296 research outputs found

    The Hormesis of Thinking: A Deeper Quantum Thermodynamic Perspective?

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    We are able to read this because of quantum and thermodynamic principles that via an inorganic proton gradient, possibly generated 4.2 billion years ago, gave rise to a system that has an awareness of time and space by using energy to integrate information. Life can be described as a dissipative system driven by an energy gradient that uses information to positively reinforce its self-sustaining structure, which in turn increases its non-linear decisional capacity. Key in the evolution of life has been stress coupled to natural selection, which usually meant an increased demand for energy. As hormesis describes the adaptive response to stress, we propose that hormesis embraces not only the evolution of life, but that of intelligence itself, as natural selection would favour systems that enhances its efficiency. A component of the hormetic response in eukaryotes is the mitochondrion, which itself relies on quantum effects such as tunnelling. This suggests that quantum effects control the stability of individual cells as well as long-lived cellular networks. Hormesis, which can be anti-inflammatory, is therefore key in maintaining the functional stability of complex systems, including the brain. In contrast, a lack of classical hormetic factors, such as physical activity, plant polyphenols, or calorie restriction, will lead to accelerated cognitive decline, which is associated with increased inflammation. However, there may be another previously unidentified factor that could also be considered hormetic, and that is thinking itself. Here we propose that the process of “thinking”, and managing complex movement, induces “stress” in the neuronal system and is therefore in itself part of maintaining cognitive health and reserve throughout life. In effect, the right amount of thinking and information processing can beneficially induce adaptation, and this itself could be explainable by quantum thermodynamics

    Thermodynamics and Inflammation: Insights into Quantum Biology and Ageing

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    Inflammation as a biological concept has been around a long time and derives from the Latin “to set on fire” and refers to the redness and heat, and usually swelling, which accompanies injury and infection. Chronic inflammation is also associated with ageing and is described by the term “inflammaging”. Likewise, the biological concept of hormesis, in the guise of what “does not kill you, makes you stronger”, has long been recognized, but in contrast, seems to have anti-inflammatory and age-slowing characteristics. As both phenomena act to restore homeostasis, they may share some common underlying principles. Thermodynamics describes the relationship between heat and energy, but is also intimately related to quantum mechanics. Life can be viewed as a series of self-renewing dissipative structures existing far from equilibrium as vortexes of “negentropy” that ages and dies; but, through reproduction and speciation, new robust structures are created, enabling life to adapt and continue in response to ever changing environments. In short, life can be viewed as a natural consequence of thermodynamics to dissipate energy to restore equilibrium; each component of this system is replaceable. However, at the molecular level, there is perhaps a deeper question: is life dependent on, or has it enhanced, quantum effects in space and time beyond those normally expected at the atomistic scale and temperatures that life operates at? There is some evidence it has. Certainly, the dissipative adaptive mechanism described by thermodynamics is now being extended into the quantum realm. Fascinating though this topic is, does exploring the relationship between quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and biology give us a greater insight into ageing and, thus, medicine? It could be said that hormesis and inflammation are expressions of thermodynamic and quantum principles that control ageing via natural selection that could operate at all scales of life. Inflammation could be viewed as a mechanism to remove inefficient systems in response to stress to enable rebuilding of more functional dissipative structures, and hormesis as the process describing the ability to adapt; underlying this is the manipulation of fundamental quantum principles. Defining what “quantum biological normality” is has been a long-term problem, but perhaps we do not need to, as it is simply an expression of one end of the normal quantum mechanical spectrum, implying that biology could inform us as to how we can define the quantum world

    Informing the Cannabis Conjecture: From Life’s Beginnings to Mitochondria, Membranes and the Electrome - A Review

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    Before the late 1980s, ideas around how the lipophilic phytocannabinoids might be working involved membranes and bioenergetics as these disciplines were “in vogue”. However, as interest in genetics and pharmacology grew, interest in mitochondria (and membranes) waned. The discovery of the cognate receptor for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) led to the classification of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and the conjecture that phytocannabinoids might be “working” through this system. However, the how and the “why” they might be beneficial, especially for compounds like CBD, remains unclear. Given the centrality of membranes and mitochondria in complex organisms, and their evolutionary heritage from the beginnings of life, revisiting phytocannabinoid action in this light could be enlightening. For example, life can be described as a self-organising and replicating far from equilibrium dissipating system, which is defined by the movement of charge across a membrane. Hence the building evidence, at least in animals, that THC and CBD modulate mitochondrial function could be highly informative. In this paper, we offer a unique perspective to the question, why and how do compounds like CBD potentially work as medicines in so many different conditions? The answer, we suggest, is that they can modulate membrane fluidity in a number of ways and thus dissipation and engender homeostasis, particularly under stress. To understand this, we need to embrace origins of life theories, the role of mitochondria in plants and explanations of disease and ageing from an adaptive thermodynamic perspective, as well as quantum mechanics

    SARS-CoV-2 and EBV; the cost of a second mitochondrial "whammy"?

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    We, and others, have suggested that as the SARS-CoV-2 virus may modulate mitochondrial function, good mitochondrial reserve and health could be key in determining disease severity when exposed to this virus, as the immune system itself is dependent on this organelle's function. With the recent publication of a paper showing that long COVID could be associated with the reactivation of the Epstein Barr Virus, which is well known to manipulate mitochondria, we suggest that this could represent a second mitochondrial "whammy" that might support the mitochondrial hypothesis underlying COVID-19 severity and potentially, the occurrence of longer-term symptoms. As mitochondrial function declines with age, this could be an important factor in why older populations are more susceptible. Key factors which ensure optimal mitochondrial health are generally those that ensure healthy ageing, such as a good lifestyle with plenty of physical activity. The ability of viruses to manipulate mitochondrial function is well described, and it is now also thought that for evolutionary reasons, they also manipulate the ageing process. Given that slowing the ageing process could well be linked to better economic outcomes, the link between mitochondrial health, economics, COVID-19 and other viruses, as well as lifestyle, needs to be considered

    Understanding Long COVID; Mitochondrial Health and Adaptation—Old Pathways, New Problems

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    Many people infected with the SARS-CoV-2 suffer long-term symptoms, such as “brain fog”, fatigue and clotting problems. Explanations for “long COVID” include immune imbalance, incomplete viral clearance and potentially, mitochondrial dysfunction. As conditions with suboptimal mitochondrial function are associated with initial severity of the disease, their prior health could be key in resistance to long COVID and recovery. The SARs virus redirects host metabolism towards replication; in response, the host can metabolically react to control the virus. Resolution is normally achieved after viral clearance as the initial stress activates a hormetic negative feedback mechanism. It is therefore possible that, in some individuals with prior sub-optimal mitochondrial function, the virus can “tip” the host into a chronic inflammatory cycle. This might explain the main symptoms, including platelet dysfunction. Long COVID could thus be described as a virally induced chronic and self-perpetuating metabolically imbalanced non-resolving state characterised by mitochondrial dysfunction, where reactive oxygen species continually drive inflammation and a shift towards glycolysis. This would suggest that a sufferer’s metabolism needs to be “tipped” back using a stimulus, such as physical activity, calorie restriction, or chemical compounds that mimic these by enhancing mitochondrial function, perhaps in combination with inhibitors that quell the inflammatory response

    Cell-Cell Death Communication by Signals Passing Through Non-Aqueous Environments: A Reply

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    The effects of the emission of low intensity light from cells and organelles, known as biophotons, or ultraweak photon emission, are not well understood and subject to debate. Potapovich & Kostyuk recently proposed that the induction of oxidative stress generates non-chemical death signals which can induce cell death in neighbouring, chemically isolated cells (termed detector cells). Given the significance of these results, here we attempt to replicate their findings. We found treatment of “inductor cells” with duroquinone dissolved in ethanol does indeed induce significant cell death in neighbouring “detector” cells relative to distant control cells (64.53% ± 14.42 vs 99.72% ± 6.09 cell viability), closely reproducing their original results. However, this was no longer true if the induction drug was dissolved in a less volatile solvent, suggesting that their original findings may have been a result of volatile solvent-based transmission as opposed to light-based non-chemical signalling
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