momentum dependence, and we carry out exact calculations for up to N=4 electrons in the final state, for a system with screened Coulomb interactions that models the situation of the experiments. We also investigate the limit of large NN using a Luttinger-liquid type analysis. We consider the low-density regime, where the system is close to the Wigner crystal limit, and where the energy scale for spin excitations can be much lower than for charge excitations, and we consider temperatures intermediate between the relevant spin energies and charge excitations, as well as temperatures below both energy scales.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, clarified text in a few points, added 1 figure, updated reference

    Massless Dirac-Weyl Fermions in a T_3 Optical Lattice

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    We propose an experimental setup for the observation of quasi-relativistic massless Fermions. It is based on a T_3 optical lattice, realized by three pairs of counter-propagating lasers, filled with fermionic cold atoms. We show that in the long wavelength approximation the T_3 Hamiltonian generalizes the Dirac-Weyl Hamiltonian for the honeycomb lattice, however, with a larger value of the pseudo-spin S=1. In addition to the Dirac cones, the spectrum includes a dispersionless branch of localized states producing a finite jump in the atomic density. Furthermore, implications for the Landau levels are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Exchange Coupling in a One-Dimensional Wigner Crystal

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    We consider a long quantum wire at low electron densities. In this strong interaction regime a Wigner crystal may form, in which electrons comprise an antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chain. The coupling constant J is exponentially small, as it originates from tunneling of two neighboring electrons through the segregating potential barrier. We study this exponential dependence, properly accounting for the many-body effects and the finite width of the wire.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Gapped Phases of Quantum Wires

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    We investigate possible nontrivial phases of a two-subband quantum wire. It is found that inter- and intra-subband interactions may drive the electron system of the wire into a gapped state. If the nominal electron densities in the two subbands are sufficiently close to each other, then the leading instability is the inter-subband charge-density wave (CDW). For large density imbalance, the interaction in the inter-subband Cooper channel may lead to a superconducting instability. The total charge-density mode, responsible for the conductance of an ideal wire, always remains gapless, which enforces the two-terminal conductance to be at the universal value of 2e^2/h per occupied subband. On the contrary, the tunneling density of states (DOS) in the bulk of the wire acquires a hard gap, above which the DOS has a non-universal singularity. This singularity is weaker than the square-root divergency characteristic for non-interacting quasiparticles near a gap edge due to the "dressing" of massive modes by a gapless total charge density mode. The DOS for tunneling into the end of a wire in a CDW-gapped state preserves the power-law behavior due to the frustration the edge introduces into the CDW order. This work is related to the vast literature on coupled 1D systems, and most of all, on two-leg Hubbard ladders. Whenever possible, we give derivations of the important results by other authors, adopted for the context of our study.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures, to appear in "Interactions and Transport Properties of Lower Dimensional Systems", Lecture Notes in Physics, Springe

    Impurity effects in few-electron quantum dots: Incipient Wigner molecule regime

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    Numerically exact path-integral Monte Carlo data are presented for N≤10N\leq 10 strongly interacting electrons confined in a 2D parabolic quantum dot, including a defect to break rotational symmetry. Low densities are studied, where an incipient Wigner molecule forms. A single impurity is found to cause drastic effects: (1) The standard shell-filling sequence with magic numbers N=4,6,9N=4,6,9, corresponding to peaks in the addition energy Δ(N)\Delta(N), is destroyed, with a new peak at N=8, (2) spin gaps decrease, (3) for N=8, sub-Hund's rule spin S=0 is induced, and (4) spatial ordering of the electrons becomes rather sensitive to spin. We also comment on the recently observed bunching phenomenon.Comment: 7 pages, 1 table, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Ladder approximation to spin velocities in quantum wires

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    The spin sector of charge-spin separated single mode quantum wires is studied, accounting for realistic microscopic electron-electron interactions. We utilize the ladder approximation (LA) to the interaction vertex and exploit thermodynamic relations to obtain spin velocities. Down to not too small carrier densities our results compare well with existing quantum Monte-Carlo (QMC) data. Analyzing second order diagrams we identify logarithmically divergent contributions as crucial which the LA includes but which are missed, for example, by the self-consistent Hartree-Fock approximation. Contrary to other approximations the LA yields a non-trivial spin conductance. Its considerably smaller computational effort compared to numerically exact methods, such as the QMC method, enables us to study overall dependences on interaction parameters. We identify the short distance part of the interaction to govern spin sector properties.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Conductance quantization and snake states in graphene magnetic waveguides

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    We consider electron waveguides (quantum wires) in graphene created by suitable inhomogeneous magnetic fields. The properties of uni-directional snake states are discussed. For a certain magnetic field profile, two spatially separated counter-propagating snake states are formed, leading to conductance quantization insensitive to backscattering by impurities or irregularities of the magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, final version accepted as Rapid Comm. in PR

    Spin and Charge Luttinger-Liquid Parameters of the One-Dimensional Electron Gas

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    Low-energy properties of the homogeneous electron gas in one dimension are completely described by the group velocities of its charge (plasmon) and spin collective excitations. Because of the long range of the electron-electron interaction, the plasmon velocity is dominated by an electrostatic contribution and can be estimated accurately. In this Letter we report on Quantum Monte Carlo simulations which demonstrate that the spin velocity is substantially decreased by interactions in semiconductor quantum wire realizations of the one-dimensional electron liquid.Comment: 13 pages, figures include

    Effective charge-spin models for quantum dots

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    It is shown that at low densities, quantum dots with few electrons may be mapped onto effective charge-spin models for the low-energy eigenstates. This is justified by defining a lattice model based on a many-electron pocket-state basis in which electrons are localised near their classical ground-state positions. The equivalence to a single-band Hubbard model is then established leading to a charge-spin (t−J−Vt-J-V) model which for most geometries reduces to a spin (Heisenberg) model. The method is refined to include processes which involve cyclic rotations of a ``ring'' of neighboring electrons. This is achieved by introducing intermediate lattice points and the importance of ring processes relative to pair-exchange processes is investigated using high-order degenerate perturbation theory and the WKB approximation. The energy spectra are computed from the effective models for specific cases and compared with exact results and other approximation methods.Comment: RevTex, 24 pages, 7 figures submitted as compressed and PostScript file
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