8 research outputs found

    Pharmacological characterisation of arthritis induced by Bothrops jararaca venom in rabbits: a positive cross talk between bradykinin, nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2.

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    BACKGROUND: Our previous results showed that nitric oxide (NO) and bradykinin (BK) mediate the arthritis induced by Bothrops jararaca venom (BjV) in rabbits. In this study, we investigated the contribution of each receptor of BK as well as the inter-relationship between NO and eicosanoids in BjV-induced arthritis. METHODS: The arthritis was induced in rabbits with 16 microg of BjV injected intra-articularly. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), thromboxane B2 (TxB2), leukotriene B4 (LTB4) (radioimmunoassay) and nitrite/nitrate concentrations (NO2/NO3) (Griess reaction) were evaluated in the synovial fluid 4 h later. The animals were prior treated with NO synthase inhibitor (L-NAME; 20 mg/kg/day for 14 days), the B2 antagonist of BK (HOE-140) and the B1 antagonist of BK (des-Arg9[Leu8]-bradykinin), both at a dose of 0.3mg/kg, 30 min prior to the venom injection. RESULTS: Data show that L-NAME and HOE-140 treatment were equally able to reduce PGE2 and NO2/NO3 levels without interfering with TxB2 and LTB4 production. On the contrary, the B1 antagonist of BK inhibited TxB2 and LTB4 production, and did not alter PGE2 and NO metabolites levels in the inflamed joint. DISCUSSIONS: The results presented clarify the contribution of the kinin system, mainly through the B2 receptor, to the local inflammatory response induced by BjV, as well as its positive interaction with PGE2 and NO production

    Anti-inflammatory effect of bee venom on antigen-induced arthritis in rabbits: Influence of endogenous glucocorticoids

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    Aim of the study: This study assessed the involvement of endogenous glucocorticoids (GCs) in the anti-arthritic properties of bee venom (BV) on antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) in rabbits. Materials and methods: BV (1.5-6 mu g/kg/day) was injected for 7 days before AIA induction, whereas the control group received sterile saline. The total and differential leukocyte count. PGE(2) levels in synovial fluid and synovial membrane cell infiltrate were evaluated. The contribution of GCs to BV action was assessed in rabbits treated with BV plus metyrapone, an inhibitor of GC synthesis, or RU-38 486, a steroid antagonist. Results: Treatment with BV (1.5 mu g/kg/day) reduced the leukocyte count and PGE2 level (18571 +/- 1909 cells/mm(3) and 0.49 +/- 0.05 ng/mL, respectively) as well as the cellular infiltrate compared with the control group (40968 +/- 5248 cells/mm(3) and 2.92 +/- 0.68 ng/mL, p < 0.05). The addition of metyrapone to BV treatment completely reversed the inhibition of AIA, whereas RU-38 486 was ineffective. Conclusion: Our data show that bee venom treatment prevents the development of antigen-induced arthritis in rabbits through the action of GCs. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Mulheres da Norô

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    O projeto Cartografias femininas: ações territoriais junto às mulheres da região noroeste de Santos realiza diferentes ações em uma região que apresenta vulnerabilidade social e ambiental na cidade de Santos. Envolvendo docentes e estudantes de diferentes cursos de graduação da área da saúde da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, campus Baixada Santista, teve como resultado uma Exposição Fotográfica itinerante cujas imagens explicitam um processo de construção de vínculos com as participantes. A fotógrafa Nice Gonçalvez, do Instituto Arte no Dique, acompanhou e fotografou momentos desta experiência, oferecendo-nos um material delicado que retrata seus rostos, corpos, detalhes e expressividades. Esta exposição ofereceu, às mulheres, uma oportunidade de reconhecerem-se como protagonistas ativas e fortes em todo o processo, tornando-as visíveis para além das fronteiras de suas casas, de seu bairro ou, mesmo, de sua região

    A fotografia na imprensa diária paulistana nas primeiras décadas do século XX: O Estado de S. Paulo Photography in the first decades of the twentieth century as reported by São Paulo state daily press: O Estado de S. Paulo

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    A pesquisa recupera as imagens fotográficas publicadas nas edições diárias do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo, de 1910 a 1929, identificando os temas mais recorrentes publicados pelo periódico. Com metodologia histórica, documental e de estudos de comunicação procedeu-se à organização e análise das imagens. Através da catalogação e ordenação das fotografias por datas de publicação, editorias em que foram publicadas e temas fotográficos mais recorrentes, presentes nos registros impressos, estruturou-se um banco de dados que permitiu a quantificação e o cruzamento dos registros e informações referentes a essa documentação. A análise de dados permitiu identificar elementos da formação da visualidade jornalística no país e traz subsídios para os estudos da história visual da imprensa brasileira.<br>This research retrieves photography images that were published in daily issues of O Estado de S. Paulo newspaper from 1910 to 1929, pointing out the most recurrent subjects presented in these editions. Perfect organization and analysis of the images were obtained by means of a methodology based on previous historical, documental and communication studies. A database was compiled by using a thorough arrangement and a catalogue of the pictures according the date when were released, editorials where they were published on and the most recurrent photographic subjects present in the printed registry. Therefore, the data obtained and information related to this documentation could be confronted and quantified. The data analysis allowed to identify some important factors of the press view in our country and carry a great deal of information for further studies on the visual history of the Brazilian press