14 research outputs found

    Report of the first meeting of the roundtable consultative group on HIV/AIDS in Luapula fisheries, Zambia

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    The WorldFish Center organized a roundtable meeting in Mansa, Zambia to provide to provide an opportunity for a wide range of agencies to exchange their knowledge and experiences of working with fishing communities and fish traders in Luapula Province. A total of 28 people participated, from government, NGOs and civil society, 6 of whom traveled from Lusaka. Objectives of the roundtable meeting were 1) To get an overview of agencies and their activities relating to fishing communities in Luapula province; 2) To discuss issues related to health, HIV/AIDS and social development affecting fishing communities in Luapula province; 3) To identify challenges in supporting fishing communities; 4) To discuss areas of potential collaboration in 2009 and beyond.Fisheries, AIDS, Public health, HIV, Nutritive value

    Profiles of project activities by technical partners under the regional programme "Fisheries and HIV/AIDS: Investing in sustainable solution". Compilation document prepared for the first policy advisory group meeting, 24-26 Mar 2009, Lilongwe, Malawi

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    The WorldFish Center and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) are currently implementing a Regional Programme entitled Fisheries and HIV/AIDS in Africa: Investing in Sustainable Solutions, to strengthen the capacity in the region to develop sustainable solutions to enhance the contributions of fish and fisheries to economic and human development. In particular, the programme is building a strategic response to HIV/AIDS in the fisheries sector that will generate benefits for vulnerable groups in wider society. With financial support from the Swedish-Norwegian Regional Programme on HIV/AIDS in Africa, this programme is conducting research-for-development activities and implementing pilot interventions in selected fishing communities in eight countries in sub-Saharan Africa, namely Benin, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Cameroon, Nigeria, Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda and Zambia. In all eight countries, three technical focus areas have been identified through national consultations 1) Options for reducing vulnerability along the fish marketing chain; 2) Enhancing nutrition benefits from small scale aquaculture and fisheries; 3) Institutional change to increase investment in viable support optionsFisheries, AIDS, Public health, HIV, Nutritive value

    Field study: assessing migration and mobility patterns, access to health services and vulnerabilities of female fish traders in the Kafue Flats fishery, Zambia: research design report

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    The WorldFish Center in Lusaka is implementing a regional collaborative programme entitled "Fisheries and HIV&AIDS in Africa; investing in sustainable solutions". The programme is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Under the Zambia component, the technical focus area "Options for reducing vulnerability along the fish marketing chain" focuses on the Kafue Flats fishery in Zambia. This study aims to identify vulnerability factors affecting fisher folk and fish traders in the Kafue Flats, especially those that make them susceptible and vulnerable to HIV&AIDS. The study will provide the analytical basis for pilot interventions to reduce specific vulnerability factors and enhance livelihoods for fisher folk and fish traders in the Kafue Flats fishery. This report describes the methodologies and approaches used for the study in the Kafue Flats fishery, and how the findings and analyses will be used for the further implementation and learning of the programme.Fisheries, AIDS, Public health, HIV, Nutritive value

    Assessment of access to health services and vulnerabilities of female fish traders in the Kafue Flats, Zambia: analysis report

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    Under the regional programme Fisheries and HIV/AIDS in Africa: Investing in Sustainable Solutions, the WorldFish Center conducted this study on access to health services and vulnerabilities of female fish traders in the Kafue Flats floodplains in Zambia. This report outlines and analyses the particular vulnerabilities of female fish traders in the Kafue Flats fishery and formulates recommendations to facilitate stakeholder uptake of strategic responses to tackle the drivers of the epidemic in fishing communities and improve the livelihoods of fisher folk and fish traders in the Kafue Flats and other fisheries in Zambia.Women, Fishermen, Trade, Vulnerability, Viral diseases, Zambia,

    Report of the first policy advisory group meeting of the regional programme "Fisheries and HIV/AIDS: Investing in sustaining solution"

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    The WorldFish Center and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) are currently implementing a Regional Programme entitled Fisheries and HIV/AIDS in Africa: Investing in Sustainable Solutions, to strengthen the capacity in the region to develop sustainable solutions to enhance the contributions of fish and fisheries to economic and human development. In particular, the programme is building a strategic response to HIV/AIDS in the fisheries sector that will generate benefits for vulnerable groups in wider society. With financial support from the Swedish-Norwegian Regional Programme on HIV/AIDS in Africa, this programme is conducting research-for-development activities and implementing pilot interventions in selected fishing communities in eight countries in sub-Saharan Africa, namely Benin, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Cameroon, Nigeria, Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda and Zambia. In all eight countries, three technical focus areas have been identified through national consultations 1) Options for reducing vulnerability along the fish marketing chain; 2) Enhancing nutrition benefits from small scale aquaculture and fisheries; 3) Institutional change to increase investment in viable support options; This report presents initial findings by the Regional Programme, a regional synthesis and policy implications of these programme findings, and policy recommendations to address HIV/AIDS in the fisheries sector in Africa, as defined by the PAG members during its first meeting in Lilongwe.Fisheries, AIDS, Public health, HIV, Nutritive value

    Regional technical workshop, Lusaka, Zambia. 17-19 Jun 2008. Workshop report

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    The WorldFish Center and FAO are implementing a regional programme entitled "Fisheries and HIV/AIDS in Africa; investing in sustainable solutions", funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The main purpose of the workshop was to bring together partners on the programme to share ideas and current research proposals, to strengthen these research proposals by taking into account cross cutting issues such as ethics and gender, and to determine arrangements for ongoing collaborative support.Fisheries, AIDS, Public health, HIV, Nutritive value

    Impact of nutrition and fish supplementation on the response to anti retroviral therapy, Zambia: a literature review

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    This work is part of the Regional Programme Fisheries and HIV/AIDS in Africa: Investing in Sustainable Solutions, implemented by the WorldFish Center and funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The research study analyses the effects of a fish supplemented diet on HIV/AIDS patientsÆ response to Anti Retroviral Treatment (ART). This literature review forms the background and basis for the clinical research to be undertaken in selected The Kenneth Kaunda Children of Africa Foundation (KKCAF) centers in Zambia.Fisheries, AIDS, Public health, HIV, Nutritive value

    Manutention aprΦs capture des produits halieutiques de faible valeur et menaces pour la qualitΘ nutritionnelle: une Θtude des pratiques dans la rΘgion du Lac Victoria

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    LÆobjectif de la prΘsente Θtude est dÆexaminer les pratiques courantes en matiΦre de transformation, de conservation et dÆentreposage des produits halieutiques de faible valeur commercialisΘs dans la rΘgion du Lac Victoria et lÆimpact de ces pratiques sur la qualitΘ nutritionnelle de ces produits et leur contribution aux populations menacΘes de malnutrition et aux Personnes Vivant avec le VIH/SIDA (PVV).Nutritive value, Fish handling, Africa, Victoria L.,

    An inventory of fish species at the urban markets of Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo

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    This study, which aims at analyzing the nutritional value of fish products sold on the fish markets of Lubumbashi, has been conducted by the World Fish center as part of its regional programme "Fisheries and HIV/AIDS in Africa : investing in sustainable solutions". This report contains a map of fish markets of Lubumbashi with analyses of fish species found at these markets, and information about the most common fish species. In addition, a photographic guide of the various types of fish and fish products in their order of importance, depending on the amounts that are available on Lubumbashi markets. was also compiled.Nutritive value, Fisheries, Research