1,328 research outputs found

    Semiclassical Green Function in Mixed Spaces

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    A explicit formula on semiclassical Green functions in mixed position and momentum spaces is given, which is based on Maslov's multi-dimensional semiclassical theory. The general formula includes both coordinate and momentum representations of Green functions as two special cases of the form.Comment: 8 pages, typeset by Scientific Wor

    Comment on "Gravity Waves, Chaos, and Spinning Compact Binaries"

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    In this comment, I argue that chaotic effects in binary black hole inspiral will not strongly impact the detection of gravitational waves from such systems.Comment: 1 page, comment on gr-qc/991004

    Exact trace formulae for a class of one-dimensional ray-splitting systems

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    Based on quantum graph theory we establish that the ray-splitting trace formula proposed by Couchman {\it et al.} (Phys. Rev. A {\bf 46}, 6193 (1992)) is exact for a class of one-dimensional ray-splitting systems. Important applications in combinatorics are suggested.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    A new vibrational level of the H2+_2^+ molecular ion

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    A new state of the H2+_2^+ molecular ion with binding energy of 1.09×109\times10^{-9} a.u. below the first dissociation limit is predicted, using highly accurate numerical nonrelativistic quantum calculations. It is the first L=0 excited state, antisymmetric with respect to the exchange of the two protons. It manifests itself as a huge p-H scattering length of a=750±5a=750\pm 5 Bohr radii.Comment: 6 pages + 3 figure

    Quantum-to-classical crossover for Andreev billiards in a magnetic field

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    We extend the existing quasiclassical theory for the superconducting proximity effect in a chaotic quantum dot, to include a time-reversal-symmetry breaking magnetic field. Random-matrix theory (RMT) breaks down once the Ehrenfest time τE\tau_E becomes longer than the mean time τD\tau_D between Andreev reflections. As a consequence, the critical field at which the excitation gap closes drops below the RMT prediction as τE/τD\tau_E/\tau_D is increased. Our quasiclassical results are supported by comparison with a fully quantum mechanical simulation of a stroboscopic model (the Andreev kicked rotator).Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Periodic orbit quantization of a Hamiltonian map on the sphere

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    In a previous paper we introduced examples of Hamiltonian mappings with phase space structures resembling circle packings. It was shown that a vast number of periodic orbits can be found using special properties. We now use this information to explore the semiclassical quantization of one of these maps.Comment: 23 pages, REVTEX

    Application of the Feshbach-resonance management to a tightly confined Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We study suppression of the collapse and stabilization of matter-wave solitons by means of time-periodic modulation of the effective nonlinearity, using the nonpolynomial Schroedinger equation (NPSE) for BEC trapped in a tight cigar-shaped potential. By means of systematic simulations, a stability region is identified in the plane of the modulation amplitude and frequency. In the low-frequency regime, solitons feature chaotic evolution, although they remain robust objects.Comment: Physical Review A, in pres

    Nano-wires with surface disorder: Giant localization lengths and dynamical tunneling in the presence of directed chaos

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    We investigate electron quantum transport through nano-wires with one-sided surface roughness in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. Exponentially diverging localization lengths are found in the quantum-to-classical crossover regime, controlled by tunneling between regular and chaotic regions of the underlying mixed classical phase space. We show that each regular mode possesses a well-defined mode-specific localization length. We present analytic estimates of these mode localization lengths which agree well with the numerical data. The coupling between regular and chaotic regions can be determined by varying the length of the wire leading to intricate structures in the transmission probabilities. We explain these structures quantitatively by dynamical tunneling in the presence of directed chaos.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Point perturbations of circle billiards

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    The spectral statistics of the circular billiard with a point-scatterer is investigated. In the semiclassical limit, the spectrum is demonstrated to be composed of two uncorrelated level sequences. The first corresponds to states for which the scatterer is located in the classically forbidden region and its energy levels are not affected by the scatterer in the semiclassical limit while the second sequence contains the levels which are affected by the point-scatterer. The nearest neighbor spacing distribution which results from the superposition of these sequences is calculated analytically within some approximation and good agreement with the distribution that was computed numerically is found.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Comparing periodic-orbit theory to perturbation theory in the asymmetric infinite square well

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    An infinite square well with a discontinuous step is one of the simplest systems to exhibit non-Newtonian ray-splitting periodic orbits in the semiclassical limit. This system is analyzed using both time-independent perturbation theory (PT) and periodic-orbit theory and the approximate formulas for the energy eigenvalues derived from these two approaches are compared. The periodic orbits of the system can be divided into classes according to how many times they reflect from the potential step. Different classes of orbits contribute to different orders of PT. The dominant term in the second-order PT correction is due to non-Newtonian orbits that reflect from the step exactly once. In the limit in which PT converges the periodic-orbit theory results agree with those of PT, but outside of this limit the periodic-orbit theory gives much more accurate results for energies above the potential step.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, submitted to Physical Review