26 research outputs found

    Air quality measurement of the operating theater area.

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    <p>Data were represented as mean±sd or geometric mean (GSD). *: <i>p</i><0.05 compared with KTR; †: <i>p</i><0.05 compared with TR; ‡: <i>p</i><0.05 compared with LTR.</p><p>POR: post-operative recovery room; IR: instrument room; SWR: supply washing room; DR: delivery room; KTR: kidney transplant room; TR: traumatic surgery room; LTR: liver transplant room.</p

    Diagram of operating theater area of a hospital.

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    <p>A: post-operative room; B: kidney transplant room; C: traumatic surgery room; D: liver transplant room; E: instrument room; F: office; G: supply washing room; H: restaurant; I: delivery room.</p

    Associations between CO<sub>2</sub>/PM<sub>2.5</sub>/bacterial concentrations and environmental variables in the operating theater area.

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    †<p>: The bacterial concentration was calculated by geometric transformation;</p>‡<p>: office was used as a control location. SE: standard error.</p><p>POR: post-operative room; IR: instrument room; SWR: supply washing room; DR: delivery room; KTR: kidney transplant room; TR: traumatic surgery room; LTR: liver transplant room.</p

    Isolation rates of airborne bacteria (%)<sup>†</sup> in the operating theater area.

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    †<p>: the number of specific isolated microorganism was divided by the total number of isolated microorganisms;</p>‡<p>: chi-square test.</p><p>POR: post-operative room; IR: instrument room; SWR: supply washing room; DR: delivery room; KTR: kidney transplant room; TR: traumatic surgery room; LTR: liver transplant room.</p

    Correlation matrix of environmental factors in the operating theater area of a hospital.

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    *<p>: <i>p</i><0.05; **: <i>p</i><0.01; <sup>†</sup>: The bacterial concentration was calculated by geometric transformation.</p

    Seasonal variation of endotoxin concentrations in dust samples of children’s homes.

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    <p>•: asthma (AS) group; ○: allergic rhinitis (AR) group; ▴: AS+AR group; ▵: control group. *: <i>p</i><0.05; **: <i>p</i><0.01.</p

    Seasonal variations of exhaled nitric oxide levels (A) and EBC pH values (B) in children.

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    <p>•: asthma group; ○: allergic rhinitis group; ▴: AS+AR group; ▵: control group. *: <i>p</i><0.05; **: <i>p</i><0.01.</p

    Associations between endotoxin concentrations and exhaled nitric oxide levels in children.

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    <p>(A) asthma group; (B) allergic rhinitis group; (C) AS+AR group; (D) control group.</p