34 research outputs found

    Signos inflamatorios y crisis epiléptica en pacientes admitidos en una unidad de emergencia

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    Objetivo: Avaliar os sinais inflamatórios registrados em prontuários de pacientes com diagnóstico principal de crise epiléptica, admitidos em unidade de emergência. Método: Estudo transversal, retrospectivo. Amostra composta por 191 prontuários de pacientes pediátricos, adolescentes, adultos e idosos, com diagnóstico clínico de crise epiléptica, admitidos entre junho de 2016 a junho de 2017, na unidade de emergência de um hospital de Porto Alegre/RS. Resultados: Prevalência do relato de taquipneia (33,5%) e/ou febre (27,2%) como sinais inflamatórios, estando febre relacionada à leucocitose (P=0,030). Crianças/adolescentes tiverem crises menos frequentes (P=0,010) ede origem febril (P=0,000). Adultos apresentaram maior número de eventos (P=0,006), provocados por medicações/intoxicações (P=0,000). Nos idosos, crises ocorreram por distúrbios metabólicos/circulatórios (P=0,000), com menor ocorrência de febre (P=0,005). Conclusão: Crises epilépticas estão relacionadas à presença de febre e taquipneia, apresentando diferentes etiologias conforme faixa etária, com maior frequência de ocorrência entre adultos. Febre está relacionada à leucocitose, independentemente da idade.Objective: To evaluate inflammatory signs presented in medical records of patients with a main diagnosis of epileptic seizures, admitted in an emergency unit. Method: Cross-sectional and retrospective study. The sample was composed of 191 medical records, from children, adolescents, adults, and elders, with a clinical diagnosis of epileptic seizures, admitted between June 2016 and June 2017 at the emergency unit of a hospital in Porto Alegre/RS. Results: The prevalent inflammatory signs were tachypnea (33.5%) and/or fever (27.2%) associated with leukocytosis (P=0.030). Children/adolescents had seizures less frequently (P=0.010) and these were due to fever (P=0.000). Adults presented seizures more frequently (P=0.006), which were related to medication/intoxication (P=0.000). In elders, seizures occurred due to metabolic or circulatory abnormalities (P=0.000), less often due to fever (P=0.005). Conclusion: Seizures are related to fever and tachypnea, being caused by different etiologies according to age, being more frequent in adults. Fever is related to leukocytosis, regardless of age.Objetivo: Evaluar signos inflamatorios registrados en prontuarios de pacientes con diagnóstico principal de crisis epilépticas, admitidos en unidad de emergencia. Método: Estudio transversal, retrospectivo. Muestra compuesta por 191 prontuarios de pacientes pediátricos, adolescentes, adultos y ancianos, diagnosticados con crisis epilépticas, admitidos entre junio de 2016 a junio de 2017 en unidad de emergencia de un hospital de Porto Alegre/RS. Resultados: Prevalencia del taquipnea (33,5%) y/o fiebre (27,2%) como signos inflamatorios, fiebre relacionada a leucocitosis (P=0,030). Niños/adolescentes tienen crisis menos frecuentes (P=0,010) de origen febril (P=0,000). Los adultos presentaron mayor número de eventos (P=0,006), provocados por medicamentos/intoxicaciones (P=0,000). En ancianos, crisis ocurrieron debido a disturbios metabólicos/circulatorios (P=0,000),menor ocurrencia de fiebre (P=0,005). Conclusión: Crisis epilépticas están relacionadas a fiebre y taquipnea, presentando diferentes etiologías según grupo de edad, con mayor ocurrencia entre adultos. Fiebre relacionada con el leucocitosis, independientemente de la edad

    Increased levels of hexacosanoic acid in the brain of Wistar rats : a behavioral study

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    Introduction: X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is a peroxisomal metabolic disorder associated with mutations in the ATP-binding cassette sub-family D member1 (ABCD1) gene. Practically all male patients with X-ALD develop adrenocortical insufficiency during childhood and progressive myelopathy and peripheral neuropathy in adulthood. However, some male patients develop a fatal cerebral demyelinating disease named cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy. Although the exact mechanisms underlying brain damage in X-ALD are still poorly elucidated, it is known that hexacosanoic acid (C26:0) accumulation represents a hallmark in the pathogenesis of this disease. In this study, we examined whether an overload of C26:0 injected in Wistar rats was capable of causing behavioral changes in these animals. Methods: Egg lecithin in ethanol was dried under a nitrogen stream and mixed with C26:0 methyl ester. Male Wistar rats at 2–3 weeks of age were obtained from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), divided into 8 groups, and submitted to an open field test. We then analyzed line crossings (locomotion and exploration), rearing (orienting and investigatory responses), grooming (anxiety manifestation), and latency to move for each animal. Results: Animals subjected to C26:0 administration presented fewer crossings and rearing episodes and a higher latency to move 45 minutes after C26:0 injection. The present work yields experimental evidence that C26:0, the main accumulated metabolite in X-ALD, can cause behavioral alterations in rats such as the impairment of locomotion and exploratory capabilities, as well as a reduction in orienting and investigatory responses. Conclusion: Although our results are preliminary, they are extremely important for future studies that investigate C26:0 accumulation and locomotor impairment in patients with X-ALD