13 research outputs found


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    Purpose: Evaluating effects of Nd:YAG-laser, Er:YAG-laser, chlorhexidine and ozonated water application which is used for purpose of antibacterial effects, on repair bond strength of silorane based composite. Materials and Methods: 100 cavities (2 mm deep, 3 mm diameter) prepared in acrylic blocks were filled with silorane composite and subjected thermal cycle and divided into 5 groups (N=20). Group 1:Chlorhexidine; Group 2:Ozonated-water; Group 3:Nd:YAG-laser; Group 4:Er:YAG-laser; Group 5 (control): untreated. Composite repair procedure was implemented with the same silorane based composite. Groups divided into 2 subgroups (n=10). One of the subgroups for each group was subjected second thermal cycle. All of the samples tested by a universal test device. Data were analyzed statistically and significance test of the difference between the two means (Kolmogorov-Simirnov), the variance analysis, and Student-t Test used. Results: No statistical difference was observed among groups after first thermal cycle (p>0,05). After the composite repair, there were no statistically significant difference between groups that were subjected to second thermal cycle (p>0,05). When each group was evaluated in themselves on comparing before and after the thermal cycle after the repair operation; as no statistically significant difference between Ozonated-water, Nd:YAG, Er:YAG and Control groups (p>0,05), a statistically significant decrease was observed only in the Chlorhexidine group after thermal cycle (p<0.05). Conclusion: Ozonated-water, Nd:YAG-laser and Er:YAG-laser applications can be used in the repair of silorane-based composite restorations as an alternative antibacterial application, since the application of chlorhexidine reduces the repair bonding strength

    Physical Properties of Three Different Types of LC Composite Resins

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    Svrha: Zadatak ovoga istraživanja bio je odrediti fi zikalna svojstva triju različitih vrsta kompozitnih smola: Point 4 (mikrohibrid), Solitaire 2 (stlačiv) i Definite (ormocer). Materijal i metode: U fizikalnom dijelu istraživanja preparirano je po 10 uzoraka prema standardnim protokolima iz svakoga od triju restorativnih materijala za sljedeće testove: na tlačnu čvrstoću (ADA 27), na vlačnu čvrstoću prema promjeru presjeka (ADA 27), na čvrstoću savijanja (ISO 4049) i na dubinu postignute polimerizacije (ISO 4049). Podaci su nakon toga bili podvrgnuti statističkoj analizi uz pomoć Kruskal-Wallisova testa i Mann-Whitneyeva-U testa. Rezultati: Vrijednosti dobivene testovima na tlačnu čvrstoću, vlačnu čvrstoću prema promjeru presjeka te na dubinu postignute polimerizacije bili su sljedeći: Point 4 (202,49, 47,12, 93,09, 4,74); Solitaire 2 (248,92, 59,74, 92,97, 4,12); i Defi nite (174,73, 50,82, 10,3.15, 5,25). Kod vrijednosti dobivenih za tlačnu čvrstoću, vlačnu čvrstoću prema promjeru presjeka i dubinu polimerizacije bilo je statistički znatnih razlika (p0,05). Zaključak: Prema rezultatima testova na tlačnu čvrstoću i vlačnu čvrstoću prema promjeru presjeka, materijal Solitaire 2 postigao je najvišu vrijednosti, a Definite je bio najbolji kad je riječ o testu dubine polimerizacije.Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine physical properties of three different types of composite resins: Point 4 (microhybrid), Solitaire 2 (packable) and Definite (ormocer). Materials and Methods: In the physical section of this study, 10 samples for each of the following tests were prepared from each of the three restorative materials according to standard protocols: compressive strength test (ADA 27), diametral tensile strength test (ADA 27), fl exural strength test (ISO 4049) and depth of cure test (ISO 4049). The data were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney-U tests. Results: The compressive, diametral tensile strength, fl exural strength, depth of cure test values respectively of the materials were: Point 4 (202.49, 47.12, 93.09, 4.74); Solitaire 2 (248.92, 59.74, 92.97, 4.12); and Definite (174.73, 50.82, 103.15, 5.25). While signifi cant statistical differences were observed in the values of the compressive strength, diametral tensile strength and depth of cure tests (p0.05). Conclusion: According to the results of the compressive strength and diametral tensile strength tests, Solitaire 2 received the highest value, whereas Defi nite scored highest on the depth of cure test

    Fracture Resistance of Root-Filled Maxillary Premolar Teeth Restored with Current Dentin Bonding Adhesives

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    Svrha istraživanja bila je usporediti otpornost na frakturu gornjih pretkutnjaka s punjenim kanalima, a restaurirani različitim dentinskim adhezivnima (DA). Materijal i metode: Osamdeset ekstrahiranih jednokorijenskih ljudskih maksilarnih pretkutnjaka nasumce su podijeljeni u osam skupina (n=10). Prva skupina (kontrolna ) nije bila preparirana. Kod skupina od 2 do 8 korijeni zuba bili su punjeni i preparirani MOD kavitetima. Skupina 2. ostala je bez restauracije. Skupine od 3 do 8 restaurirane su sljedećim dentalnim adhezivom: iBond (Heraeus Kulzer), G-Bond (GC Co.), Xeno III (Dentsply/Caulk), AdheSe (Ivoclar Vivadent), Clearfil Protect Bond (Kuraray) i Clearfil Tri-S Bond (Kuraray). Sve su preparacije u daljnjem postupku bile potpuno restaurirane kompozitima (Renew, Bisco). Svi su uzorci zatim bili pohranjeni 24 sata na 100-postotnoj vlažnosti i na temperaturi od 37 ºC. Nakon toga obrađeni su cikličkom toplinom 500 puta između 5° i 55 °C. Tlačno opterećenje zuba ispitano je univerzalnim strojem pri brzini od 1 mm min-1 sve dok se nije pojavila fraktura. Podaci su uneseni u Newton (N) i ispitani jednostranom ANOVA-om i Tukeyevim post-hoc testom. Rezultati: Srednja vrijednost opterećenja potrebnog za frakturu uzorka za svaku je skupinu bila sljedeća: skupina 1: 984,00 ± 116.27a; ; skupina 2: 167,30 ± 47,26b ; skupina 3: 872,30 ± 164,99a ; skupina 4: 848,70 ± 157,84a ; skupina 5: 916,30 ± 246,19a ; skupina 6: 863,20 ± 197,69a ; skupina 7: 802,20 ± 183,84a i skupina 8: 870,70 ± 126,48 a. Slična slova pokazuju statistički slične vrijednosti (P>0,05). Zaključak: Vrsta entinskog adheziva ne utječe na otpornost zuba na frakturu.Objective: The aim was to study and compare the fracture resistance of root-filled premolar teeth restored with various dentin bonding adhesives (DBAs). Material and Methods: Eighty extracted single-rooted human maxillary premolar teeth were randomly assigned to eight groups (n=10). Group 1 (control) did not receive any preparation. From groups 2 to 8, the teeth were root filled and MOD cavities were prepared. Group 2 remained unrestored. Groups 3-8 were restored using the following DBAs: iBond (Heraeus Kulzer), G-Bond (GC Co.), Xeno III (Dentsply/Caulk), AdheSe (Ivoclar Vivadent), Clearfil Protect Bond (Kuraray) and Clearfil Tri-S Bond (Kuraray); all preparations were further restored with a resin composite (Renew, Bisco). All specimens were then stored in 100% humidity at 37 ºC for 24 h, followed by thermal cycling 500 times between 5° and 55 °C. Compressive loading of the teeth was performed by a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 1 mm min-1 until failure. The data were recorded in Newton (N) and were submitted to one-way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc test. Results: The mean loads necessary to fracture the samples in each group were: group 1: 984.00 ± 116.27a, group 2: 167.30 ± 47.26b, group 3: 872.30 ± 164.99a, group 4: 848.70 ± 157.84a, group 5: 916.30 ± 246.19a, group 6: 863.20 ± 197.69a, group 7: 802.20 ± 183.84a, group 8: 870.70 ± 126.48a. Similar letters indicate statistically similar values (P>0.05). Conclusion: The type of DBAs had no influence on the fracture resistance of teeth

    Klorheksidin uygulamasının bulk-fill ve nanofil bazlı kompozitlerin tamir bağlanma dayanımı üzerine etkisi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı klorheksidin uygulamasının nanofil ve bulk-fill kompozitlerin tamir bağlanma dayanımı üzerine etkisini değerlendirmektirGereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmamızda kullanılmak üzere oluşturulan akrilik bloklar üzerinde 160 adet kavite hazırlandı. Kavitelerin yarısı nanofil kompozitlerle (Filtek Ultimate) doldurulurken yarısı da bulk-fill kompozitlerle (Tetric EvoCeram Bulkfill) dolduruldu. Bütün örnekler 1 hafta 37ºC distile suda bekletildikten sonra her restoratif materyalin örnekleri başlıca 2 deney grubuna ayrıldı. Grup 1’de örnekler 60 saniye klorheksidin uygulamasına maruz bırakıldı. Grup 2’deki örneklere ise bir uygulama yapılmadı (kontrol). Restoratif materyallerin uygun adezivleri her iki grupta ara tamir ajanı olarak uygulandı. Her gruptan örneklerin yarısı test öncesi termal siklusa ( 5000 siklus, 5-55 ºC, kalma süresi 30 saniye, transfer zamanı 15 saniye) maruz bırakıldı, diğer yarısı hemen teste alınarak tamir bağlanma dayanımı makaslama testi ile değerlendirildi. Deney gruplarının makaslama bağlanma dayanımı analiz etmek için çift yönlü ANOVA testi kullanıldı. Önemlilik seviyesi (p<0.05) alındı. Bağlanma dayanımı testi sonrasında oluşan kırık tipleri optik loop ile incelendi ve gruplara ayrıldı. Kırık tipleri ayrıca Taramalı Elektron Mikroskobu ile görüntülendi.Bulgular:  Klorheksidin ve termal siklus uygulaması tamir bağlanma dayanımını anlamlı bir şekilde etkilememiştir (p>0.05). Bulk-fill kompozitler daha düşük tamir bağlanma dayanımı göstermiştir. En yüksek bağlanma değeri Nanofil kompozitlerle 24 saat sonra kontrol grubunda  elde edilirken en düşük değer klorheksidin uygulaması sonrası termal siklus yapılan Bulk-fill kompozitlerde bulunmuştur. Mix tip kırılmalar en fazla rastlanan tip kırılmalar olmuştur. Sonuçlar: Bu in vitro çalışmanın sınırları içinde klorheksidin ve ek olarak uygulanan termal siklus ile yaşlandırma metodu bulk-fill ve nanofil bazlı kompozitlerin tamir bağlanma dayanımını etkilememiştir

    Analysis of Monomer Elution from Bulk-fill and Nanocomposites Cured with Different Light Curing Units Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different light curing units and light modes on the amount of residual monomers eluted from different resin-based composites. Initially, a total of 96 composite samples (N=24/group) were prepared from 3 bulk-fill composites with different characteristics and a nanohybrid composite using a mold (diameter: 5 mm, height: 4 mm). Then, each group was divided into 4 subgroups (n=6). Polymerization of the resin composites was performed using a halogen light source (Hilux 250), a 2nd generation LED device (Elipar DeepCure -S) and a 3rd generation LED device (Valo, standard and ultra modes). Samples were stored in 75% ethanol solution and residual monomers eluted in the solution were analyzed with HPLC after 1 day and 1 month. Monomer concentrations corresponding to the peak areas in chromatograms were calculated in ppm to obtain data for statistical analysis. The study data were analyzed using One Way ANOVA (p=0.05) and post-hoc Tukey tests. The type of the light-curing unit significantly affected the amount of residual monomer released in all composite groups (p<0.05). Except the Fill-Up composite groups, the least monomer elution was detected in the groups cured with Elipar DeepCure-S. Residual monomer amounts detected after 30 days were significantly increased in comparison to those eluted after 1 day in all groups. In light of these findings, it was concluded that the light curing units might have an impact on the monomer elution from different composites

    The Effect of Food-Simulating Liquids and Thermal Aging on Surface Roughness and Color Stability of Bulk-Fill and Conventional Composites Gıdaları Taklit Eden Sıvıların Ve Termal Yaşlandırmanın Bulk-fill Ve Konvansiyonel Kompozitlerin Yüzey Pürüzlülüğü Ve Renk Stabilitesi Üzerine Etkisi

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of food-simulating liquids (FSLs) and thermal aging on the surface roughness and color stability of bulk-fill and conventional composites. Materials and Methods: A total of 320 disc-shaped samples were prepared, with 40 samples from each of 4 different bulk-fill composites (Filtek Bulk Fill, X-tra fil, Beautifil Bulk Restorative, and Estelite Bulk Fill Flow), and 4 conventional nano-filled composite resins (Filtek Z550, CeramX SphereTEC one, Admira, and Kalore). The prepared samples were randomly divided into subgroups for exposure to FSLs (ethanol, heptane, citric acid) and thermal cycling (TC) (n=10 per subgroup) for 28 days. Initial profilometric surface roughness measurements (Ra0) of all samples and AFM and SEM analyses of selected samples were followed by exposure to FSLs and TC. After completion of aging protocols, measurements and analyses were repeated to obtain the Ra1 (post-treatment surface roughness), and change in surface roughness (ΔRa1-0) was then calculated. Subsequently, initial color measurement of the samples was conducted using a spectrophotometer, followed by immersion of the samples in a coffee solution for 24 hours. Color measurements were repeated, and color change (ΔE) was calculated. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare Ra0 and Ra1 values and one-way ANOVA for comparing ΔRa and ΔE values. Post-hoc Tukey tests were employed for pairwise comparisons. The significance level was set at α=.05. Results: While the surface roughness of bulk-fill composites was affected by the protocols applied (p<0.05), most of the conventional composites generally remained unaffected. Bulk-fill composites exhibited greater ΔRa and ΔE values. The highest ΔRa and ΔE values were observed in the Beautifil Bulk Restorative group, with the greatest discoloration seen after immersion in citric acid. Conclusions: Thermal cycling and immersion in FSLs affect surface roughness and color stability of composite resins depending on the content and structure of the composites

    Effect of the composite curing light mode on polymerization shrinkage of resin composites

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    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Objectives:&lt;/strong&gt; The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of light curing method on the polymerization shrinkage of composite resins.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Materials and Methods:&lt;/strong&gt; Eight methods of four different light curing units were tested by forming 16 groups using two different composite types. Resin composite specimens weights were determined with an analytical electronic hydrostatic balance in the air and in water before and after curing. Then specific gravity values were determined. Volumetric polymerization shrinkage was calculated using mathematical formulas.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Results:&lt;/strong&gt; According to the results of this in-vitro study, polymerization shrinkage differed significantly among the light curing units.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Conclusions:&lt;/strong&gt; When the amount of polymerization shrinkage was compared, it was determined that the curing method, which has the greatest total energy density, caused the greatest amount of shrinkage. It was also found out that some of the curing units affected the shrinkage positively in soft-start mode.&lt;/p&gt