45 research outputs found

    Diffusion Tensor Metrics as Biomarkers in Alzheimer's Disease

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    <div><h3>Background</h3><p>Although diffusion tensor imaging has been a major research focus for Alzheimer’s disease in recent years, it remains unclear whether it has sufficient stability to have biomarker potential. To date, frequently inconsistent results have been reported, though lack of standardisation in acquisition and analysis make such discrepancies difficult to interpret. There is also, at present, little knowledge of how the biometric properties of diffusion tensor imaging might evolve in the course of Alzheimer’s disease.</p> <h3>Methods</h3><p>The biomarker question was addressed in this study by adopting a standardised protocol both for the whole brain (tract-based spatial statistics), and for a region of interest: the midline corpus callosum. In order to study the evolution of tensor changes, cross-sectional data from very mild (N = 21) and mild (N = 22) Alzheimer’s disease patients were examined as well as a longitudinal cohort (N = 16) that had been rescanned at 12 months.</p> <h3>Findings and Significance</h3><p>The results revealed that increased axial and mean diffusivity are the first abnormalities to occur and that the first region to develop such significant differences was mesial parietal/splenial white matter; these metrics, however, remained relatively static with advancing disease indicating they are suitable as ‘state-specific’ markers. In contrast, increased radial diffusivity, and therefore decreased fractional anisotropy–though less detectable early–became increasingly abnormal with disease progression, and, in the splenium of the corpus callosum, correlated significantly with dementia severity; these metrics therefore appear ‘stage-specific’ and would be ideal for monitoring disease progression. In addition, the cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses showed that the progressive abnormalities in radial diffusivity and fractional anisotropy always occurred in areas that had first shown an increase in axial and mean diffusivity. Given that the former two metrics correlate with dementia severity, but the latter two did not, it would appear that increased axial diffusivity represents an upstream event that precedes neuronal loss.</p> </div

    Longitudinal study of Alzheimer’s disease.

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    <p>Whole-brain TBSS contrast on 12-month follow-up versus baseline in the longitudinal Alzheimer’s disease cohort (TFCE-P<0.05) for increased radial diffusivity and reduced FA <i>n.b.</i> no significant results for λ<sub>1</sub> or MD were found.</p

    Longitudinal tensor behaviour in the splenium.

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    <p>Longitudinal pairs of mean subject skeletonised DTI parameters as a function of cognitive status (ACE-R) for Alzheimer’s disease subjects at baseline (blue) and 12 months (red).</p

    Cross-sectional study of mild Alzheimer’s disease.

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    <p>TBSS results for the mild-stage Alzheimer’s disease group compared to controls. Thresholded (TFCE-P<0.05) statistical maps for increased axial/radial diffusivity and reduced FA were overlaid onto the mean FA skeleton and the MNI152 template. Coronal depths are given in millimetres.</p

    Longitudinal DTI assessment of Alzheimer's disease in the splenium.

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    <p>Baseline and 12 months versus controls comparisons are reported as Wilcoxon rank-sum Z-statistic values; paired longitudinal results are given as Wilcoxon signed-rank Z-statistic.</p><p>Significance levels: <sup>§</sup>0.01</p

    Corpus callosum subdivision.

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    <p>Depiction of the semi-automated callosal subdivision into splenium, truncus and genu (top), and their intersection with the mean FA skeleton inferred from N = 69 subjects–N = 43 Alzheimer’s disease patients and N = 26 matched controls (bottom).</p

    Longitudinal results in the mid-sagittal corpus callosum.

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    <p>Longitudinal TBSS results for radial diffusivity and fractional anisotropy across the midline.</p

    DTI group comparisons across disease stages and linear dependence on global cognition for all patients in the splenium.

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    <p>Group results are given as Wilcoxon rank-sum Z-statistic; statistical dependencies are given as Pearson correlation coefficient with 41 degrees of freedom.</p><p>Significance levels: <sup>§</sup>0.01</p

    Cognitive profile evolution of a group of early-stage Alzheimer’s disease patients that was followed-up for a period of 12 months.

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    <p>Cognitive measures are given as mean (SD).</p><p>MMSE/30 = Mini-mental state examination score out of 30-point total; ACE-R/100 = Addenbrooke’s cognitive examination-revised score out of 100-point total.</p><p>Wilcoxon signed-rank significance levels: <sup>§</sup>0.01</p