163 research outputs found

    Predictors of Future Gendered Play Practices

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    Gendered play is defined as the socialization of children to expectations of culturally determined gender roles via the mechanism of play. This study tested hypothesized links between undergraduate students’ childhood experiences and current beliefs to determine predictors of their future plans for gendered play as parents. Results indicated that men and women recall experiences of gendered play during their childhoods, consistent with past research. Most men and women did not plan to engage in gendered play with their own children in the future. Past play with toys stereotyped for girls was the strongest predictor of women’s plans for gendered play with their future children. Similarly, past experiences with toys stereotyped for boys was the strongest predictor of men’s plans for gendered play with their future children. Identification with feminist values was not a significant predictor of future gendered play practices. Implications for parent-child relationships are discussed, as are clinical implications for individual and family therapy. Future research should focus on intergenerational transmission of gender socialization and the inclusion of individuals of all gender identities

    Cost of Living, Living Wages, and Minimum Wages in EU-27 countries

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    In the last decade the concept of living wage has received renewed international attention. This report describes the calculation of living wage in the EU-27 countries. The proposed approach is innovative in the way that it uses prices collected through web-surveys in combination with the standard survey data to provide timely, and reasonably accurate estimates of living wage. The calculation is based on approximately 300,000 prices of goods and services and 100,000 housing prices in total. The estimated living wage represents the amount of money sufficient to enable the cultural and social participation in society. Living wage is corrected for income tax, and social contributions to be comparable to minimum wage and real wages which are gross earnings. The living wage is estimated for 27 EU countries and rates are contrasted with the national statutory minimum wages. Because living wage is normatively based it offers an additional metric of economic adequacy that reflects the needs of workers and their cost of living

    Unemployment Benefits and Immigration: Evidence from the EU

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    The paper studies the impact of unemployment benefits on immigration. A sample of 19 European countries observed over the period 1993-2008 is used to test the hypothesis that unemployment benefit spending (UBS) is correlated with immigration flows from EU and non-EU origins. While OLS estimates reveal the existence of a moderate correlation for non-EU immigrants only, IV and GMM techniques used to address endogeneity issues yield, respectively, a much smaller and an essentially zero causal impact of UBS on immigration. All estimates for immigrants from EU origins indicate that flows within the EU are not related to unemployment benefit generosity. This suggests that the so-called "welfare migration" debate is misguided and not based on empirical evidence.unemployment benefit spending, immigration, welfare magnets, European Union

    Governance of Migrant Integration in the Czech Republic: Monitoring report on progress towards the 2030 Agenda in relation to migration

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    This report evaluates the migration situation in the Czech Republic through the lens of Sustainable Development Goals. The report is structured into five chapters that provide a summary of the developments and most important changes related to migrant rights and social inclusion, access to education and health care, political participation, labour market integration, development cooperation and gender equality

    Support for market economy principles in European post-communist countries during 1999-2008

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    Since the fall of the communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe in 1989, neoliberal discourse has dominated among the political elite in the post-communist countries, paving the way for unprecedented mass privatisation, economic deregulation, and other market reforms. In this paper, we study the development of public support for market economy principles in post-communist countries compared to other European countries during the 1999-2008 period, which is the period that directly followed the initial stage of market transformation. We use data from the European Value Survey covering 22 European countries for the years 1999/2000 and 2008/2009. In addition to analysing the trends, we apply multilevel regression models to study the determinants and levels of support for the market economy in post-communist and other European countries. We find that, when controlling for individual and country-level variables, a significant increase in support for market economy principles has taken place in the post-communist cluster, which is not the case in the other countries. There is some inconsistency in support for the individual principles of market economics: support exists in post-communist countries for the notion that the state should be responsible for the social and economic well-being of its inhabitants and for state regulation of the economy, while support is high for some market economy principles, such as free competition and private ownership. In other words, support for some kind of social market seems to dominate the views of those living in post-communist countries, in which the state should combine a market economy with relatively generous social policies

    Europe's migration experience and its effects on economic inequality

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    This chapter provides the historical context for the past half-century in Europe focusing specifically on the link between migration and economic development and inequality. The literature review suggests that there are several channels through which migration affects economic inequality between countries in one or the other direction. The net effects are an open empirical question and are likely to depend on the economic, demographic and institutional and policy contexts; sources, types and selectivity of migration, as well as responses of the receiving societies as well as migrants themselves. We undertake an empirical analysis and find that immigration has contributed to reducing inequality within the 25 EU countries over the 2003-2017 period. As the EU attracted relatively highly qualified immigrants throughout this period, our results are consistent with the ameliorating effect of skilled migration on within-country inequality, as predicted by theory.This chapter provides the historical context for the past half-century in Europe focusing specifically on the link between migration and economic development and inequality. The literature review suggests that there are several channels through which migration affects economic inequality between countries in one or the other direction. The net effects are an open empirical question and are likely to depend on the economic, demographic and institutional and policy contexts; sources, types and selectivity of migration, as well as responses of the receiving societies as well as migrants themselves. We undertake an empirical analysis and find that immigration has contributed to reducing inequality within the 25 EU countries over the 2003-2017 period. As the EU attracted relatively highly qualified immigrants throughout this period, our results are consistent with the ameliorating effect of skilled migration on within-country inequality, as predicted by theory

    How Immigration Grease Is Affected by Economic, Institutional and Policy Contexts: Evidence from EU Labor Markets

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    Theoretical arguments and previous country-level evidence indicate that immigrants are more fluid than natives in responding to changing labor shortages across countries, skill-groups or industries. The diversity across EU member states enables us to test this hypothesis across various institutional, economic and policy contexts. Drawing on the EU LFS and EU SILC datasets we study the relationship between residual wage premia as a measure of labor shortages in different skill-industry-country cells and the shares of migrants and natives working in these cells. We find that immigrants' responsiveness to labor market shortages exceeds that of natives in the EU15, in particular in member states with higher unemployment rates, higher levels of (recent) immigration, and more open immigration and integration policies; but also those with barriers to citizenship acquisition or family reunification. Whereas higher welfare expenditures seem to exert a lock-in effect, a comparison across different types of welfare states indicates that institutional complementarities neutralize that effect

    Working-time during the economic crisis

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    This paper explains why working-time temporarily increased during the recent economic crisis in the Czech Republic when at the same time the majority of OECD countries encountered the opposite development (i.e. a reduction in working-time during the crisis). The empirical analysis supports the hypothesis that companies responded to the economic crisis in 2009 by reducing their numbers of employees (which led to an increase in unemployment) and later, when the economy recovered, these employers did not hire workers again (the unemployment rate remained high) but instead stretched the working schedules of their employees. This paper further documents significant improvements in working-time arrangements in the Czech Republic. In comparison to 10 years ago, fewer people work in the evenings, nights or over weekends. The incidence of overtime has decreased, and more people work close to their desired working hours. Results suggest that the promotion of flexible work practices may improve job stability and further reduce the incidence of long working hours.This paper explains why working-time temporarily increased during the recent economic crisis in the Czech Republic when at the same time the majority of OECD countries encountered the opposite development (i.e. a reduction in working-time during the crisis). The empirical analysis supports the hypothesis that companies responded to the economic crisis in 2009 by reducing their numbers of employees (which led to an increase in unemployment) and later, when the economy recovered, these employers did not hire workers again (the unemployment rate remained high) but instead stretched the working schedules of their employees. This paper further documents significant improvements in working-time arrangements in the Czech Republic. In comparison to 10 years ago, fewer people work in the evenings, nights or over weekends. The incidence of overtime has decreased, and more people work close to their desired working hours. Results suggest that the promotion of flexible work practices may improve job stability and further reduce the incidence of long working hours

    Avaliação da cultura organizacional na gestão de empresas: indústria da construção civil

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil, Florianópolis, 2011O termo cultura organizacional tem sido relacionado nas últimas décadas com processos de gestão empresarial, pois remete ao modo como os membros de uma organização compartilham valores orientadores de sua forma de pensar, agir e se comportar no contexto em que atuam. Decisões estratégicas, como a internacionalização de mercados, podem ser diretamente influenciadas pelo modo como a organização age. O estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a cultura organizacional na gestão de empresas construtoras por meio de diagnóstico de cultura organizacional. A avaliação permitiu identificar aspectos atuais das organizações como a estrutura dos processos internos, ambiente organizacional, perfil da liderança, estratégias, gestão de recursos humanos, dentre outros, além de orientar os gestores para processos de mudança organizacional desejáveis. O objeto de estudo foi composto por sete empresas construtoras de médio porte, atuantes na construção de edifícios residenciais no município de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil. O método proposto contempla uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, com base em entrevistas semiestruturadas e questionários, como o Instrumento de Avaliação de Cultura Organizacional (OCAI) e o Inventário de Perfis de Valores Organizacionais (IPVO). Os resultados da amostra identificaram o domínio do perfil de cultura hierárquica e familiar, com ênfase na dimensão de foco interno e integração como forma de atingir a eficiência, garantir a qualidade dos produtos e obter prestígio organizacional perante a sociedade. Domínio significativamente forte da cultura hierárquica sobre as características de liderança organizacional, assim como o predomínio da cultura familiar em relação ao ambiente de trabalho. Evidenciou-se a ausência de valores relacionados a comportamentos, como dinamismo, inovação, e uso de tecnologias nos processos, estímulo a metas rigorosas, e competitividade acirrada. A pesquisa evidenciou a existência de lacunas nos processos gerenciais relacionados ao pouco uso de ferramentas de controle gerencial, formulação de estratégias, comunicação e compartilhamento dos objetivos e metas com a equipe.The term organizational culture has been related in recent decades with business process management, since it refers to how members of an organization share values guiding their way of thinking, acting and behaving front of the context. Strategic decisions such as the internationalization of markets may be directly influenced by how the organization acts. The study aimed to evaluate the contributions to the management of construction companies by diagnosis of organizational culture, which allows us to evaluate the current situation before things like the organization of internal processes and organizational environment, leadership profile, strategies, resource management humans, among other things, besides guiding organizational change processes. The object of study consisted of seven medium-sized construction companies, working in the construction of residential buildings in Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. The proposed method includes a qualitative and quantitative approach based on structured interviews and questionnaires, with Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) and Inventory Profiles of Organizational Values (IPVO). The sample results identified the domain of the profile of hierarchical culture and familiar, with emphasis on internal focus and integration as a way of achieving efficiency, ensure product quality and achieve organizational prestige in society. Significantly strong domain of hierarchical culture on the characteristics of organizational leadership, and predominance of family culture in relation of the environment. It was evident, as characteristic of the sector, lack of values related to behaviors such as dynamism, innovation, technology use in the process, encouragement of rigorous goals and fierce competitiveness. This research found the existence of gaps in the processes of companies management by the lack of support tools for run control, strategies formulation, communication and sharing of goals and objectives with the team