13 research outputs found

    Thin layer drying of zucchini in solar dryer located in Osmaniye region

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    In this study, the dehydration behavior of zucchini using solar assisted drying system was examined according to 22 thin layer drying models available in literature. The correlation coefficient (R2), chi-square (χ2) and root mean square error (RMSE) values were calculated to check the suitability of models by non-linear regression analysis. It was found that Cubic and Modified Midilli-1 models were the most suitable equations and their R2 values were calculated as 0.99963. χ2 and RMSE values of related mathematical expressions were 1.89343×10‒5, 1.91692×10‒5 and 0.01685×10‒3, 0.01721×10‒3 respectively. In addition, heat transfer, mass transfer and diffusion coefficients, which were important parameters in design of drying systems were also determined as 5.18124 W/m2°C, 1.57129×10‒7 m/s and 2.335718×10‒9 m2/s respectively

    Primer saplanıcı başağrısı : iki olgu sunumu

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    Primer saplanıcı baş ağrısı; saniyeler süren nadir ve şiddetli bir başağrısıdır. Ağrı özellikle trigeminal sinirin birinci dalı boyunca hissedilir ve günde bir veya birkaç günde bir gelen bir veya birkaç kez tekrarlayan saplanma atakları şeklinde ortaya çıkar. Primer saplanıcı başağrısı yıllardır bilinmekle birlikte tanı için klinisyenin sorgulaması gereklidir. Primer saplanıcı başağrısının tanısını koymada diğer olası nedenlerin dışlanması önemlidir. İndometazin klasik olarak ilk tedavi seçeneğidir ancak olguların %35'e yakını tedaviye direnç gösterir. Son yıllarda cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitörleri, gabapentin, nifedipine, parasetamol, ve melatonin tedavisinin etkinliğini destekleyen çalışmalar bildirilmektedir.Primary stabbing headache is an excruciating and relatively rare type of headache that typically lasts for only a few seconds. Pain is predominantly felt in the distribution of the first division of the trigeminal nerve and can be experienced as single stabs or as a series of stabs, either per day or every few days. Primary stabbing headache has been well-defined for decades and must be kept in mind during diagnosis. Exclusion of other possible causes is necessary in order to establish diagnosis. Indomethacin has classically been considered the first treatment option, but therapeutic failure occurs in up to 35% of cases. Recent studies have suggested that cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, gabapentin, nifedipine, paracetamol, and melatonin are also effective treatments