3,897 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Pengenalan Huruf dan Angka dengan Menggunakan Macromedia Flash 8.0

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    Pendidikan adalah hal yang sangat penting untuk menunjang pembangunangenerasi yang cerdas yang diharapkan dapat berkompetisi dimasa yang akandatang. Pendidikan juga suatu investasi jangka panjang yang tidak dapat habis.Peningkatan kecerdasan dan penghasilan yang cukup dapat diperoleh jikaseseorang memiliki pendidikan yang baik. Hal ini mendorong para orang tuauntuk memberikan pendidikan semenjak usia dini kepada anak mereka denganmemasukkan anaknya kependidikan pra sekolah dasar atau taman kanak-kanak,namun perkembangan teknologi yang semakin meningkat membuat anak malasuntuk belajar dan cenderung lebih ingin bermain. Oleh karena itu untukmeningkatkan minat anak untuk belajar maka perlu adanya pembaharuan dalammetode belajar mereka yaitu dengan membuatkan suatu aplikasi multimediainteraktif yang menyenangkan sehingga anak dapat belajar sambil bermain.Maka penulis terdorong untuk membuat suatu aplikasi pengenalan huruf danangka yang diharapkan dapat membantu anak untuk lebih berminat untukbelajar

    Binda Computer Rental System with Visual Foxpro 6.0

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    Writing research with the title: BINDA COMPUTER RENTAL SYSTEM WITHVisual Foxpro 6.0 explores the problems faced by Binda Computer as a computerrental service providers, such as calculating the cost of rent, payment receipt, sale andrental rating, using a program created with Visual FoxPro language OrientedDatabase6.0.All problems are outlined in Chapter III, which covers the problems, designingsystems from analysis to design input, process and output. Up to solving problemswith the programming language Visual FoxPro 6.0. with the expectation that thesesystems can help Binda Computer in running their business

    Histone deacetylase 2 is phosphorylated, ubiquitinated, and degraded by cigarette smoke

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    Cigarette smoke (CS)–induced lung inflammation involves the reduction of histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2) abundance, which is associated with steroid resistance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and in individuals with severe asthma who smoke cigarettes. However, the molecular mechanism of CS-mediated reduction of HDAC2 is not clearly known. We hypothesized that HDAC2 is phosphorylated and subsequently degraded by the proteasome in vitro in macrophages (MonoMac6), human bronchial and primary small airway epithelial cells, and in vivo in mouse lungs in response to chronic CS exposure. Cigarette smoke extract (CSE) exposure in MonoMac6 and in bronchial and airway epithelial cells led to phosphorylation of HDAC2 on serine/threonine residues by a protein kinase CK2-mediated mechanism, decreased HDAC2 activity, and increased ubiquitin-proteasome–dependent HDAC2 degradation. CK2 and proteasome inhibitors reversed CSE-mediated HDAC2 degradation, whereas serine/threonine phosphatase inhibitor, okadaic acid, caused phosphorylation and subsequent ubiquitination of HDAC2. CS-induced HDAC2 phosphorylation was detected in mouse lungs from 2 weeks to 4 months of CS exposure, and mice showed significantly lower lung HDAC2 levels. Thus, CS-mediated down-regulation of HDAC2 in human macrophages and lung epithelial cells in vitro and in mouse lung in vivo involves the induction of serine/threonine phosphorylation and proteasomal degradation, which may have implications for steroid resistance and abnormal inflammation caused by cigarette smoke

    Computation Heritage Applications Husband or Wife According to Islamic Law Using Visual Basic 6.0 Programming Language

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    Calculation of Inheritance in Islam in the control of Al-Quran and Al-Hadith in detailand clear and the rules are created directly by God Almighty that the truth is not indoubt, do not like the law that created by humans which so many flaws andweaknesses. Which raised the feeling of dissatisfaction that ultimately arise theproblems that are not in want. Calculation of the legacy by using the computer will beeasier and the results will be quicker

    Fasilitas Rehabilitasi Psikotik di Surabaya

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    Fasilitas Rehabilitasi Psikotik di Surabaya merupakan fasilitas yang bertujuan sebagai wadah tempat tinggal serta tempat perawatan yang benar-benar dikhususkan bagi penderita psikotik. Dengan adanya fasilitas ini diharapkan penderita psikotik dapat mendapatkan perawatan secara total dan tertangani agar kondisi mereka dapat segera pulih, karena realita yang ada, para penderita psikotik semakin bertambah sementara tidak ada wadah yang dapat menanggulangi. Karya desain arsitektur dan pendalaman ruang yang didesain dengan memperhatikan perilaku penderita ini diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak positif terutama pada aspek sosial, sehingga penderita psikotik tidak lagi terkucilkan. Konsep pada proyek ini adalah keteraturan,keamanan, dan kontrol. Perilaku penderita psikotik merupakan cara untuk mendalami bagaimana bangunan ini didesain. Bangunan ini sangat menitikberatkan pada hal-hal tersebut. Dengan adanya konsep tersebut, diharapkan bangunan akan membantu mempercepat penyembuhan penderita psikotik

    Successful resection of lymphangioma of the neck and mediastinum presenting as stridor in a 12 year old child

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    Lymphangiomas are congenital malformations of lymphatic tissue. This benign condition is generally found in the neck region and is discovered by 2 years of age. Here we report the case of a 12 year old child who presented with a cervical and mediastinal cystic hygroma that had progressed to such a space occupying nature as to cause the shifting of the trachea. The entire mass was successfully resected with a lower neck incision. Our case suggests the necessity of considering cystic lymphangioma in the differential diagnosis of lateral neck masses and use of adequate imaging to substantiate the preoperative diagnosis

    Kandungan Nutrien Dan Kecernaan Bahan Kering In-vitro Limbah Udang Hasil Fermentasi Dengan Aspergillus Oryzae

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    The research aimed at evaluating the nutrient content and dry matter digestibility of aspergillus oryzae fermented shrimp waste meal. The material used are vannamei shrimp waste meal, A.oryzae isolate and chemical standard microbe growth. The research was arranged in completely randomized design with 4 treatments of time incubation (W0 = no fermentation; W1 = 24; W2 = 48 and W3 = 72 hours) with 3 replications. The variables measured were dry matter, organic matter, crude fat, crude fibre, crude protein and dry matter digestibility. The research showed that the nutrient of shrimp waste was changed after 72 hours incubation. The dry matter and organic matter were increased, but crude fibre, fat and crude protein were decreased with 1,67–2,02%, 6,13–6,87%, 0,20–2,065% and 3,48–5,84% respectively, and dry matter digestibility increased 9%