34 research outputs found

    Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates tumor response following palliative embolization of a recurrent shoulder plasmacytoma

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    We report the palliative embolization and functional imaging follow-up of a recurrent shoulder plasmacytoma. The multiple myeloma patient complained of severe pain and discomfort, while he could not tolerate further chemotherapy. The left shoulder lesion had earlier received a high dose of irradiation. Thus, the well-vascularized lesion was embolized via feeding arteries branching off from the left subclavian artery in two sessions. The patient's symptoms rapidly improved post-embolization and the serum free light chain ratio stabilized at a lower level. The follow-up magnetic resonance image showed increased diffusivity in previously restricted tumor foci. This has negatively correlated with the decreased fludeoxyglucose uptake on PET, suggesting post-embolization necrosis

    Nukleáris medicina a prosztatarák diagnosztikájában és kezelésében (teranosztika) = Nuclear medicine in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer (theranostics)

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    Az elmúlt években, évtizedekben a nukleáris medicina hatalmas fejlődésen ment át, számos radiofarmakológiai fejlesztés született, és a hibrid berendezésekkel (PET/CT, PET/MR, SPECT/ CT) végzett vizsgálatok is könnyebben elérhetővé váltak a klinikai gyakorlatban. A nukleáris onkológia egyik legjobban kutatott területe a prosztatarák volt, aminek köszönhetően több új radiofarmakon került forgalomba mind diagnosztikus, mind terápiás célra, ezeket Magyarországon is bevezették, illetve elérhető közelségbe kerültek. A szerzők azokat a – prosztatarák-diagnosztikában és -terápiában használt – nukleáris medicinai módszereket foglalták össze, amelyek a klinikai gyakorlatban a legfontosabbak. = In recent years and decades, nuclear medicine has undergone a huge development, many radiopharmacological developments have been made, and examinations with hybrid equipment (PET/CT, PET/MR, SPECT/CT) have become more easily available in clinical practice. One of the most researched areas of nuclear oncology was prostate cancer, as a result several novel radiopharmaceuticals were put on the market for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, and these were also introduced or became achievable in Hungary. The authors have summarized the nuclear medicine methods used in prostate cancer diagnosis and therapy, which are the most important in clinical practice

    Response evaluation after primary systemic therapy of Her2 positive breast cancer - an observational cross-sectional study

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    AIM: To evaluate (I) trastuzumab-containing primary systemic therapy (PST) in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (Her2) overexpressing breast carcinomas.; (II) compare the patients who achieved and those who did not achieve pathological complete remission (pCR), and (III) analyze the accuracy of different clinical-imaging modalities in tumor response monitoring. METHODS: 188 patients who received PST between 2008 and 2014 were reviewed and 43 Her2 overexpressing breast cancer patients (28 Luminal B/Her2-positive and 15 Her2-positive) were enrolled. 26 patients received mostly taxane-based PST without trastuzumab (Group 1) and 17 patients received trastuzumab-containing PST (Group 2). We compared the concordance between pCR and complete remission (CR) defined by breast-ultrasound, CR defined by standard 18F-fluoro-deoxy-glucose positron emission tomography and computerized tomography (FDG-PET/CT) criteria (Method 1) and CR defined by a novel, breast cancer specific FDG-PET/CT criteria (Method 2). Sensitivity (sens), specificity (spec), and positive (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) were calculated. RESULTS: Ten patients (38.5%) in Group 1 and eight (47%) in Group 2 achieved pCR. pCR was significantly more frequent in Her2-positive than in Luminal B/Her2-positive tumors in both Group 1: (P=0.043) and Group 2: (P=0.029). PET/CT evaluated by the breast cancer specific criteria (Method 2) differentiated pCR from non-pCR more accurately in both groups (Group 1: sens=77.8%, spec=%, PPV=100%, NPV=71.4%; Group 2: sens=87.5%, spec=62.5%, PPV=70%, NPV=83.3%) than standard PET/CT criteria (Method 1) (Group 1: sens=22.2% spec=100% PPV=100% NPV=41.7%; in Group 2: sens=37.5%, spec=87.5%, PPV=75% NPV=58.3%) or breast ultrasound (Group 1, sens=83.3% spec=25% PPV=62.5% NPV=50%; Group 2, sens=100% spec=12.5% PPV=41.6% NPV=100%). CONCLUSION: The benefit of targeted treatment with trastuzumab-containing PST in Her2 overexpressing breast cancer was defined in terms of pCR rate. Luminal B/Her2-positive subtype needs further subdivision to identify patients who would benefit from PST. Combined evaluation of tumor response by our novel, breast cancer specific FDG-PET/CT criteria accurately differentiated pCR from non-pCR patients

    Response evaluation after primary systemic therapy of Her2 positive breast cancer – an observational cross-sectional study

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    Aim To evaluate (I) trastuzumab-containing primary systemic therapy (PST) in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (Her2) overexpressing breast carcinomas.; (II) compare the pa - tients who achieved and those who did not achieve pathologi - cal complete remission (pCR), and (III) analyze the accuracy of different clinical-imaging modalities in tumor response moni - toring. Methods 188 patients who received PST between 2008 and 2014 were reviewed and 43 Her2 overexpressing breast can - cer patients (28 Luminal B/Her2-positive and 15 Her2-positive) were enrolled. 26 patients received mostly taxane-based PST without trastuzumab (Group 1) and 17 patients received tras - tuzumab-containing PST (Group 2). We compared the con - cordance between pCR and complete remission (CR) defined by breast-ultrasound, CR defined by standard 18F-fluoro-de - oxy-glucose positron emission tomography and computer - ized tomography (FDG-PET/CT) criteria (Method 1) and CR defined by a novel, breast cancer specific FDG-PET/CT criteria (Method 2). Sensitivity (sens), specificity (spec), and positive (PPV ) and negative predictive values (NPV ) were calculated. Results Ten patients (38.5%) in Group 1 and eight (47%) in Group 2 achieved pCR. pCR was significantly more frequent in Her2-positive than in Luminal B/Her2-positive tumors in both Group 1: ( P = 0.043) and Group 2: ( P = 0.029). PET/CT evaluated by the breast cancer specific criteria (Method 2) differentiated pCR from non-pCR more accurately in both groups (Group 1: sens = 77.8%, spec = 100%, PPV = 100%, NPV = 71.4%; Group 2: sens = 87.5%, spec = 62.5%, PPV = 70%, NPV = 83.3%) than standard PET/CT criteria (Method 1) (Group 1: sens = 22.2% spec = 100% PPV = 100% NPV = 41.7%; in Group 2: sens = 37.5%, spec = 87.5%, PPV = 75% NPV = 58.3%) or breast ultrasound (Group 1, sens = 83.3% spec = 25% PPV = 62.5% NPV = 50%; Group 2, sens = 100% spec = 12.5% PPV = 41.6% NPV = 100%). Conclusion The benefit of targeted treatment with trastu - zumab-containing PST in Her2 overexpressing breast cancer was defined in terms of pCR rate. Luminal B/Her2-positive subtype needs further subdivision to identify patients who would benefit from PST. Combined evaluation of tumor re - sponse by our novel, breast cancer specific FDG-PET/CT crite - ria accurately differentiated pCR from non-pCR patients

    Onkológiai beteg tervezett PET/CT vizsgálata során véletlenszerűen felfedezett COVID–19-betegség.

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    A koronavírus-betegség 2019 (COVID–19) szakmai irodalma meglehetős gyorsasággal bővül. Adatok jelzik, hogy sokszor nagy az ellentmondás egy-egy beteg esetében a klinikai kép és a radiológiai lelet súlyossága között. Esetismer- tetésünk egy tünetszegény beteg viszonylag súlyosabb radiológiai leleteit részletezi. Az onkológiai alapbetegségben szenvedő, 75 éves nőbetegnél a tervezett, onkológiai indikációval végzett F18-fluoro-dezoxi-glükóz pozitronemisz- sziós tomográfia/komputertomográfia vizsgálat során a tüdőkben incidentálisan COVID–19-re utaló radiomorfoló- giai jeleket azonosítottunk. Azonnali izolációt követően a beteget a megfelelő osztályra helyeztük át, ahol a további vizsgálatok megerősítették a COVID–19 kórisméjét. Esetünk arra hívja fel a figyelmet, hogy járványügyi veszélyhely- zet idején az esendő betegek (magas életkorú, onkológiai betegségben szenvedők) tervezett képalkotó vizsgálata során az elkészült mellkas-CT azonnali kiértékelésének nagy a jelentősége, mert így időben azonosíthatunk a COVID–19 esetleges jelenlétére utaló radiomorfológiai eltéréseket, amelyek alapvetően meghatározzák az aktuális további teendőket