437 research outputs found

    Potensi Kapuk Randu (Ceiba Pentandra Gaertn.) Dalam Penyediaan Obat Herbal

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    : The Cultivation venture kapok (Ceiba pentandra Gaertn.) already done since hundreds of years ago, but has not been well developed. The amount of kapok plants in Indonesia continues to decline. whereas tree is very beneficial to health treatment. The purpose of this paper is to find out the potential of kapok trees associated with raw materials herbal remedy or treatment so that the kapok plant can remain preserved . The methods used are library research which descriptive and explorative approaches mainly from previous examination. In the implementation in the field conducted field survey and interview techniques. The results showed that: (1) a range of secondary metabolite compounds are present in every part of the plant, such as the kapok seeds, leaves, stems, and roots. (2) secondary metabolites found in every part of the plant has antibacterial properties kapok, antifungi, bitter taste, and antioxidants, (3) ceiba pentandra as a potencial multifunction medicinal plants that needs to be improved in its use as modern medicine and prevented from extinction

    Performance Engine 1108 Cc Menggunakan Bahan Bakar Ron 88 dan Ron 92

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    This experimental study aims to compare the performance and Spesific Fuel Consumsion (Sfc) where were produced from RON 88 fuel and RON 92 fuel with T101D Automotive engine test bed, with optionals tool. Engine gasoline type 1.1 8V was used in this study. The difference of torque which is caused by the use of RON 88 and RON 92 fuel is obtained. The highest torque at occurred 2500 rpm where the comparison between these two is about 4.458 %. Then, the performance of RON 88 has slight difference. The Spesific Fuel Consumption (sfc) of RON 92 fuel is lower than RON 88 fuel sfc. The lowest decrease (sfc) is 21.212% at 3700 rpm and the overall engine decline is 7.796%

    Gap Quality of Employee Attendance System Application Using Technology Acceptance Model Approach and Fuzzy

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    The employee attendance system application in an educational institution occupies an important role in providing evaluation and improving performance in addition to being able to improve the transparency of employee and institutional relations. In its use, the employee attendance system must be able to accommodate the needs of its users, namely employees and staffing. This research evaluates user satisfaction over system applications using the Technology Acceptance Model approach. The evaluation was conducted by assessing the level of perception and satisfaction level of 40 users, in this case, employees. The research variable used is perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use (level of ease of use received), and user satisfaction (level of user satisfaction). Computing process was done by fuzzy methods. The results showed that some quality of the application could not meet the expectations of employees at this time. The only variable that met the performance and expectation was perceived ease

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas Vb SD Negeri 62 Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to improve grade V student\u27s maths learningachievement at SDN 62 Pekanbaru academic year 2014/ 2015 through “ Application of the model direct learning”. Setting of the problem is “ is the application of the model direct learning can improve grade V student\u27s maths learning achievement at SDN 62 Pekanbaru”. This research was conducted in February. The number of students are 32 students which contain of 18 boys and 14 girls. This research is classroom action research which contains of three cycles. Each cycles consist of 2 meeting. Parameter of the research is involved students learning achievement after the action in each cycles (daily test I, II,). Instrument of the research contains of learning tools (syllabus, RPP, LKS, LLL, learning result paper sheet). Observation of student and teacher activity sheet. Data of the research will analyze descriptively. Research data show that learning achievement has increased.Where prior to the application of the model direct learning as much as any 12 students (37,5%)scored daily test is above or equal to the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). It was improved to 65% after using the application of the model direct learning in first cycle. In the second cycle increased 90%. Activities of the student during the learning process (I, II cycles) is can be categorized very well by an average 87,5%. From the explanation above shows that application of the model direct learning can be improving grade V students maths learning achievement at SDN 62 Pekanbaru

    Penerapan Teknik Pembelajaran Scramble Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas Ia SD Negeri 15 Pekanbaru

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    One of the study aim accomplishment achievement height learns student. but evaluation result during teach at my class is country elementary school 15 pekanbaru, show in low category averagely class as big as 64.17. This watchfulness is done at his class country elementary school 15 pekanbaru school year 2014/2015. This watchfulness design class action watchfulness (ptk). subjek this watchfulness his class student is semester 2 school year 2014/2015 at country elementary school 15 pekanbaru with total 30 person. Conclusion from this watchfulness found result enhanced learns in student at his class is country elementary school 15 pekanbaru uses technique scramble. Mean study technique scramble can increase result learn his class student social science is country elementary school 15 pekanbaru. in general beginning data result before is carried out technique use scramble, student gets kerage value as big as 64.17 with category enough. My cycle repetition is class average as big as 75.17 with good category and in cycle ii be 80.83 with good category. From watchfulness result is known cycle teacher activity II meeting 1 got percentage ketercapaian as big as 79% with good category and in meeting 2 got ketercapaian as big as 88% with category very well. Student activity experiences enhanced from cycle ii meeting 1 got percentage ketercapaian as big as 92% with category very well and in meeting 2 got ketercapaian as big as 96% with category very well

    Phase Separation of a Fast Rotating Boson-Fermion Mixture in the Lowest-Landau-Level Regime

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    By minimizing the coupled mean-field energy functionals, we investigate the ground-state properties of a rotating atomic boson-fermion mixture in a two-dimensional parabolic trap. At high angular frequencies in the mean-field-lowest-Landau-level regime, quantized vortices enter the bosonic condensate, and a finite number of degenerate fermions form the maximum-density-droplet state. As the boson-fermion coupling constant increases, the maximum density droplet develops into a lower-density state associated with the phase separation, revealing characteristics of a Landau-level structure

    Penerapan Teori Backward Recursive Untuk Menentukan Jumlah Tenaga Kerja Dan Gaji Pada PT Xyz

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    Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penggunaan Program Dinamik dengan perhitungan mundur (backward recursive) model matematis : fi(Si,Xi) = ri(Si,Xi) + f(i − 1)(S(i − 1),X(i − 1)) dimana i = nomor tahap (i = 1, 2, ..., n), Xi = variabel keputusan pada tahap i, Si= keadaan pada tahap i, ri (Si,Xi) = keputusan pada tahap i, fi, (Si,Xi)= keputusan optimal dari tahap 1 sampai i, fi−1 (Si−1,Xi−1 )= keputusan optimal dari tahap i sampai 1. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dengan cara mengumpulkan data dari Perusahaan. Dengan menggunakan teori Program Dinamik perhitungan mundur maka jumlah jam kerja efektif 573.460 jam dapat dioptimalkan menjadi 468.714,27 jam dengan jumlah tenaga kerja (orang) yang dibutuhkan setiap bulan pada tahun 2011 adalah 152 orang/ bulan. Biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk kebutuhan tenaga kerja sebesar Rp 3.976.509.219 dengan menggunakan program dinamik dapat dioptimalkan menjadi Rp 3.236.431.421,94