64 research outputs found

    Koncentracija tiroksina i trijodtironina u krvnoj plazmi ovaca posle sinhronizacije estrusa u sezoni parenja

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    Twenty nonpregnant cycling Tsigai ewes in the breeding season were treated for synchronization of estrus using intravaginal progestagen sponges (medroxyprogesterone-acetate, MAP) followed by an intramuscular injection of 350-400 IU of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG). A control group of ewes was formed from 20 animals in the natural estrous cycle. Hormonal status was investigated by determination of plasma triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) concentrations using radioimmunoassay (RIA). Samples of jugular venous plasma were collected on the day of sponge insertion (P), the day of estrus (0. day), 7, 14 and 18 days after estrus. Plasma T3 levels in the control group of ewes were significantly lower compared to the ewes after synchronization of estrus, except the level of T3 on day 18 after estrus. Plasma T4 level was not significantly different in the treated and control ewes, except on day 18 after estrus.Ispitivanja hormonalnog statusa ovaca nakon sinhronizacije estrusa u sezoni parenja vršena su određivanjem nivoa T3 (trijodtironina) i T4 (tiroksina) u krvnoj plazmi radioimunološkom (RIA) metodom. Uzorci krvne plazme su prikupljani na dan stavljanja sunđera (P), dan estrusa (0. dan), 7, 14. i 18. dana od estrusa. Nivo T3 u krvnoj plazmi kontrolne grupe ovaca u prirodnom estrusnom ciklusu je značajno niži u odnosu na tretirane životinje, osim nivoa T3 18. dana posle estrusa. Nivo T4 nije se značajno razlikovao između tretiranih ovaca i kontrolne grupe, izuzev 18 dana ispitivanja, kada je ustanovljen značajno veći nivo kod tretiranih gravidnih ovaca

    Endokrini i metabolički profil junica holštajna i crvenog holštajna u peripartalnom periodu

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    The aim of this stady was to examine the relationship between triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxin (T4), insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and blood serum liver function biomarkers concentrations in Holstein and Red Holstein heifers during the peripartal period. In the first experimental group (I) were heifers of Holstein Friesian breed (n=10), and in the second experimental group (II) were Red Holstein heifers (n=10). Blood samples were taken from the vena coccygea three times during the short peripartal period (5 days before delivery, at delivery and 5 days after delivery), and blood serum samples were separated after spontaneous coagulation. Blood serum T3, T4 and IGF-I concentrations were determinated using radioimmunoassay (RIA). Blood serum concentrations of glucose (G), total protein (TP), albumin, (Alb), urea, total bilirubin (tBil) and aspartate aminotrasferase (AST) were determined using commercial ELISA kits. The statistical significance between means was determined using Student t-test. Blood serum T3 concentration in Group II was significantly lower after delivery, and T4 concentration was significantly higher before delivery (p lt 0.05), compared to Group I. Mean blood serum IGF-I concentrations between the two experimental groups were not significantly different at all time intervals. Relationships between the determined hormones showed a median positive correlation between T3, and T4 (r=0.74) in Group I and highly positive correlation in Group II (r=0.81). Blood serum thyroid gland hormones and IGF-I concentrations in healthy heifers during peripartal period vary considerably, the lowest values being determined immediately after calving in both experimental groups. Blood serum G, TP, Alb and urea concentrations were significantly higher in Group I at all investigated time intervals. Blood serum tBil concentration was significantly higher after partus in Group I (11.02 ± 3.33 : 8.49 ± 3.35 μmol/L, Group I vs. II, respectively), and AST activity was not significantly different at all intervals.Cilj ovih istraživanja je bio određivanje koncentracije triijodtironina (T3), tiroksina (T4), insulinu sličnog faktora rasta-I (IGF-I) i biomarkera, pokazatelja funkcionalnog stanja jetre u krvnom serumu dva varijeteta junica Holštajn rase u peripartalnom periodu. Prvu eksperimentalnu grupu (I) činile su junice crno belog holštajna (n=10), a drugu grupu (II) junice crvenog holštajna (n=10). Krv za analize je uzimana iz repne vene, tri puta u peripartalnom periodu (5 dana pre partusa, na dan partusa i do 5 dana posle partusa), a krvni serum je odvajan nakon spontane koagulacije. U krvnom serumu je radioimunološkom metodom (RIA, INEPZemun) određivanja koncentracija trijodtironina (T3), tiroksina (T4) i insulinu sličnog faktora rasta-I (IGF-I). Koncentracija glukoze (G), ukupnih proteina (TP), albumina, (Alb), ureje, ukupnog bilirubina (tBil) i aktivnost aspartat aminotrasferaze (AST) je određivana upotrebom komercijalnih ELISA kitova. Statistička značajnost razlika srednjih vrednosti ispitivanih endokrinih i metaboličkih parametara je određena Studentovim t-testom. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na vrlo različite koncentracije hormona štitne žlezde u krvnom serumu junica oba varijeteta holštajna pre i posle partusa. Koncentracija T3 je bila statistički značajno niža u grupi II nakon partusa, a T4 značajno viša pre partusa (p lt 0.05) u odnosu na nivo hormona u grupi I. Za prosečne vrednosti koncentracija IGF-I, između isptivanih grupa nije ustanovljena statistički značajna razlike ni u jednom od tri perioda ispitivanja. Utvrđena je srednje pozitivna korelacija između koncentracije T3 i T4 (r=0,74) u krvnom serumu junica grupe I, i vrlo visoka pozitivna korelacija u grupi II (r=0,81). Koncentracija TP, Alb i ureje bila je statistički značajno viša kod junica grupe I u sva tri perioda ispitivanja. Nivo tBil u krvnom serumu je takođe bio povišen kod junica grupe I u sva tri perioda ispitivanja, ali su statistički značajne razlike između srednjih vrednosti ustanovljene samo u periodu nakon partusa. Aktivnost AST u krvnom serumu junica oba varijeteta značajno je varirala u svim periodima ispitivanja i nisu ustanovljene statistički značajne razlike između srednjih vrednosti

    Biološki aktivna jedinjenja u kolostrumu i njihov uticaj na porast prasadi u neonatalnom periodu

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    Colostrum in domestic animals contains numerous bioactive substances like insulin and insulin-like growth factors (IGF-I and IGF-II), epidermal growth factor (EGF), immunoglobulins (Ig), lactoferin (Lf), transferin (Tf) and others. Many of them have distinct functions and stimulate growth and glucose utilization, or have some other, still unknown regulatory function. Bioactive substances influence growth and development of the gastrointestinal tract (GT), and cause many metabolic and endocrine changes in the neonate. Resoption of the bioactive substances from the GT of the neonate could be a specific, receptor dependant, or nonspecific process, and in many cases the exact mechanism(s) have not been completely elucidated. On the other hand there are technological procedures and substances that could effectively increase concentration of some bioactive compounds in the systemic circulation of the neonate. Mineral adsorbent zeolite based on the clinoptilolite could effectively increase blood serum concentrations of some growth factors and hormones, as well as IgG molecules. We are still unaware of the full importance of these technological procedures and products, partly because of very complex additive and/or synergic effects of the different bioactive substances from colostrum on the new borne animals.Kolostrum svinja sadrži mnogobrojne biološki aktivne materije koje imaju utvrđenu ulogu i deluju kao faktori rasta, hormoni ili imaju druga regulatorna dejstva. Pod uticajem kolostruma u organizmu novorođ ene prasadi nastaje veliki broj metaboličkih i endokrinih promena, a rast i funkcionalno sazrevanje je najviše izraženo u sluzokoži digestivnog trakta. Razvoj ovog organskog sistema modifikovan je delovanjem većeg broja bioaktivnih jedinjanja koja potiču iz kolostruma, ali njihovi efekti za sada nisu sasvim ispitani, niti su dovoljno istraženi mehanizmi resorpcije pojedinih biološki aktivnih jedinjenja. Određenim tehnološkim postupcima i nekim materijama (zeolit, na primer), međutim, može da se pospeši transfer bioaktivnih materija iz kolostruma u cirkulaciju novorođene prasadi, i time izazove porast njihove koncentracije u krvi. Značaj ovih tehnoloških postupaka i supstancija još uvek nije potpuno istražen, kao i mogući sistemski efekti biološki aktivnih materija posle resorpcije iz kolostruma

    Progesterone concentration in milk and blood serum and reproductive efficiency of cows after Ovsynch treatment

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    An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of hormonal synchronization of ovulation on progesterone concentrations in milk and blood serum and on reproductive performance. Sixty Holstein-Friesian cows averaging 8000 L over 305 days of lactation were divided into 2 groups of 30 animals. One-factor ANOVA and a t-test of progesterone concentrations in venous serum and milk revealed that the lowest concentrations of progesterone in milk (Ovsynch 5.8 + 1.0 ng/mL; control 4.5 + 0.6 ng/mL) and blood serum (Ovsynch 1.3 +/- 0.9 ng/mL; control 1.4 +/- 0.5 ng/mL) in both groups were found on the day of estrus or artificial insemination (AI) (both P lt 0.05). Increases in the concentrations of progesterone in milk (Ovsynch 17.6 +/- 4.3 ng/mL; control 10.5 +/- 1.9 ng/mL) and blood serum (Ovsynch 3.6 +/- 1.1 ng/mL; control 4.0 +/- 1.0 ng/mL) were observed on day 7 after AI (both P lt 0.05). Concentrations of progesterone in milk and blood serum in nonpregnant cows were reduced on day 21 after AI. Assessment of reproductive performance revealed that the application of treatment shortened the duration of the service period (Ovsynch 76 days; control 83 days) and the calving interval (Ovsynch 376 days; control 382 days)

    Fertilitet krmača posle intracervikalnog ili intrauterinog osemenjavanja različitim brojem spermatozoida u dozama redukovanog volumena

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    Modern intensive pig production demands an increasing number of insemination doses per ejaculate of genetically superior boars. In order to achieve such a result the possibility of producing insemination doses in both reduced volume and spermatozoa count without decreasing the fertility of sows is studied. In this trial we studied the effect of insemination with reduced volumes of semen (50 mL) and varied spermatozoa count (4, 2 or 1x109). Insemination was performed by the classical (intracervical) or by the new (intrauterine) techniques and the basic fertility parameters (farrowing % and litter size) were measured. The farrowing value decreased with decreasing spermatozoa numbers after intracervical and intrauterine insemination. However, the farrowing value, regardless of spermatozoa numbers, was significantly higher after intrauterine insemination (83.3%, 76.7%, 66.7%) compared to the classical intracervical insemination (73.3%, 66.7% and 50%). Litters size did not vary significantly depending on the applied insemination procedure or spermatozoa number. These results indicate that application of the new intrauterine insemination procedure enables the use of doses with a smaller volume and spermatozoa number, at the same time obtaining a satisfactory farrowing and litter size. This opens the possibility of obtaining a significantly higher number of doses per ejaculate when compared to the classical intracervical insemination procedure. In such a way can be increased significantly the degree of reproductive exploitation of genetically superior boars.Savremena intenzivna proizvodnja svinja zahteva dobijanje što većeg broja inseminacionih doza po ejakulatu genetski superiornih nerastova. Radi realizacije ovog cilja, istražuju se mogućnosti pravljenja inseminacionih doza redukovanog volumena i broja spermatozoida, ali da inseminacija ovakvim dozama ne rezultuje smanjenim fertilitetom krmača. U ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj osemenjavanja dozama duplo redukovanog volumena (50 ml) i različitog broja spermatozoida u dozi (4, 2 ili 1x109), posle klasične (intracervikalne) i nove (intrauterine) tehnologije osemenjavanja, na osnovne parametre fertiliteta krmača (% prašenja i veličina legla). Vrednost prašenja je opadala sa smanjenjem broja spermatozoida u dozi, kako posle intracervikalnog, tako i posle intratuterinog osemenjavanja. Međutim, vrednost prašenja je, bez obzira na broj spermatozoida u dozi, bila znatno veća posle intrauterinog (83,3%, 76,7% i 66,7%) u odnosu na klasično intracervikalno osemenjavanje (73,3%, 66,7% i 50%). Veličina legla nije značajno varirala u zavisnosti od primenjene metode osemenjavanja ili broja spermatozoida u dozi. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da je, primenom nove tehnologije intrauterinog osemenjavanja, moguće koristiti doze znatno redukovanog volumena i broja spermatozoida, a da se, pri tome, postignu zadovoljavajuće vrednosti prašenja i veličine legla. Ovo stvara mogućnost dobijanja značajno većeg broja doza po ejakulatu, u odnosu na klasičnu tehnologiju intracervikalnog osemenjavanja. Time se može značajno povećati stepen reproduktivne eksploatacije genetski superiornih nerastova

    Energetska suplementacija propilen glikolom tokom peripartalnog perioda i parametri efikasnosti reprodukcije kod mlečnih krava

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the impact of two energy supplements based on propylene glycol in dairy cows diet on ovarian and follicular morphology, conception, insemination index and length of service period. A total number of 60 Holstein Friesian dairy cows, parity between 2-8, with an average milk production of 7000 kg/305 days of lactation were divided into three experimental groups (20 dairy cows per group). The first group of dairy cows was supplemented daily with 'Energy-plus' (O1 group; 200 mL propylene-glycol supplement) and the second group was supplemented with 'Ketal' (O2 group; 160 mL propylene-glycol supplement), two weeks before partus until 30 days post partum. The third experimental group were non supplemented dairy cows (O3, control group). Ultrasound examination of the reproductive system using real time echo camera Falco VET 100 (ESAOTE PieMedical, Holland, B-shaped scan with linear-array endorectal 5-8 MHz probe) was conducted on every animal starting from day 40 postpartum. The diameters of the ovaries (left and right) and of the dominant follicle(s) were recorded. Ultrasound testing was repeated on day 50 and 60 postpartum only in cows which in the meantime were not inseminated. Reproduction efficiency parameters (conception rate, number of inseminations and length of service period) were recorded individually. The statistical significance of the differences between groups was tested using ANOVA with LSD test at the level of significance p lt 0.05, chi-square test and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis (the length of service period). There was no significant impact of the propylene glycol supplementation on the ovarian and follicular morphology at the first ultrasound examination. At the second ultrasound examination there was a significant difference between left ovarian dominant follicle diameter in the control and supplemented dairy cows (1.67±0.53 vs 1.12±0.29 and 1.11±0.35 cm, p lt 0.05, O3 vs O1 and O2, respectively). The cumulative percentage of conception after the first and second insemination was 60%, 81% and 25% in groups O1, O2 and O3, respectively (p lt 0.05, chi-square test). The insemination index was lowest in group O2 and statistically significant differences were found between groups O2 and O3 (1.69±0.79 : 3.38±1.36, respectively, p lt 0,05). The length of the service period was significantly (p lt 0.05, LSD test) shorter in the O2 group (100±35 days) compared to groups O1 and O3 (168±59 and 157±52 days, respectively), that was confirmed by the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis of days open periods. The use of propylene glycol supplement in dairy cows diet during peripartal period induced higher percentage of pregnancy rates after the first and second insemination, significantly shortened the length of the service period and reduced the insemination index.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj primene dva tipa energetskih dodataka u ishrani mlečnih krava na bazi propilen glikola na morfologiju jajnika i folikula, koncepciju, indeks osemenjavanja i dužinu servis perioda. U ogled je bilo uključeno ukupno 60 krava Holštajn Frizijske rase, u toku 2-8 laktacije, sa prosečnom proizvodnjom mleka od 7000 kg/305 dana laktacije, koje su bile podeljene u tri ogledne grupe (20 krava po grupi). Prva grupa mlečnih krava (O1) je svakodnevno suplementirana peroralnom aplikacijom 200 mL 'Energy-plus', druga grupa krava (O2) suplementirana je sa 160 mL 'Ketal-a', počevši od dve nedelje pre partusa do 30 dana nakon partusa. Treću grupu mlečnih krava (O3, kontrola) su predstavljale netretirane životinje. Ultrazvučni pregled reproduktivnog sistema vršen je sa uređajem Falco VET 100 (ESAOTE PieMedical, Holland), linearnom endorektalnom sondom od 5-8 MHz kod svake životinje najmanje dva puta počevši od 40 dana posle partusa. Ultrazvučni pregled je ponovljen sa 50 i/ili 60 dana posle partusa kod krava koje nisu u međuvremenu osemenjene. U toku svakog pregleda su registrovani prečnik oba jajnika i dominantnog folikula. Kod svake ogledne životinje su određeni parametri efikasnosti reprodukcije: stepen koncepcije, indeks osemenjavanja i servis period. Statistička značajnost razlika srednjih vrednosti dobijenih parametara određivana je ANOVA metodom i LSD testom na nivou značajnosti od p lt 0.05, hi-kvadrat testom i Kaplan-Majerovom analizom (dužina servis perioda). Rezultati prvog ultrazvučnog pregleda su ukazali da nema statistički značajnih razlika u morfologiji jajnika i dominantnog folikula između suplementiranih grupa u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu krava. Rezultati drugog ultrazvučnog pregleda su ukazali da postoji statistički značajna razlika između srednjih vrednosti prečnika dominantnog folikula na levom jajniku kod kontrolne grupe krava u odnosu na suplementirane životinje (1,67±0,53:1,12±0,29 i 1,11±0,35 cm, p lt 0.05, O3:O1 i O2). Zbirne vrednosti procenta koncepcije nakon prvog i drugog osemenjavanja bile su statistički značajno više kod suplementiranih krava u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu životinja (60% : 81% : 25%; O1:O2:O3, p lt 0,05, hi-kvadrat test). Najniža vrednost indeksa osemenjavanja je utvrđena kod ogledne grupe krava suplentirane Ketal-om (1.69±0.79), koja je bila značajno viša u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu krava (3.38±1.36, p lt 0,05). Dužina servis perioda je bila najmanja kod grupe krava suplementiranih Ketal-om (100±35 days) i značajno se razlikovala u odnosu na ostale ogledne grupe (168±59 i 157±52 dana, O1 i O2), što je potvrđeno Kaplan Majerovom analizom. Energetska suplementacija mlečnih krava propilen glikolom tokom peripartalnog perioda može dovesti do povećanja procenta gravidnih krava nakon prvog i drugog osemenjavanja, smanjenja vrednosti indeksa osemenjavanja i skraćenja dužine servis perioda

    Reproduktivna efikasnost visoko-mlečnih krava posle telenja

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    The aim of this work was to determine incidence of calving and postcalving reproduction disorders and their effect on the major parameters of cows reproductive efficiency at dairy farm in the R. Serbia. Total number of 1835 high-milking dairy cows (av. milk production >8500L/305d of lactation) records has been reviewed during one year period, at the large dairy farm in area of Vojvodina (R. Serbia). Normal calving and puerperal period without health problems was observed at 583 cows (27,6%), while different abnormalities during and after calving were recorded in 1252 cows (72,4%). The highest percentages of registered peripartal disorders were dystocia and endometritis (62% and 64%, respectively), affecting almost the same percentage of cows. Peripartal disorders had statistically significant influence (P lt 0.05) on the increase of number of services/conception (3,5 vs. 2,7, reproductive disorders vs. healthy cows, respectively), prolongation of the interval from first postpartal insemination till conception (110 vs. 57 days, reproductive disorders vs. healthy cows, respectively), and increase of days open period (214 vs. 146 days, reproductive disorders vs. healthy cows, respectively). This results have confirmed increased incidence of reproduction disorders during calving and postcalving period that significantly reduces reproductive efficiency in high milking dairy cows after parturition.Istraživanja u mnogim zemljama, tokom poslednjih decenija, pokazuju permanentan pad reproduktivne efikasnosti krava visoke mlečnosti. Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi da li i u kojoj meri, peripartalni poremećaji imaju uticaja na osnovne parametre reproduktivne efikasnosti krava u našim proizvodnim uslovima. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno ukupno 1835 krava, tokom jedne godine, na jednoj velikoj farmi sa visokom proizvodnjom mleka (prosečna proizvodnja >8500L/305 dana laktacije) u regionu Vojvodine (Republika Srbija). Od ukupnog broja ispitivanih krava, telenje je prošlo bez poremećaja kod 583 krave (27,6%), a različiti poremećaji tokom i posle telenja su ustanovljeni kod 1.252 krave (72,4%). Najčešće ustanovljeni peripartalni poremećaji kod visoko mlečnih krava su teško teljenje (62%) i endometritis (64%). Peripartalni poremećaji imaju statistički značajan uticaj (P lt 0,05) na povećanje indeksa osemenjavanja (3,5 prema 2,7), produženje intervala od prvog do fertilnog osemenjavanja (57 prema 110 dana), kao i na produženje trajanja servis perioda (146 prema 214 dana), u poređenju sa kravama bez poremećaja. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da na farmama visoko mlečnih krava povišena učestalost peripartalnih reproduktivnih poremećaja koji značajno utiču na smanjenje reproduktivne efikasnosti krava nakon partusa

    Imunski kompleksi u krvnom serumu teladi sa kliničkim simptomima bronhopneumonije

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    Pneumonia in preruminant calves is a multifactorial disease. Infectious agents, the environment, management and the immune status of the calves are all important factors in determining the outcome of an infection. Until today, the level and composition of circulating immune complexes in preruminant calves with pneumonia have not been studied in detail. We performed this work with the aim to determine whether pneumonia in three-month-old calves is followed by changes in the immune complex level and changes in the γ-globulin level as their possible constituents. Immune complexes from the calves' sera were isolated by polyethylene glycol (PEG) precipitation methods. Optical density at 350 nm (OD350) of redissolved precipitates was measured to determine the circulating immune complexes level. The OD350 level of PEG precipitates of calves with pneumonia at the time of diagnosis was 0.577±0.206 and it was statistically significantly higher (p lt 0.001) than OD350 the level of PEG precipitates of healthy calves (0.286±0.080). Electrophoretic analysis of sera and PEG precipitates showed that both slow and fast γ-globulins are found among serum and immune-complexes' γ-globulins, but the concentration of fast γ-globulins was significantly lower in sera of diseased calves. The level of PEG precipitable immune complexes was not correlated with the concentration of serum and PEG precipitable g-globulins. The results of this study have shown that by relatively simple PEG precipitation assay it is possible to detect an increased level of circulating immune complexes in calves with pneumonia. This can be used as an additional diagnostic parameter for the detection and follow up of the disease.Oboljenja respiratornog trakta goveda su kompleksne etiologije, a javljaju se kao posledica interakcije imunskog sistema jedinke, stresogenih činilaca prisutnih u spoljašnjoj sredini i patogenih mikroorganizama. Nivo i uloga cirkulišućih imunskih kompleksa u serumima teladi obolelih od ove bolesti do sada nisu izučavani. Ovaj rad je urađen sa ciljem da se utvrdi da li su bolesti respiratornog trakta kod teladi u uzrastu od tri meseca praćene promenom nivoa imunskih kompleksa u serumu i promenom nivoa serumskih proteina, pre svega γ globulina, kao osnovnih konstituenata imunskih kompleksa. Imunski kompleksi iz seruma teladi su izolovani precipitacijom polietilen glikolom (PEG-om). Nivo PEG precipitabilnih imunskih kompleksa je određivan merenjem optičke gustine PEG precipitata na 350 nm (OD350). OD350 PEG precipitata obolele teladi je iznosila 0,577±0,206 i bila je statistički značajno viša (p lt 0,001) u odnosu na vrednosti dobijene kod zdrave teladi (OD350 = 0,286±0,080). U γ-globulinskoj frakciji seruma i PEG precipitata i zdrave i obolele teladi bili su prisutni i spori, katjonski, i brzi, anjonski γ-globulini, ali je koncentracija brzih γ-globulina bila značajno niža kod obolele teladi. Nivo ukupnih γ-globulina i γ-globulinskih frakcija nije statistički značajno korelirao sa nivoom PEG precipitabilnih imunskih kompleksa. Na osnovu dobijenih razultata može se zaključiti da se u serumima tri meseca starih teladi obolelih od bolesti respiratornog trakta detektuje povećan nivo PEG precipitabilnih imunskih kompleksa, a rezultati dobijeni ovim relativno jednostavnim testom mogu se koristiti kao dodatni parametar za dijagnozu i praćenje toka bolesti

    Effects of oral supplementation with organically modified clinoptilolite during prepartum period on colostrum quality in primiparous dairy cows

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    This research paper addresses the hypothesis that an oral supplementation with organically modified clinoptilolite will improve colostrum quality in primiparous dairy cows whilst having no adverse effects on the cows' health. A total of 36 pregnant Holstein primiparous dairy cattle were randomly assigned to receive daily oral drenching, two hours following morning feeding, with 1 l of water containing either 0 g/l (n = 16) or 150 g/l (n = 20) of clinoptilolite. Treatment lasted from 24 +/- 4 d prior to expected parturition until two days postpartum (pp). Colostrum was collected at 2 to 3 h, 12, 24 and 36 h pp and blood samples were collected at 24 +/- 4 and 4 +/- 2 d prior to parturition and 1, 2 and 7 d pp. Overall mean dry matter, fat and total protein percentage as well as IgG concentration and mass were significantly greater in colostrum collected from cattle drenched with clinoptilolite (total protein increased by 15% and IgG concentration and mass by 21 and 38% respectively at first sampling and further at second sampling). Total gamma globulin and most other blood serum biochemistry parameters did not differ between cattle treated and not treated with clinoptilolite, the only exception being the fast anionic gamma globulin fraction that was 17% greater at 4 +/- 2 d prior to parturition and 10% lower on the 1st day pp in treated cattle. These results showed that organically modified oral clinoptilolite supplementation at 150 g/d significantly increases the IgG concentration in colostrum and has no adverse effects on the energy status, protein, lipid, and mineral metabolism in primiparous dairy cattle during prepartum period

    Koncentracija insulina i IGF-I u krvnom serumu novorođene prasadi tretirane klinoptilolitom

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the natural mineral adsorber clinoptilolite on the serum levels of insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I in newborn piglets in the first 30 hours postnatally. A total number of 40 crossbred Landrace x Duroc newborn piglets from 4 litters was used. Five piglets from each litter were randomly assigned to the treated group and another five piglets to the control group. The treated animals received 10 ml of 15% clinoptilolite suspension three times: immediately after birth and subsequently at 12 and 24 hours after birth. Mean serum insulin level in the treated newborn piglets was almost 20% higher at both time intervals after treatment but the increases were not statistically significant, due to the high individual variation (44.40±6.33:36.40±5.14 and 17.54±2.61:14.02±1.14 mIU/L, treated vs. control at 10 and 30 hours postpartum). Serum levels of IGF-I were also increased in the treated newborn piglets, and the differences between means were statistically significant (18.20±0.63: 13.70±1.02 and 17.61±0.173:12.48±0.64 nmol/L, p lt 0.001, treated vs. control at 10 and 30 hours postpartum). Our results indicate that clinoptilolite treatment could effectively increase serum IGF-I and possibly also insulin levels in newborn piglets.Cilj rada je bio da se ispita uticaj peroralnog davanja praparata Min-a-Zel S, koji sadrži aktivnu komponentu klinoptilolit, na nivo insulina i insulinu-sličnog faktora rasta-I (IGF-I) u krvnom serumu novorođene prasadi u prvih 30. časova postnatalnog života. U ogled je bilo uključeno 40 prasadi koji su poticali iz 4 legla. U svakom leglu polovina prasadi je dobijala po 10 ml 15% suspenzije Min-a-Zela S, i to odmah posle rođenja, 12. i 24. časa po rođenju. Druga polovina prasadi je služila kao kontrolna grupa. Krv za analizu nivoa ovih biološki aktivnih jedinjenja je uzimana 10. i 30. časa neonatalnog perioda. Koncentracija insulina kod ogledne grupe prasadi u ispitivanim vremenskim periodima bila je za 20% veća u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, ali zbog velikih individualnih varijacija razlika nije bila statistički značajna. Na drugoj strani, koncentracija IGF-I u krvnom serumu ogledne grupe prasadi u oba ispitivana perioda je bila statistički vrlo značajno viša u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da peroralno davanje klinoptilolita u vreme napajanja prasadi sa kolostrumom može uticati na značajno povišenje koncentracije ovih biološki aktivnih jedinjenja u krvnom serumu. U radu su razmatrani i mogući mehanizmi delovanja klinoptilolita na stepen resorpcije i/ili na povećanje endogene sinteze ovih jedinjenja u organizmu novorođene prasadi